Lao Lu, who was steering the rudder, looked more anxious and tense.

When our boat approached the front of the boat, it stopped firmly.

Lao Lu cautiously walked to the side of the boat, stared blankly at the water below the boat, and followed him and called out again.

Liu Tianniu walked to the edge of the boat on that side, but he stood there firmly, motionless, showing no sign of going down to save people.

He Zhi, who was closer, suddenly looked at me anxiously, nodded again, and motioned for me to go over.

According to the logic, how can Liu Tianniu not make a move when an ordinary person dies?

Is there something wrong?

I walked over quickly, at this moment Xu Changlin, the paper figurine Xu, and Huang Qi also came over, and everyone looked at the boat together.

As far as I can see, with just one glance, I can see the problem...

The two people on the boat sat motionless, and under the reflection of the fire, their faces seemed to have shrunk and their skins were tense.

And both of them had their eyes closed, and their mouths were slightly opened.

The overall feeling is empty, dull, and dead.

Even if a living person is unconscious, it will not give people this feeling.

And at such a distance, their chests could not be seen rising and falling. The two of them might have died.

Liu Tianniu's sight was on the tail of the boat.

He raised his hand, and at some point in his hand, he was already holding a black mahogany sword.

At a close distance, I realized that the woman standing at the stern had faintly reddish fluff on her head and face!

This death seems to have melted away!

She is still blood fiend? !

"Xuanhe's yin energy is too heavy. This dead body should not have such a heavy grievance. She killed two more lives and became a blood demon."

It was the paper figurine Xu who spoke. He turned his head, looked at Liu Tianniu respectfully, and clasped his hands together. "Daoist Liu, can you give this skin to our father and son?"

"If you behead her, then behead her. Give it to our father and son. Maybe we can use her to do something good and get rid of a few more murderous corpses." The paper figurine Xu's eyes were particularly earnest.

Liu Tianniu had bent his elbows and was about to swing the mahogany sword, but he paused again.

After concentrating for a moment, Liu Tianniu let go of his hand.

Paper figurine Xu's eyes were filled with joy, he glanced at Xu Changlin solemnly, and said, "Do it!"

The moment he finished speaking, he shook his hands sideways, and a few slender steel wires fell out, and he then swung towards the stern of the boat.

Xu Changlin is almost the same action.

Several steel wires were thrown out and just landed on the shoulder of the female corpse.

The two mustered all their strength and pulled up suddenly, but the female corpse did not move at all.

Even the red fluff on her face began to grow rapidly, visible to the naked eye.

The mournful cry mixed with the sound of wind and water seemed to have turned into a shrill scream!

The next moment, I had a weird feeling, as if there was someone behind me...

As for that old Lu, his face was pale.

He stared blankly at the boat, his body trembling unceasingly.

" brother..." He trembled and called out twice.

What the paper figurine said just now did not hide from others.

He has clearly said that people are dead.

Lao Lu is not a fool either, we are so close to the boat, he can understand it naturally.

"You murderer of thousands of knives, you killed my mother-in-law and younger brother! I will fight with you!"

Lao Lu suddenly supported the side of the boat, and the whole person wanted to get out of the boat!

My complexion changed slightly, and I whispered: "Stop him!" He Zhi who was beside him suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Lao Lu's shoulder!

Huang Qi also glared at Lao Lu, and said in a low voice, "Old Lu, don't make any more trouble! You are greedy for money, accidents are normal, wait for Mr. Ha Li and the others to get the corpse up, deal with it, and avenge your mother-in-law and children! "

Although He Zhi is a girl, she is much stronger than me. At this moment, Lao Lu is firmly held by her, unable to move.

Lao Lu's legs were trembling unceasingly, the expression on his face was even more miserable, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

In the next moment, the paper figurines Xu and Xu Changlin gave a low shout at the same time and exerted their strength together.

Suddenly, the female corpse was pulled up from the stern of the boat and dragged towards the boat.

At this moment, Liu Tianniu pulled out his oxtail whip and swept it towards the boat.

The bodies of Lao Lu's wife and younger brother were also caught, and they were dragged directly onto the boat.

The female corpse landed on the boat first, followed by the other two corpses.

Looking at the bloody ghost from a close distance, at some point, her eyes opened.

The red eyes were full of hatred and coldness!

My heart suddenly trembled.

Suddenly, a faint red mist filled the boat. It was like a blood mist, more like coming from the female corpse.

He Zhi let go of Lao Lu.

He was lying on the side of the boat, motionless at the moment.

The sound of "jingling bells" came from behind He Zhi.

The sound was too crisp, but it gave people a feeling of scalp numbness.

He Zhi said hastily: "There is something wrong with this female corpse...she is making trouble..."

During this time, the paper figurines Xu and Xu Changlin, father and son, had already arrived in front of the woman's corpse, and each took out two nails to drive towards the top of the woman's head.

The paper figurine Xu said in a deep voice: "Although Xuesha is fierce, she is not a dead body. With us on board, who else can she hit?"

When I was in Miaojia Village before, I saw the paper figurine Xu use this trick to suppress Mrs. He.

What he said is also true, there is Liu Tianniu on this boat.

What kind of troubles can be found in this female corpse! ?

With a few chirps, the paper figurines Xu and Xu Changlin pierced a few peach wood nails on the top of the female corpse's head, center, temple, and throat respectively.

The fog on the boat dissipated faintly, and the female corpse's originally opened eyes slowly closed.

The sound of jingling bells also gradually dissipated.

Xu Changlin and the paper figurine Xu took out another white cloth and wrapped the female body around it, almost turning it into a big rice dumpling.

Lao Lu climbed up from the side of the boat and stood there blankly by the side of the boat.He turned his head and looked at the bodies of his wife and younger brother, motionless, as if he had been hit too hard and was already stupid.

Liu Tianniu shook his head slightly, then looked in the direction of the pier.

I said to Huang Qi: "Go and sail the boat. We will go ashore later. The female corpse is on the boat. Don't move. The corpse has been suppressed. There will be no accidents."

After contemplating for a moment, I handed Huang Qi a talisman of suppressing evil spirits and a talisman of killing corpses of He Kui, and told him that these two things can be used for self-defense.

Huang Qi took it with great surprise, nodded repeatedly, and then hurried over to steer the boat.

After a cup of tea, the boat docked beside the pier.

Our group got off the boat, and the big ox naturally followed.

Only Huang Qi and Lao Lu were left on the boat.

I repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety, and then I looked at the pier.

On the edge of the pier, there is a wooden frame with many torches on it, burning blazingly.

There are several long tables next to it, on which are placed a lot of tribute fruits and slaughtered chickens and ducks.

Is this a tribute?Wu Xianchang is offering sacrifices to the river god?

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