My heart skipped a beat, and when I looked at the package again, my pupils constricted a little.

It was only at this moment that I was able to react.

Just now, the begging dog didn't run away immediately, and would rather protect the package after being severely injured.

There is also the reason why the paper figurine Xu is so excited.

This package is probably the treasure "begged" by the begging dogs all these years!

As soon as I thought about this, I felt a shudder.

A baby, maybe a life...

In any case, these things carry great cause and effect in Mr. Feng Shui's view.

If you use it rashly, it may cause these troubles.

Xu Changlin had already thrown the dead dog's body back into the coffin, and amidst the crackling sound, he had already lit the coffin.

The flames surged violently, and the fire light illuminated the center of the dense forest.

The paper figurine Xu handed the package to He Zhi, and told her: "Nizi, it's ready, this thing is worth more than the big yellow croaker in the box, I will do it later, I'm afraid it will be broken up. "

After He Zhi took it, he was obviously very nervous, and carefully carried it on his back.

During this time, Liu Tianniu turned around and walked out of the forest.

He said calmly: "There are no more murderous corpses in the village, go to your house and deal with that vicious Feng Shui master."

All my thoughts were pulled back by Liu Tianniu's words.

What rises in my heart is hatred, and anger that has been suppressed for too long and has become abnormally calm.

I followed Liu Tianniu to the outside of the forest, and He Zhi still followed closely.

The paper figurines Xu and Xu Changlin were much behind.

Not long after, we returned to the village.

At this moment, the sky has begun to rain lightly.

The dripping rain fell on the hair and on the cheeks, and the coolness soaked into the bottom of my heart.

The dry and cracked village roads began to become wet and muddy.

At the gates of the yards on both sides of the road, the villagers who had finished asking for money were all standing there in a daze.

Now they came out with us, but they were walking aimlessly on the village road.

Almost everyone lowered their heads and looked sluggish.

Even when we passed by, they seemed to ignore it.

He Zhi cautiously whispered in my ear: "They have been washed away by Yin Qi for too long, and they may wake up slowly after the sun comes out, not so fast."

But Liu Tianniu didn't say anything else, and I knew that the lives of these villagers would not be in danger.

Although most of the villagers in Lijia Village are heartless, it is impossible for me to add insult to injury. If they can all survive, this is a good thing.

Otherwise, the murder would be too great.

I'm afraid that Lijia Village will completely become a ghost village. My father would not want to see this scene even if he was alive.

My hand faintly touched the divination knife at my waist, and from time to time I touched the gossip tiger mirror in my pocket.

I suddenly had a thought, is the gossip tiger head mirror useful to Wu Xianchang?

For my body is too cloudy, this bronze mirror will hurt me.

Then Wu Xianchang has no reason not to be afraid of it!

The hatred in my heart grew more and more, but my mind became clearer and clearer.

Everything I have learned is repeated in my mind.

In a blink of an eye, we were out of the village.

Liu Tianniu didn't know the direction of my house, but he walked in the right direction.

After we walked forward tens of meters, we were stopped by the current of the hanging river...

Even further ahead, I can already see my house.

It's just that this section of the road has completely become a waterway.

When we first came out, the feng shui bureau of Zhongsheshui changed the layout of my house and became a hole.

The surrounding area is completely flooded by the hanging river...

After such a long time, this feng shui bureau has been completely formed.

"Shooting water, it's more numb..." I just said.

But in the next moment, Liu Tianniu jumped onto the back of the big ox.

The high crown on his head was still stable and did not shake at all.

Lao Huang mooed and stepped into the water with his hooves!

The depth of this water is not simple...

I vaguely remember that when I left last time, the water reached up to the calf.

At this moment, Lao Huang submerged most of his body when he went down.This height is at least one meter, and it is extremely difficult to wade through the water!

Not to mention that there must be danger in the water!

"Changlin, you go to the boat and ask Huang Qi to put a boat down, we have to puncture the boat." Xu Chen, the paper figurine, said in a deep voice.

He Zhi suddenly pointed to the front side uncomfortably, and said, "Over there, look."

On this road flooded by the Xuanhe River, my home is on the left side, and the wider Xuanhe River is on the right side.

At this time, on the surface of Xuanhe, a lot of hairs actually floated up, and those hairs faintly showed signs of coming towards us.

"Corpse in the water, dead body, dead body, many corpses, Wu Xianchang can even use water ghouls. I am a corpse hunter, can walk the waterway, Liu Daochang's skills are superb, and I can force it. Uncle Xu, you and Changlin Brother, and He Zhi, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it through."

I stared at the looming hairs on the water on the right, and even the floating corpses, squinted my eyes slightly, and murmured: "Maybe I understand what Master means, why do I have to complete three trials before I can come back."

"Without my Feng Shui skills not being deep enough, without your help, it would be impossible for me to deal with Wu Xianchang."

"Similarly, he should be right, Wu Xianchang will use this water as a barrier, so in the end only I can help myself."

"I don't know if Daoist Liu is in his calculation." In the end, my voice became extremely hoarse.

The paper figurine Xu made a sullen face and said in a low voice: "This Wu Xianchang is really sinister, but Uncle Xu hasn't let up all this time. Mrs. He is a corpse that can't be more fierce in the water."

The next moment, the paper figurine Xu suddenly patted the back basket behind him, and pulled his hand out forcefully.

A piece of paper pierced the man and was dragged out by the paper man Xu!

Empty eyes, red paper skin, and the mouth is deep and dark.

The paper-wrapped face still showed a bit of childishness.

This kind of childishness is mixed with the shadow of the paper tie itself, which makes people feel chills just by looking at it!

This is obviously He Niangzi's paper tie!

"Changlin, go get a small boat over here. I'll see that there is a piece of paper tied up in the bow of Mrs. He, and there are a few murderous corpses who dare to come and make trouble." Xu Chen, the paper figurine, ordered.

Xu Changlin immediately turned and left.

During this period, Liu Tianniu rode Lao Huang, and had already walked half of the waterway.

It's still half way to my house.

Suddenly, there was a light splash.

A splash broke on the water beside the big ox.

What sprang out was a water ghoul with dark fur!

The moment it rushed out of the water, its eyes were about to protrude on its ferocious face, and it threw its fangs at Liu Tianniu!

As soon as Liu Tianniu raised his hand, a mahogany sword shot out from his cuff.

Just hearing a "chi", the water ghoul was pierced through his body immediately, and fell powerlessly to the surface of the water.

But this is just the beginning.

The next moment, the water splashed, and the heads of hundreds of water ghouls suddenly appeared on the surface of the water...

What was even more creepy was that behind Lao Huang, a dead body floated up faintly.

At some point, the corpse's hand grabbed Old Huang's tail!

I took another look, and suddenly got goosebumps all over my body.

It was the body of an old woman, floating on her back, her face wrinkled and her skin frighteningly pale.

[The author has something to say]

I want a ticket...

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