Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 408 How can a patricide stay in this world?

At that moment, I really wanted to question him, didn't he say that foreign doctors are very powerful?

But I immediately stopped my words.

It is not his duty for this boy to follow me to help.

If he doesn't help, I still can't find a hospital, I'm afraid the paper figurine Xu will be dead by now.

Seeing him startled by my gaze, I closed my eyes and lowered my head with difficulty.

After that, I didn't say a word, just waited with my head down.

His mind was in shocking chaos, worrying about my mother for a while, and thinking about how the paper figurine Xu got shot just now.

Did Xu Changlin wake up later and shoot the paper figurine?

He had that kind of look in his eyes before, and he said that kind of cruel words, but how could he really shoot? !

The paper figurine may be his own father, flesh and blood!Kill if you say kill?

That shot... hit the chest...

I touched my chest subconsciously, and a lot of goose bumps appeared on my body.

Half an hour passed quickly, and I had to calm down.

There were pains all over his body, and his chest was constantly churning with blood, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

I waited very hard.

After waiting for another half an hour, there were already many people walking back and forth in the corridor of the hospital, and it was clearly dawn.

My heart began to sink uncontrollably.

Finally, a man who looked like a doctor hurried over from the end of the aisle.

This person has sunken eye sockets, fair skin, and sharp eyes, but his hair is light brown. At first glance, he is very different from our natives.

His words were also jerky, asking me if I was a family member of the old man just now?

I nodded quickly, and asked, "How is Uncle Xu?!" The doctor hummed and told me that the patient was fine. Fortunately, the bullet deviated from the heart a little and did not hit the artery.

At this moment, a female doctor wearing a white hat and a white coat followed behind.

She whispered a few words to the doctor, and the doctor turned and left.

After that, the female doctor talked with me, and she asked me to pay the operation fee, hospitalization fee, and soup and medicine fee.

And handed me a list with some words written on it, which is the details of the money.

The young man took a deep breath and murmured, "Why don't you grab more than 500 yuan?"

The female doctor glared at the young man immediately, and said in a clear voice: "The life is saved, if you can't get it..."

I immediately put away the list, and my heart was actually ecstatic, because the paper figurine was probably fine, so I immediately said in a low voice, the money is fine, I want to see the person, otherwise I really don't feel relieved.

The female doctor looked a little better, and told me that there was still a doctor who was stitching needles, the wound had to be healed, and that I would see him only when he woke up. She asked me to raise money first, and then go to the hall to pay the fee.

At this point, she told me solemnly, asking me to pay the fee quickly, so as not to delay the follow-up rescue.

The hospital is not a good hall. If you can't pay the medical expenses, you can save lives now, but you can't afford other medicines, and you can't survive today.

Naturally, I don't have enough money, more than 400 yuan is already a big yellow fish.

I immediately told her that I will go back to get the money now, I am not short of this money, but I must not let Uncle Xu get into trouble.

After explaining, I took a closer look at her face and roughly scanned her face.

I told the boy again, told him my name and where I lived, and told him to wait for me here, and then I turned and left the hospital.

When I walked out of the gate of this foreigner hospital, the sun outside was glaring, and it burned my face.

I tried my best to open my eyes, but my vision was a little blurry.

The carriage was still in front of the hospital, and no one moved it.

I was surprised, but looking at the blood that was still dripping down the carriage, I understood.

I drove quickly back toward Funeral Street.

Along the way, many pedestrians and traders looked up at me with fear in their eyes.

I knew that it was my injury that frightened people.

There are too many people during the day, and I can't speed up.

It took me half an hour to rush back to the paper shop on the funeral street.

After entering the shop, I hurried to the yard. I was going to He Zhi's room to fetch two large yellow croakers.

As a result, as soon as I passed the gate of the inner courtyard, I saw someone in the courtyard at a glance!

He Zhi was pacing back and forth in the courtyard, she looked anxious and flustered, Liu Tianniu was standing in the middle of the courtyard, with his hands behind his back, his brows were tightly frowned, he happened to be looking towards me, at that moment, his eyes were also restless, But this time, he immediately calmed down.

As for my second uncle, I have never seen him.

"Yin Yang!" He Zhi's face suddenly burst into surprise.

She walked up to me quickly, but there was fear and uneasiness in her eyes.

"The blood on your body..." At this time, my heart also hangs a lot.

He Zhi and Liu Tianniu are safe and sound, I am relieved, what about my mother?

I didn't answer He Zhi, and immediately asked her in a hurry, what happened last night, how is my mother?

I hurriedly said the first half of the sentence to He Zhi, and looked at Liu Tianniu in the second half.

Liu Tianniu frowned and did not speak.

At this moment, He Zhi clenched her teeth, and she quickly told me what happened last night.

It turned out that after she replaced the talisman clothes on my mother's body, blue hairs quickly grew on my mother's body. She was a green corpse, and she transformed into evil spirit again, which meant that the resentment was heavier and a lot of Yin Qi was bred.

Naturally, she couldn't resist, she was hit on the spot and lost her mind...

When she woke up, she had already been brought back to this yard.

After a pause, He Zhi told me that Daoist Liu had told her that he chased them until a long distance upstream of the Xuanhe River before catching up.

At that time, my mother had disappeared, and she was the only one left unconscious.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Tianniu spoke: "She was too angry and reacted too fast. She had already gone down the Xuanhe River. She should have gone upstream. If she couldn't catch up, I didn't chase her, and I didn't intend to kill her either. Intend."

What they said made me breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, Liu Tianniu asked me, what happened to the blood on my body?Why are you hurt so badly?Where does my second uncle still have paper figurines?

Liu Tianniu asked three questions in a row, which made me pause for a moment.

I smoothed out my thoughts, and then said everything about last night.

Including the paper figurine Xu who has just been rescued and barely saved his life. Now I have to go to the foreigner's hospital to pay.

He Zhi immediately turned around and entered the house, obviously to get money.

But Liu Tianniu's expression was extremely ugly, he whispered: "Kill my father?" His eyes have narrowed into a line, and the vertical lines on his forehead are also very distinct.

"How can this rebellious son who kills his father survive in this world? Those who can kill their fathers are vicious people who kill without blinking an eye!"

After Liu Tianniu finished speaking, he walked directly towards the outside of the courtyard...

I was startled suddenly, with Liu Tianniu's posture, is he going to find Xu Changlin?Can he find it? !

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