His smile makes people stiff.

I knew there was a problem, but my head was a little numb. I obviously wanted to retract my hand, but continued to extend it instead.

Especially the divination knife I was holding in my right hand slipped down and plunged into the ground with a click.

The dead dog is not just smiling, his lips are still squirming, as if he is saying something.

It's just that I couldn't hear clearly, and, on the contrary, because of this, I was even more dazed, and I was about to hold the rice tray in my hand.

Sweat poured down my forehead, I can't touch this thing, if I touch it, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the Gu jade, not even Luo Yinpo's big black wooden box!

I was extremely anxious, laughing like a dead dog, more like a plot succeeded.

The moonlight is even colder, and the fog seems to be much denser.

At this time, the dog's eyes were fixed on my neck.

He even raised his other free hand, intending to grab my neck.

I was holding my breath and really wanted to speak. Second Uncle told me what those witches said, and I could recite them backwards.

But now I still can't make a sound...

When the finger touched the rice tray, it was icy cold, and the belly of the finger seemed to be tingling.

At this moment, there was a sharp pain in the calf position!

It's as if a piece of meat has been picked off!

This pain, there is also a kind of familiarity engraved deep in the memory.

I jerked violently and woke up suddenly.

The moment I woke up, my hands suddenly retracted, not holding the rice tray.

At the same time, I suddenly raised my leg and kicked the dog in the stomach fiercely!

He obviously didn't react, and his face changed suddenly.

I really kicked it up!

I thought I would kick him a few meters away, but I didn't expect that it was as if I had kicked heavily on a rock, my leg went numb, I felt cramps in my calf, and my whole leg was about to break...

"Bring it!" The dead dog's eyes became fierce, full of murderous intent, and he came directly to grab the Gu jade on my neck.

Even though my legs are numb, my head is still very clear at the moment.

My hands reached out quickly, and I directly grabbed the forearm of the dog!

"Li Yinyang, you..." Digging Dog looked fierce and wanted to speak again.

I know that if he speaks out, there will be absolutely nothing good to say, and maybe he will come across as a moth.

My voice was hoarse, and I spoke faster than him: "The dead man nods to the ground, you should be in the cemetery instead of wandering around, otherwise the coffin board will not be able to hold it down!" severe.

The dog who was so fierce to kill the dog suddenly stopped moving.

He stared at me blankly, his eyes suddenly became extremely dead silent, and with a soft bang, the rice tray he was carrying in one hand fell to the ground.

The other hand that came to snatch the Gu jade also dropped down.

The force with which he was hanging down was not small. I didn't catch him, so I quickly retracted my hand. At the same time, I took two steps back, staggering, and almost didn't fall.

The heads of the dead dogs were all lowered.

His arms were hanging by his sides, as if they were shaking slightly when the wind blows.

My right leg is numb with pain, and now it's throbbing like a spasm.

The left calf is not only a sharp pain, but also feels warm and sticky.

Turning my head, I took a glance from the corner of my eye, and the one next to my leg was Luo Yinpo's old chicken.

At this moment, its eyes are extremely fierce, and the blood red eyeballs seem to be bleeding.

"Go..." My voice trembled slightly.

I don't dare to fight the dog to die, for fear that if he moves again, he will entangle me again.

That sentence was entrusted to my second uncle by the ghost woman, telling me that if I said this, if I couldn't get anything after begging for death twice, I wouldn't follow me.

Bending down quickly, I picked up the divination knife on the ground.

I dare not touch the big yellow croaker in the rice tray.

But at this moment, out of the blue, the dog who asked to die suddenly burst out a few words.

"Li Yinyang, if you don't drink the toast, you have to eat the wine of the dead."

"The corpse-hunter's Gu jade should be carried by another person, and the wooden box of the yin woman must be carried by another person."

"If you don't give me the things, the dog will scratch the door, the cat will bite the corpse, and the dead will gasp! At that time, you, a yin child, will also die, and your second uncle will have his heart gouged out!"

His voice was hoarse and his tone was low, but his words were extraordinarily vicious and fierce.

I raised my head, but Kusigou still lowered his head. Just at this angle, his eyes were staring at me.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I took two steps back, avoiding him.

I ignored him at all and ran towards my house quickly.

After running out for more than ten steps, I realized that the white mist disappeared at some point.

And at this moment, I didn't continue to be hit by ghosts on the wall.

In the distance, I can already see the lights of my house lit, revealing a dim orange candlelight.

I reacted in a jerk, and quickly lowered my head to take a look, Luo Yinpo's old chicken was still following me.

It is calm and relaxed, but I am panting, and my heart is about to jump out...

I ran all the way to the door of the house, and I couldn't hold on anymore. Holding the threshold, I climbed into the door of the house.

Sitting slumped on the ground, I hissed and opened the pant leg of my left leg.

A blood hole at least the size of a little finger was stuck on the calf, and the blood soaked my cloth shoes black and red.

As for the right leg, I also pulled it apart to have a look. Apart from being a little swollen, there was nothing wrong with it.

