Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 418 The unfilial son Jiang Pan sent his late father to heaven

As I said that, I ordered a few people casually.

Zhong Zhong's expression tightened, and he nodded immediately.

I lowered my head, pinched my middle finger, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to make some preparations, and I'll wait for you there in advance, and I ask Patriarch Zhong not to pass the time."

Zhong Zhong's expression froze suddenly, and he said sincerely: "Mr. Li, what preparations do you need to make? I can send someone to you."

At this moment, someone was about to come forward to speak, and they were obviously looking at the smoking and burning courtyard, with nervous and anxious expressions.

Zhong Zhong flicked his sleeves to stop them, and the look was more on me!

My eyes are still deep, and my expression is also calm and unchanged.

From the depths of Zhong Zhong's eyes, I could see a hint of vigilance.

Although his expression is very good, but after I have studied bone physiognomy and been taught by Master, I can capture these emotions very carefully.

Zhong Zhong must also be afraid that I will leave and leave the Zhong family alone.

If I insist on refusing, I am afraid I will be detained by him.

Thinking of this, I relaxed a little, nodded and said: "If I have two skilled servants following me and bring enough money, it would be great."

Zhong Zhong's complexion was overjoyed immediately.

He immediately ordered two people in the crowd, and said in a deep voice: "You two, follow Mr. Li. Whatever he wants you to do, do it! Well done, there will be many rewards. If Mr. Li is not satisfied, then Take care of me at home!"

"Go to the cashier to get enough money, if it's still not enough to go out, call the Zhong family's note, and ask someone to come to Zhong's house to pick it up!" Two strong men walked out of the crowd, their temples were bulging, and it was obvious that both of them were in love with each other. He is a Lianjiazi, and his skills are definitely not bad.

They saluted me respectfully, but showed no other expressions.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Zhong hurriedly said to me: "Mr. Li, I have to go to the side courtyard quickly. There is a fire over there. The courtyard is very important, so I can't accompany you!"

Obviously, Zhong Zhong is still very convinced of me.

I nodded, and told me again: "No matter what, Patriarch Zhong must not delay the hour."

Zhong Zhong nodded heavily, then quickly turned around and walked along the corridor towards the courtyard on the east side.

A large group of servants immediately followed Zhong Zhong and left in a hurry.

Of the two people that Zhong Zhong arranged for me, one gestured for me to go outside, while the other walked to another corridor.

Naturally, I would not waste time and walked out slowly.

When we got to the door, the other person followed. He was carrying a small cloth bag, and there was a slight sound as he walked, like the collision of big money.

The expressions of the two were extremely respectful, and they followed behind me, obviously obedient.

I walked down the street towards the yard where we lived.

I didn't think that I would get rid of these two people. With my skill alone, this matter is not easy to do. On the contrary, I would scare the snake away. I was calculating the time, and it took He Zhi almost to go back. I went back to the yard, It should be fine.

Walking on the street, I lowered my head and stopped from time to time, making a gesture of pinching my middle finger.

In fact, this appearance is also like that of Yang Changzhou.

There is no such thing as fortune-telling by finger pinching.

I spent half an hour on the road, guessing that no matter how slow He Zhi was, he must have brought Jiang Pan to the courtyard of our residence.

So I stopped pausing and went straight back toward the yard.

The speed of my feet was faster, and the expressions of the two behind me were also excited.

Obviously, they are thinking of meritorious service.

In fact, just now, we were not far from the courtyard, only half a street away.

When I got to the door, I knocked heavily on the courtyard door three times before I pushed the courtyard open and walked in.

The two followed closely behind, and the three soon reached the yard.

At a glance, I saw a few people standing in the courtyard.

The first one was a man in his early 30s.

He looked elegant and humble, wearing a Tang suit, with a compass, a bulging cloth pouch, and a tortoise shell hanging from his waist.

His facial features are [-]% similar to Jiang Yihong's.

In a blink of an eye, I felt like I saw Jiang Yihong when he was young!

My body trembled, my heart was sour, and my eyes were red a lot.

I don't need to ask, I know that this person must be Jiang Pan!

Beside Jiang Pan stood He Zhi and Huang Qi, the three of them were still talking a moment ago.

At this moment, the three of them looked at us almost at the same time.

Jiang Pan's expression froze, his eyes were deep, and his demeanor looked more like Jiang Yihong!

But the two Zhong family members behind me turned pale with shock.

"Jiang...Mr. Jiang?! You are not..."

"Mr. Li... What's going on here?!" The two of them were in shock, and their tone became extra vigilant.

"He Zhi, do it, don't let them walk out of this yard!" I suppressed the trembling in my heart and shouted in a low voice!

Before I finished speaking, I clenched my right fist and swung it violently towards the temple of the person on my right!

He obviously didn't expect me to do something to him!

There is no way to avoid it!I hit a solid fist!

With a muffled snort, he tilted his head, and his body wobbled and fell to the ground.

It's not that I'm good at skills, but after feeling the bones, I know what is the weakness of a person.

Places like the temple, if the force is too strong, it will be fatal. I obviously don't have that strength, but it is enough to stun people.

He Zhi's reaction was extremely fast, she let out a soft drink, jumped up, and used the Kuixing Corpse Spotting move that belonged exclusively to the ghost woman.

She landed directly on the other person's shoulder, clamped his neck with her legs, and slashed at the back of his neck again!

The two Zhong family members fell to the ground in an instant!

My eyes fell on Jiang Pan again, my breathing became extremely heavy, my eyes became sore and hot, but my heart was even more sour.

Jiang Pan's face is slightly square and long, with a neat beard growing on the corners of his mouth and chin, and a pair of deep eyes revealing wisdom and stability.

The scene just now didn't make him fluctuate in the slightest.

At this time, his gaze slowly moved to my waist, and then fixed on the long wooden box on my shoulder.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the courtyard seemed to have become quiet, and there were no other sounds...

Jiang Pan was stunned for a moment, a look of sadness flashed across his face, and his face became even more bitter.

He closed his eyes, and two lines of muddy tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

The next moment, Jiang Pan turned slightly sideways.

His hands hanging by his sides were trembling constantly!

With a "bang", he fell to his knees straight on the ground!

Facing the night sky, he knocked down his head heavily!

A choked sound came out of his mouth.

"The unfilial son Jiang Pan... sent his late father to heaven..."

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