Under such a bad mood, the suspicion in his eyes also increased a lot.

My heart sank, and I immediately realized that it wasn't that what I said was wrong, but that it was too right about the Zhong family's fortune and Tian Ding.

A moment ago, Zhong Zhong had preconceived that I was young and had never seen a person like me.

He now thinks I have a problem.

The next moment, Zhong Zhong retreated to the position of the grand master's chair, sat down, and clapped his hands vigorously.

At the same time, Zhong Zhong said in a more hostile tone: "I told you about the funeral and illness of my servant, and said that my Zhong family had a baby and lost money. Although this is not easy, the Zhong family has a big family. Zhong, there are quite a few people who hope that something will happen to me, these things, as long as you inquire carefully, it is not difficult to find out."

"Mr. Li, you don't know where you came from. At this age, you don't look like a gentleman. Someone Zhong can't believe you. If you are my opponent, please come here to harm me, ha ha!"

His words were mixed with crisp clapping.

Zhong Jin at the door also changed his face, and immediately turned and walked out.

In a short while, a mob of people blocked the door of the main room, blocking me inside the room.

Zhong Zhong took out a pair of walnuts out of nowhere and played with them in his hands.

He looked up at me with a slightly raised head, looking at me contemptuously.

"Mr. Li, if you want me to believe you, you have to tell me something that others don't know, but I can believe it. Otherwise, I can only treat you as someone sent by the enemy family to make trouble for my Zhong family. In Xingcheng, the officials also eat a lot of rice from the Zhong family, so sending you to a water prison for a year or so is nothing."

The rest of the Zhong family's servants also looked unkind.

I nodded, my expression remained the same.

In fact, what I was thinking in my heart was really similar to what Zhong Zhong said.

He doubted me because I was talking about the bright side. Although ordinary people don't know much about it, it is not difficult for those who have a deep understanding of the Zhong family to know.

While thinking about it, my eyes all fell on Zhong Zhong's face.

Just now I had a rough look at Zhong Zhong's face, and I have already said what I can roughly see.

It's just that upon closer inspection, Zhong Zhong's traitorous family has two different positions.

The door on the left side is red, while the position on the right side is actually tinged with blue, like bulging veins.

My thoughts were fast, and I quickly deduced in my mind, and soon I got a great possibility.

I looked at Zhong Zhong with deep eyes.

Zhong Zhong also looked back at me, but after a few breaths, his gaze became less steady.

"The relationship between Patriarch Zhong and the Xingcheng official family should be very good." I said casually.

Zhong Zhong's expression faded a lot at this moment, and he said, "That's natural."

At this time, Zhong Zhong's reaction has completely confirmed my inference.

I didn't pause, picked up his words, and said: "I'm afraid, the truth is not what Patriarch Zhong thinks so. You are a traitor with two colors, one red and one green. The red color is your son, and the green color is almost like veins. It's an official visit." , The Zhong family wants to leak the house and it rains all night, not only is it a waste of money, but the official family that you trust, the Zhong family, is also coming to trouble you."

After my words fell, the servants of the Zhong family at the door all showed expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

Zhong Zhong's face changed suddenly, he slapped the table hard, his eyes were full of anger.

Suddenly, Zhong Zhong stood up, but instead of yelling, he suddenly sneered and said, "Mr. Li, I'm afraid you are wrong. Of course, you said that I gave birth to a son. That's right, but do you know what is the relationship between Xingcheng officials and me?"

"I have to say that your concentration is very good, but I will send you to a place right now, and then you will know that it is not a wise choice to help others deal with my Zhong family."

"Patriarch Zhong, don't talk too much, how about we make a bet?" Naturally, I can't let Zhong Zhong be detained.

"Why should I bet with you?" Zhong Zhong shook his head with his hands behind his back.

"Before dark, official affairs will definitely come to your door. If you detain me, I won't care about it. Two disasters have happened to your Zhong family, and your serious illness and disaster will definitely kill you. If you can’t live with these two things, your family will suffer.”

"If it's dark and the official business doesn't come to you, then I lied to you. You don't need to send me to see the official. I'm not good at learning. How about hanging here?!" Raising my hand, I pointed to the room of the Zhong family hall beam.

Obviously, a bit of sternness flashed in Zhong Zhong's eyes.

He suddenly laughed, and the laughter was a bit slender.

"Mr. Li, you said this yourself. If you don't hang up the beam when the time comes, there will naturally be servants asking you to perform the contract."

After speaking, Zhong Zhong straightened his body and leaned back on the grand master's chair.

A servant brought Zhong Zhong refreshments, but I could only stand aside.

The servants around were whispering to each other, while Zhong Zhong kept drinking tea, his expression unchanged.

I put my hands behind my back, and my mind is still not flustered.

Although Zhong Zhong hid the knife in his smile, his detailed emotional changes were all within my inference.

The reason why I said Xuanliang's words is also because of Zhong Zhong's ruthless personality.

Snake-shaped people are vicious and vengeful.

He sent me to meet the officials, and he wouldn't make it easier for me, but Xingcheng still has the laws of the king, and what he does is not a business like drug creams, which is protected by warlords, so it is impossible to harm people openly.

I said I hanged myself, so I gave him a chance.

However, I don't think I will lose the bet.

How can I be wrong about the geography of my bones, and the iron mouth that Jiang Yihong personally handed down to me? !

Time passed bit by bit, and the sky gradually sank.

Mr. Li, who was respectful to me before, went to get a hemp rope and threw it at my feet.

And his actions obviously satisfied Zhong Zhong, and Zhong Zhong also kept looking at me with great interest.

I took out my pocket watch and looked at the time. It was almost five o'clock, dusk was approaching, and the sun was setting...

He Zhi must have entered Zhong's house, but there is not enough movement from me, so she shouldn't be able to take him away.

The youthful aura at Zhong Zhong's traitorous door became more and more intense, almost coming out from the end of his eyes.

"Mr. Li, what color coffin do you like?" Zhong Zhong asked suddenly.

"Patriarch Zhong, don't be impatient..." Before I finished my sentence, Zhong Zhong's treacherous door seemed to be damaged for a moment, and the green energy almost broke and flowed out.

This scene is just a change in facial appearance, which is also a subtle induction. Only those who learn the physiognomy can see the moment in a blink of an eye!

"There are guests, here they come." I stopped what I was going to say, but said the next sentence faintly.

Zhong Zhong scoffed.

At this moment, a man dressed like a shopkeeper rushed past the servants at the door in panic.

He stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Family... Patriarch... something happened!" The shopkeeper shouted tremblingly, as if sifting through chaff.

"Hurry up, what's the matter?!" Zhong Zhong glared at the shopkeeper and cursed.

But the shopkeeper had a mournful expression on his face: "Patriarch, something really happened... The new batch of grain we bought just entered the warehouse yesterday, and a group of people from the team stationed in Xingcheng just now came. The granary was immediately sealed off. , Said to be conscripted."

"I asked how much money they would give, but they didn't give me a cent!"

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over, official spoiler, Mr. Xiao Jiang is coming.

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