Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 350 Please Mr. Ding's House

Immediately, his subordinates all showed fear, and quickly put down the guns in their hands.

My eyelids were still twitching wildly, and the sweat on my forehead rolled down in big drops, and some of it seeped into my eyelids, making it unbearably sore.

Ding Shi walked towards me quickly, his eyes showed joy, and he even smiled at me.

When I approached, there was a person blocking him, and he slapped that person directly on the head, and the person backed away in embarrassment.

In three or two steps, Ding Shi was in front of me.

At this moment, the door of the room where Liu Huayan and He Zhi were staying was also pushed open.

The two women went out one after the other.

Liu Huayan was holding the oxtail whip on his waist, while He Zhi was holding the Guillotine Knife in one hand, both of them looked extremely vigilant.

The servants of the Ding family immediately wanted to raise their guns, but they didn't get the order, so they put them down again.

Ding Shi brushed off his sleeves, bowed to me, and said with a smile on his face: "The Zhou family really has bad motives. They sent Mr. Li so far. If I hadn't doubted the Zhou family long ago, I would really have to Lost Mr. Li. "

"I think Mr. Li doesn't know my Ding family well, and the Zhou family must have said nothing good."

"But Mr. Li, don't worry, I came here with [-]% sincerity."

Even though Ding Shi was smiling, his appearance gave people an extremely insidious feeling. Obviously, there was a knife hidden in his smile.

This person has a long and thin face, with no two fleshy faces, single eyelids, small eyes, and a bald spot on the top of his head.

And he mentioned the Zhou family again in his words.

This can't help but make me worry. It seems that the Ding family is reckless in everything they do. Did they treat Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin?

Mr. Zhou didn't dare to touch the Zhou family because he knew that Feng Shui would protect him.

But for ordinary people, they don't pay that much attention. If the two heads of the Zhou family were really killed, the Ding family would definitely suffer retribution.

That's all too late...

Besides, in the current situation, we obviously can't get away.

I didn't speak for a while, and my eyelids twitched wildly.

As soon as Ding Shi raised his hand, he turned his head and shouted towards the outside of the courtyard: "Someone come here, and bring in the meeting gift for Mr. Li!"

The shrill voice echoed in the courtyard!

Immediately afterwards, several people came in from outside the courtyard.

These people actually carried a yellow leather suitcase in their hands.

After they arrived in front of me, they put down the box, and the expressions of several people seemed to be extremely struggling.

Ding Shi smiled even more, and he stepped forward to open the leather case.

What came into my sight was a box full of large yellow croakers!

At this time, the night was much darker, the bright moon hung high, and the moonlight shone on the big yellow croaker, reflecting the golden light.

"I asked some members of the Zhou family, and I generally know that the Zhou family just gave Mr. Li some jewelry and eight big yellow croakers."

"The Zhou family is petty. With Mr. Li's great help and such a shabby little money, the Ding family is thirsty for talent. This box of big yellow croakers is just a gift."

"Mr. Li helped Ding's house to be refurbished, and he will be rewarded with a lot of money!" While talking, Ding Shi cupped his hands at me, his eyes obviously showing a bit of satisfaction.

I can see that it is because the Ding family is rich and powerful that Ding Shi can be proud.

However, the Ding family is so busy, how can I help?

Squeeze people's fat and people's fat, make money with harmful drugs and gambling, and if I help them, I will help the evildoers!

For a while, my mind raced.

At this moment, Yang Zhushu on the ground finally stood up, and no one continued to push him down.

"The old man has heard about the Ding family. Mr. Li is going to leave for work recently. There has been a lot of rumors about Ding's house opening. If the old man can help, there is no need to stop Mr. Li." Yang Zhushu said in a deep voice. Open your mouth.

His mentality was really good, and he didn't hold his face.

But I was pointed at by a gun the moment before, if it were me, I wouldn't show any anger, I just wanted to solve the trouble quickly.

However, Ding Shi glanced at Yang Zhushu very coldly, and said: "Old guy, you are a cripple, and you still want to cheat the Ding family's money? What are you?! The owner is looking for Mr. Li."

"I'm looking at Mr. Li's face now, so I won't teach you any more. No matter how arrogant you are, I'll destroy your remaining finger!"

It was only at this moment that Yang Zhushu's expression changed. He lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Ding Shi turned his head again, and bowed his hands to me respectfully.

During this period, I roughly thought of a way.

I felt a lot more certain in my heart, and there was also an indescribable urgency.

After all, there is no other way.

I took a deep breath, met Ding Shi's gaze, and said, "It's okay to go to Ding's family, and I can handle things, but it may not be a good one. I will try my best."

Ding Shi smiled again, and said: "Mr. Li was joking, the Ding family has plenty of money, please Mr. Li to do it well."

After finishing speaking, he first made a gesture of invitation, motioning for me to go out of the courtyard.

Then, the servants of the Ding family on the side also made a gesture of invitation, signaling He Zhi and Liu Huayan to follow.

At this moment, the expressions of He Zhi and Liu Huayan were also extremely unnatural.

There was anger and murderous intent in He Zhi's eyes, but it could be seen that she was trying hard to calm down.

Liu Huayan kept furrowing her brows without relaxing.

As I was about to go out, I subconsciously glanced back at the room behind me.

However, the room was too dark to see anything.

During this period, Yang Zhushu was also looking at me, but his eyes were extremely complicated, and I couldn't figure out what he was thinking for a while.

Not long after, we walked out of the gate of the courtyard.

The last servant of Ding's family closed the courtyard door casually.

Of course, they also carried out the leather box.

Ding Shi told me that he will keep this box of big yellow croakers for us first, and then give it to me together with the Ding family's thank you gift when the work is done.

Arriving in front of a carriage made of iron, Ding Shi made a gesture of invitation, motioning for us to get on the carriage.

Although the iron carriage has four wheels, it is not a carriage.

The whole body of the vehicle is pitch black, long and narrow at the front and rear, with a bulge in the middle, square and square, with windows on both sides.

"It's a novelty brought in by foreigners. If you want to buy this car, you need not only money, but also power."

"These four wheels can run much faster than a horse."

During Ding Shi's explanation, his voice became a little more complacent.

He stepped forward and opened the car door, beckoning the three of us to go in.

There was no point in procrastinating, so I poked my head first and entered the small car door. He Zhi and Liu Huayan also got into the car after me.

We sat in the back row, and there were two more seats in the front row.

There is also a person sitting on one side, holding a disc in his hand, which seems to be the handle of a boat.

Soon Ding Shi sat down on the other side.

At this moment, without warning, the door of Yizhiju opened again.

Yang Zhushu stood in front of the door, staring blankly at our car.

I looked out the car window, and met Yang Zhushu's gaze again.

Yang Zhushu's eyes became more complicated in an instant, and he suddenly said quietly: "Mr. Li, you forgot to return something to me."

[The author has something to say]

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