What the second uncle said is actually not a lot of information.

But he said the most important thing. Even if we all know what happened in Wang County and so many people are missing, we also know that something is wrong with Wu Xianchang.

But we still have to enter Wu Xianchang's dojo!

It's tough, it's a one-sentence thing to say, but it's not easy to do.

Over the years, Wu Xianchang has been famous for collecting murderous corpses.

His feng shui dojo is probably as dangerous as any feng shui place I have been to...

I was afraid that my second uncle would be too aggressive because of hatred, so I took out the talisman carved from the lightning strike wood seal, as well as the Hekui corpse-cutting talisman and the evil spirit-suppressing talisman I drew, and told him:

"Second Uncle, take all these things with you. Don't be impulsive. He Zhi, Liu Daochang, and Uncle Xu will solve the most difficult problems. We need to work together."

Then, I told my second uncle how to use these talismans in a low voice, so that he could protect himself.

I exhaled, and I pretended to be relaxed and said: "My father adopted me for so many years, and gave me the surname Li, not Liu, and besides, I don't have the blood of the old Liu family. No matter how well you do it, it’s just passing on my father’s mantle.”

"Second uncle, if something happens to you, the incense of the Liu family will be cut off, and you still have to marry a wife. Hurry up and add a son to the Liu family."

As soon as I finished speaking, Second Uncle's eyes fell on me.

He tightly held the talisman seal and talisman card I gave him with both hands, and stared at me blankly.

After a while, the second uncle looked down at the talisman again, and murmured: "Even if the surname is Li, he is still from the old Liu family, and he is the husband of the old Liu family."

"But yin and yang, your father and I are brothers, and our lives are the same. He either killed his wife, or his wife ran away with the baby. I can't get a wife at all. There will be accidents."

"In the early years, you should have had a second sister-in-law, but her life was not good. On the day of her wedding, she was robbed by grass thieves on the mountain..."

"When I finally found her, it was horrible." At this point, the second uncle sighed heavily, his eyes full of sadness.

He shook his head again and smiled wryly: "If things happen a few more times, Second Uncle won't cause harm to others."

I frowned, Second Uncle's words immediately reminded me of the fortune teller my father was looking for back then.

He should have approved my father's fate back then, but has he given it to my second uncle? !

Fate numbers like my second uncle and my father's are already extremely fierce, and the theory of fortune is not simple...

Subconsciously, I want to show my second uncle's face.

It's just that the moment the thought came up, I suppressed it again.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, I whispered, "Second Uncle, let's deal with this matter carefully later. Although the issue of fate is fixed at birth, it is not unchangeable." , and when Wu Xianchang is dealt with, I will immediately do a fortune-telling calculation for you."

"Then let my father rest in peace. If it is a good place for cows to sleep, not only can he rest in peace, but it can also protect our Liu family."

Obviously, a trace of longing flashed in the second uncle's eyes, but that longing was deeply suppressed.

He said in a low voice: "Now I just want to kill Wu Xianchang and get revenge."

The carriage creaked, and from time to time there were hawkers shouting from outside the window, as well as the noise of pedestrians, carriages and horses on the street.

I clenched my fist faintly, and also said in a low voice: "Today, he can't escape." Before I knew it, there was no skylight coming in from the car window.

Dark night, not even the slightest moonlight.

The surroundings gradually became quiet, except for the crackling sound of wheels rolling over the ground, there was no other sound.

The speed of the carriage was getting slower and slower, and the next moment, it stopped suddenly.

The car door was opened, and the paper figurine Xu got out of the car from the front.

Liu Tianniu followed closely behind, and my second uncle, He Zhi, and I followed.

The first thing I entered was a river!

No, this is not a river, but an extremely wide canal, which just passed in front of a big house!

That mansion is not a courtyard, but a dojo!

The courtyard walls on both sides are not high, but wide and long.

The overall momentum of the dojo is solemn and solemn, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

And this canal is not so simple.

Behind us are the normal streets and houses in Wangxian County, where the canal and the ashram are located, as if they were separated, except that there is a bridge over the canal.

From the point of view of Yangzhai Fengshui, this canal is called Yindaishui.

If there are silver belts and water surrounding the house, then the family will prosper, gold, silver, blessings, treasures and grains will all be accumulated in the home, and it will be a genius among the descendants!

I carefully identified the house, and after confirming that my judgment was correct, I carefully explained the feng shui.

He Zhi said in a low voice: "He collects corpses, does a lot of evil, and harms people a lot. Why does he still live in such a good Fengshui house? Doesn't he have to suffer retribution?!"

Obviously, my second uncle's eye sockets are also red a lot.

Xu, the paper figurine, squinted his eyes slightly, as if thinking.

Liu Tianniu's eyes also fell on me.

I paused, and then said: "There is retribution, but only heaven can repay the feng shui master for harming people, and the retribution of this day, the feng shui master can use other methods to avoid it, although it will cost a lot , but if the ability is great enough, the retribution may come very late."

When the voice fell, my heart was even more complicated.

I housed the Ding family. In terms of fate, I was the one who harmed people.

At that time, I was not considered to be a complete successor of Geography and Gemology, Master just used the Earth Pen and the Heavenly Stem Inkstone for me.

Even though it's my business and my fault, but what the master gave, and what he taught me, he will also be implicated in cause and effect.

And he himself is an extremely decent gentleman, how could he find a way to avoid the backlash for himself?

In fact, if I knew at that time that Master would be implicated, I would definitely choose to use a feng shui technique to avoid it...

Although, the consequences of this will be greater... But I don't want him to bear the consequences for me.

It's just that it's too late for all this.

Liu Tianniu walked directly across the bridge, and cold words came out of his mouth at the same time:

"It's not that we don't report. Before the time comes, the villains that the sky can't take in for a while will be taken in by the Liu family. He's coming to the end of this comfortable life."

The few of us followed Liu Tianniu, and in the blink of an eye, we came to the door of the dojo!

On the position of the door plaque directly above the ashram, there is a black lacquered plaque with the words "Wu's Fenjin Zhendao" written on it.

I frowned tightly, and the word "Gold" means acupressure.

Of course, for a decent Feng Shui master, this is acupuncture!Those who have gone astray are not like this.

The name of Wu Xianchang's dojo actually indicates that he is good at digging graves.

Just as I was about to speak, He Zhi unexpectedly drew out the Guillotine Knife from his waist, suddenly raised his hand, and slashed at the plaque fiercely!

With a "click", the plaque was split into two...

The second uncle took a mouthful of saliva and said in a low voice: "Nizi, you cut it well!"

In the next moment, a burst of smoke and dust suddenly fell from behind the plaque...

A cool wind blew down, and those powders rushed directly to our faces!

[The author has something to say]

Let's just say, Seven Cats has updated a new function, search for my name Luo Qiaosen on the site, you can follow me!Ming people don't say dark words, can I get everyone's attention!

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