"...Your mouth...is too cruel..." I looked up, but the old chicken walked past me and entered my room directly.

At this moment, someone came out from the kitchen.

Isn't this the second uncle?He still had two rice bowls in his hand, which were steaming hot, and he was messing with the food I bought back in the kitchen.

The second uncle was still sweating on his bare head. He looked at me, frowned and said, "Yinyang, where did you go in the middle of the night? What's the matter, you were also pecked by that beast?"

When he said this, the second uncle's eyes were obviously twitching.

He put the rice bowl on the wooden table, picked up a bottle of Lao Bai Gan, and came to me.

"Hurry up and get some wine to wash off." While speaking, he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and handed the bottle to me.

"I'll find you some cloth strips." The second uncle said and got up again.

I didn't pick up the wine bottle, raised my hand, and grabbed Second Uncle's wrist heavily.

"A dead dog...here it is again..." I said with sweat dripping from my forehead.

The second uncle's body was also stiff, his brows were furrowed, and he looked straight into my eyes.

"What's the situation? Take a breath and speak clearly?" Obviously, there was still a bit of surprise in the second uncle's words.

I immediately recounted everything that happened after I woke up, from the beginning when the village chief came to talk about money, until I went to the back mountain with the old chicken for no reason, saw my father, and begged for death. , everything is clearly stated.

After the second uncle finished listening, he was silent for a while, and then he said: "There is nothing wrong with giving the money, and it's over if you give it. Don't worry about your old man. The reason why he didn't let you go is that when he saw you, his ferocious aura made you feel angry." It will jump up, and you are still uneasy at the moment."

The second uncle's words made my heart skip a beat.

What he meant was that my father was fierce and wanted to protect me?

Before I could think too much, the second uncle continued: "Don't be afraid of begging for the dog's death. I've said everything according to what the ghost woman said. If he begs for something twice, he will leave. Count the number of times, how many times has he called you?"

I looked down and thought about it, and said unnaturally: "Counting today, it's three times, but he either gave money or gold bars, and he never asked for anything..." The second uncle frowned.

He muttered a few words, saying that the ghost woman couldn't speak clearly, and now he didn't know if he had to come twice to ask for something to kill the dog.

I hesitated for a while, and asked my second uncle, should I ask the ghost woman again?

The second uncle touched it for a while, then nodded and said, "I'll go back in the daytime tomorrow, bandage the wound, and eat something first."

After saying that, the second uncle went to find me a cloth strip, and I washed the injury on my calf with wine.

Soon the second uncle came to bandage me, I hesitated, and asked the second uncle, what does the dog mean by that passage?

Dogs dig doors, cats bite corpses, dead people gasp, I will die, and he will be dug up...

Before I finished speaking, my second uncle stared and said, "Pah, peh! No taboos, no taboos! Stop saying such bad words!"

While he was speaking, he involuntarily exerted strength in his hands, which caused me to grin my teeth and yell out in pain.

How dare I open my mouth to mention it again?I'm afraid that the second uncle will pinch my calf again, and I will pass out...

After the wound was bandaged, my second uncle helped me over to eat.

When I came back, I went to buy meat excitedly, but now I didn't like the taste of what I was eating.

Fear is second. Thinking of my father hanging on the cliff so alone makes me feel uncomfortable.

After eating half of the food, I couldn't eat anymore, ran into the room, and ran out again soon.

I had a small cloth bag at hand, and after I opened it, I poured out the contents.

A small yellow fish and two big coins wrapped in red cloth.

One of them was disassembled by me, and I took a dozen yuan to go.

I stared at the money in a daze, and without eating, I opened them all up and counted them.

While the second uncle was eating, he glanced at me from time to time, but he didn't interrupt me.

I counted for a quarter of an hour, and then pursed my lips and said: "A small yellow croaker, the thank you gift from Cao Yonggui, 60 yuan from Wang Xue, the money is not enough to pay the villagers, I took the 15 yuan from Lu Xiaoqin, she In the sum given, there are still 85 left."

"The Meng family gave my father 15 yuan as a set money, and a small yellow fish as a reward, and that little yellow fish hasn't been earned yet." The second uncle groped around, took out a few dollars and put them in the cloth bag.

"If you make up ninety, you can go to the gold shop to exchange for three small yellow croakers, and ten for a big one. It's a little less than half done in the past few days. It's reliable." The second uncle took a sip of wine and stuffed another mouthful of meat.

I put the money away, nodded heavily, and poured my second uncle a sip of wine into my mouth while pursing my lips.

The spicy wine entered his throat, and his chest was burning hot.

Just as I was about to speak, my second uncle raised his hand and made a stop motion. He said seriously: "Yin Yang, I really need to let my second uncle take a breather. You are young, you can stand it, and your second uncle can't bear it. You Also slow down for two days, it’s so tight, there’s a problem.”

I was dumb, didn't say anything, lowered my head again, and poured my second uncle's wine in silence.

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