I moved my body forward, vaguely blocked He Zhi, and gently held He Zhi's arm with my right hand...

It is true that the upper third class does not look down on the lower class, I knew it very well before, and now it is obviously unwise to argue with Yang Zhushu because of this.

Zhou Chuanshi took a deep breath, but his eyes suddenly became complicated.

He first asked us to sit down, and then he sighed and said: "Actually, when this happened to my Zhou family, it was because I didn't know the people, ruined the feng shui of the ancestral grave, and committed evil."

Zhou Chuanshi opened up the chatterbox and started talking.

It turned out that the beginning of the Zhou family's suffering actually came from a grave relocation.

About two months ago, Zhou Chuanshi wanted to change the layout of the house at home, and use Feng Shui to bring the Zhou family to a higher level.

A gentleman was invited to look at the house, and the gentleman said that the Zhou family's house is already an excellent house for attracting money, and it is not easy to make articles in the house itself.

The best way is actually to relocate the ancestral grave and rebury it elsewhere. As long as the Feng Shui of the selected new tomb is good enough, it can have a great effect and bring the family to a higher level!

At that time, what the gentleman said was well-founded and very attractive. Zhou Chuanshi immediately agreed to move the grave and paid him a lot of money.

Afterwards, they chose an auspicious day to dig out the coffin of the ancestor of the Zhou family, and Mr. Na chose Fengshui Mountain to bury him on a good day.

After moving the grave, Zhou Chuanshi happily waited for the family business to improve.

Unexpectedly, not only did nothing good happen after that day, but accidents followed one after another!

Either the Zhou family's goods outside were robbed by bandits, or the clan members were accidentally injured, and their lives were dying. The Zhou family's business also had problems. Merchants who had cooperated for many years began to cut off their cooperation.

And Zhou Chuanshi still had nightmares every night, and was questioned by Gaozu, saying that he was an unfilial son!

Disturbing the rest of the ancestors, they were buried in the ground well, but they were dug out and buried in a murderous place, so that the ancestors could not rest in peace.

Gao Zu also cursed him, saying that such descendants do not deserve to be blessed!

Zhou Chuanshi was in a state of anxiety all day long. He felt that there was a high probability that there was something wrong with moving the grave, so he hurried to find that gentleman.

In the end, he discovered that Mr. Feng Shui actually made friends with their Zhou family's competitors!

When he found his husband, he just happened to meet that gentleman and his opponent having a drink and chat!

That gentleman also satirized the Zhou family's stupidity, said a few words casually, dug out Gaozu's coffin, and buried it in Tongduan Mountain. In a few years, the Zhou family would be ruined, and the children and grandchildren would be disabled and injured!

At that time, Zhou Chuanshi was frightened and angry, and stepped forward to question Mr. Na.

On the contrary, he was ridiculed again. The gentleman also said ironically that after the Zhou family collapsed, let Zhou Chuanshi go to him again. When the time comes, he will return the gold bars that Zhou Chuanshi gave to Zhou Chuanshi, so that Zhou Chuanshi can live on. live on.

Zhou Chuanshi knew very well that theory was useless and he had to find a way to solve the trouble.

When the words came to this point, Zhou Chuanshi's eyes were red, and his body was trembling slightly.

For a moment, he was speechless.

I was also shocked to hear it.

The reason why I was shocked was that Tong Duanshan!

At this time, Yang Zhushu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Tongduan Mountain is a fierce mountain that does not bury people. Tongshan is a mountain that does not grow and lifeless. One of the mountains is enough to make the family wither, and moving the tomb to bury Tong Duan Mountain will bring new evils and eliminate them."

"Not only will the population be sparse in the future, the family will be ruined, and the previous wealth and power will disappear." I nodded secretly, Yang Zhushu was right.

And there are also sayings in the Zhaijing.

If buried in the five evil places, the Lord will rot the bones and rot the coffin, and the Lord will retreat and die less of tuberculosis, and the long-term will return to death!

Zhou Chuanshi's face was pale, and he was holding the teacup tightly, the tea in it was swaying.

Yang Zhushu paused for a while, and then let Zhou Chuanshi continue to say, what information is there.

Only then did Zhou Chuanshi speak miserably, and said: "After I found out that day, I hurriedly dug out Gaozu's coffin, and Gaozu's coffin turned out to be corrupt. The place where he was buried before, even if it was more than a hundred years ago, the coffin was opened At the time, the coffins were all in good condition, but within ten days after the grave was moved, the coffins were rotten, one can imagine how stupid the things I did were, and no wonder Gao Zu Tuomeng."

"And I tried my best to find all the gentlemen I could find to help, but after they found out what happened, they all shook their heads and said they couldn't help. Some of them left overnight after seeing Gaozu's coffin."

"In the end, I really had no other choice, and I went to the doctor in a hurry, but I will beg anyone who eats the dead."

"I learned from a corpse collector that the well water does not interfere with the river water. Since Gaozu's coffin caused chaos and ruined the family, it is better to let him be buried in the water. He will definitely not be able to go ashore again. In this way, wouldn't it be the same?" Save the Zhou family from disaster?"

After a short pause, Zhou Chuanshi spoke again.

It was probably because of this that he found Mr. Bai, and it happened that his younger brother went to find Mr. Yang Zhushu.

Today, our group and Yang Zhushu are at Zhou's house.

Yang Zhushu nodded, he was thoughtful, as if analyzing.

Zhou Chuanshi's words contained a lot of information, and I quickly filtered them in my mind.

It turns out that Zhou Chuanshi listened to the corpse-hunter talking about the water burial by accident.

However, this is indeed a feasible way.

But there is no need to say, consider the saying that well water does not violate river water.

Because if you do this, there is a high probability that you will not be able to save the Zhou family.

The Zhou family's troubles were not caused by Gao Zu's troubles, but because of Feng Shui itself!

They moved the coffins into the fierce mountain where the five are not buried, and they aroused the feng shui of the fierce mountain themselves, which cannot be stopped just by digging out the coffin.

Instead, it needs another powerful feng shui wash to suppress that fierce feng shui.

Otherwise, even if the coffin is dug out, that place will still be the grave of the Zhou family, which will affect the fate of the Zhou family.

Finding a feng shui place in the water can not only resolve the doubts of the Zhou family, but also suppress the evil feng shui. This is the best of both worlds!

I am also thinking now, what kind of Feng Shui Bureau in the water can help the Zhou family.

In fact, I was a little bit reconciled.

Because I just met Yang Zhushu.

He is Mr. Yin Yang, and his attainments must be higher than mine.

In the case of the Zhou family, he arrived first, so he must be the main one. I can only watch him work from the sidelines.

It can only be regarded as gaining some experience, I definitely can't intervene...

This means that I still have to find someone suitable for water burial to complete my experience...

During this period, brothers Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin looked at Yang Zhushu with full expectation.

Neither of them looked at us much.

After a while, Yang Zhushu nodded, and said, "This matter is not difficult. No one helped you before. It was because you didn't find the right person. If you found me on the first day, you wouldn't have to be punished by the Zhou family." Toss for so long."

"Although the man who retrieved the corpse is a low-ranking person, it really made him right. Water burial is the best solution."

Yang Zhushu's words made me uncomfortable.

It was mentioned earlier that He Zhi was a low-level person, but now he is talking about the corpse hunter...

He maintains his identity, but keeps belittling others...

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