This made me a little puzzled.

All right, what are you doing checking the bottom of the boat?

Zhou Chuanshi was obviously a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions, and directly arranged for a boatman on the boat to go into the water to check the bottom of the boat.

The boatman swam out of the water in a hurry after not long in the water.

There was panic in his eyes, and he immediately called several boatmen to go into the water together, and all of them were carrying tools.

Immediately afterwards, the boatman went to Zhou Chuanshi to report the situation.

The panic in his eyes clearly turned into lingering fear.

"Patriarch Zhou, you are amazing... There is a place under the boat that is about to be breached. Judging by the damage, I'm afraid there will be a big problem when we are halfway there. I have sent people to repair the boat. It shouldn't be too late. There will be more dangers.”

The boatman had a round face, his chin was protruding, and his eyes were yellow.

His skin was dark without much luster, and he looked like a fisherman who had been fishing all year round.

In his words, he also showed gratitude and admiration to Zhou Chuanshi.

Zhou Chuanshi's face changed slightly, he sent the boatman away first, then turned around, and bowed slightly to Liu Huayan respectfully.

"Liu Daochang... how did you know there was something wrong with the bottom of the boat?" Zhou Chuanshi still asked cautiously.

I was also very puzzled, and looked at Liu Huayan questioningly.

Liu Huayan calmly explained: "I didn't say it, it was Yang Changzhou who said it. In fact, the reason why he can influence me is very simple. When I was in the Qiang tribe, there were many fires in the tribe. I was near the water several times, several times. All drowned, even boats in trouble."

"Let me tell you first, this has something to do with my fate, but he doesn't know how to calculate, and he doesn't know how to solve it. I still have some other problems, so I can only follow Master to practice."

It was only then that I suddenly realized, but I also became more wary of Mr. One Finger, whom I had never met.

In fact, Yang Yi has some skills, but he is not good at learning, can't handle it properly, and is blindly confident.

As for Yang Changzhou, he should be someone with real abilities, but he is not as skilled as Liu Huayan, so he became a prisoner.

Mr. One Finger, it will definitely be difficult to deal with...

In my thoughts, I didn't ask Liu Huayan too much.

Because I know that these things will affect her emotions.

Soon, the boatmen who went into the water to repair the boat went ashore one by one.

They confirmed again and again that there were no other problems with the ship itself before we boarded.

The map was still carried by Zhou's servants. After boarding the boat, the boatman saw the direction and drove the boat straight in that direction.

Liu Huayan and I were sitting at the bow of the boat.

I held a fixed compass along the way and kept looking at the direction.

Today's weather is excellent, the sun is shining on the body, and it has been ironing and comfortable.

The coffin made by He Zhi also had an excellent texture, even though it was exposed to the sun, it didn't reflect any light, instead it seemed to absorb all the light into it.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed.

The scattered Jiangxin Continent above the river began to become denser.

When I entered the area with the largest number in Jiangxinzhou, I could probably remember some of these places on the map.

My eyes kept looking ahead, and in my sight, three Jiangxin Islands rising from the water surface gradually appeared!

The Xuanhe River in this section of the basin seems to be divided by these three Jiangxin Continents!

Two streams of water flowed out from the gaps between the three Jiangxin Continents, and the most central Jiangxin Continent actually had a deep water hole, and a stream of water also flowed out from that place.

To say it is Jiangxinzhou, it is better to say that these are the three mountains in the hanging river!

It's just that the watershed in this section directly submerged the three mountains, leaving only a part high enough to rise above the water!

This kind of Jiangxinzhou is completely rocky, and it is impossible to be washed away by the flood, let alone submerged.

"It's here." I murmured in a low voice, and the feng shui pattern of the water of the three yangs also shocked me!

The water of the hanging river is a great dragon vein, and the mountains above the water are also Yang dragons!

The three mountains are all excellent burial places, and any location where the ancestor of the Zhou family is buried is a treasured place of geomantic omen.

Both Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin came behind me. They both looked respectful and eager.

"Mr. Li, is this the right place?" It was Zhou Chuanlin who asked.

I nodded and said: "It is indeed the pattern of the water of the three suns. Although there are three Jiangxin continents, they are originally mountain dragons. The mountains are tall and the dragon body is stable. One mountain has many ups and downs. It is the Longlong Mountain."

"The bone of the hill, the branch of the hill, where the qi follows, the bone in the high mountain is the place where the yin and qi in the mountain gather the most, and it is also the most suitable place to set up acupuncture points. This place stores wind and absorbs qi, and has water Dragon veins nourish, and sand and water depend on each other. The ancestor of the Zhou family was buried here, and after a few years, maybe your Zhou family will have a great opportunity."

At this point, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart for a while.

Only after seeing the great geomantic omen of the water of the three yangs did I know the difference between this and ordinary geomantic omen.

Even the wind on the water below the mountain seems to make people feel happy under the blowing.

The longing in Zhou Chuanshi's eyes became even more, and he murmured: "What kind of opportunity?"

"Feathering." I whispered.

"The great ancestor of the Zhou family may have a chance to become an eternity." At this time, my voice became a lot more certain.

"Fathering?" Zhou Chuanlin and Zhou Chuanshi looked at each other with puzzlement in their eyes.

"There is a saying that when a person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to the sky. This is the symbol of feathering, and it is also what the princes and generals longed for in ancient times." I will not say more after I have finished speaking.

If Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin asked, I just shook my head and said that the secrets of the heavens should not be revealed. I also told them that the Zhou family's ancestor was buried here, and the Zhou family would definitely be blessed by luck and feng shui. Even if Mr. Yizhi wanted to If he wanted to touch the Zhou family, he would have to weigh it all, and he might not even be able to touch the Zhou family.

What I said immediately made both of them very excited.

Then, I abandoned the rest of the messy thoughts, and began to carefully analyze the shape and shape of the three mountains, and finally I chose the middle mountain.

Moreover, I also selected a burial method.

This burial method is special, called Bao'er.

There is a saying in the Zhaijing: when a dragon comes up, it goes up quickly and down slowly, with male and female intercourse, with a distinct aura, and shows off in response to the case. In front of the dragon and the tiger, you have to penetrate the waist of the dragon and tiger, and take the water from the bottom, and hold it horizontally like a human hug. The shape of a child!

This "urgent" refers to the ups and downs of Yanglong Mountain.

"Slow down" refers to the gentleness of the hanging river, and the alternation of male and female is the yin and yang dragon veins.

The mountains on both sides, as well as the surrounding Jiangxinzhou, are court cases.

Just choose a hole on the mountainside, dig a deep golden well, and then bury the coffin. This shape is like a person sitting by the water, holding the coffin in his arms like a newborn baby.

Above feng shui, the coffin will be constantly nourished by anger, thus blessing future generations!

After thinking about all this clearly, I immediately informed Zhou Chuanlin and asked him to call the boatman and dock at Jiangxinzhou in the middle. We will go to the mountainside to find caves and bury coffins!

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