But right now, it's all right, it's just that there's really no way to get Cao Yonggui's wife back...

The second uncle raised his foot and kicked the dead man's foot against the embroidered shoes, the flames suddenly swished high, and the crackling sound burned even more fiercely.

Wang Guaizi stopped screaming and stared blankly at my second uncle and me.

"I've spent more than half my life living on the boat. If I want to please the nobles in the city, I can't afford to fish for the embroidered shoes in the river. I think you are confused." The second uncle frowned, and there was reprimand in his words.

Wang Guaizi's lips trembled, and regret was evident in his eyes.

Turning his head to look at the burnt embroidered shoes and dead feet, Wang Guaizi trembled even more.

"Okay, don't panic, let's sail back." The second uncle twitched Wang Guaizi's shoulder as he spoke.

Wang Guaizi stumbled to sail the boat.

Cao Yonggui was still looking at the river in despair.

At this moment, Cao Yonggui suddenly climbed up to the side of the boat, and his mouth was even more sad: "Xiuxiu, if you don't go back, I will accompany you." This scene made me feel horrified, and I was about to rush up to stop him.

The second uncle moved faster, took two steps, stepped forward, grabbed Cao Yonggui's belt, and pulled back hard, Cao Yonggui fell directly into the deck.

He was obviously not as strong as Wang Guaizi, and with a bang, he fell unconscious and fell into a coma.

On the contrary, I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it's okay to faint, so at least he won't mess around...

What surprised me was that Cao Yonggui was so infatuated with his wife that he was willing to die for his love...

At this moment, Wang Guaizi had already started sailing.

My mind became more relaxed, and I felt a little tired for a while, wanting to sit down on the deck.

But just at this moment, ripples suddenly appeared on the water surface in front of the bow...

Under the moonlight, the ripples are particularly obvious.

My attention was attracted, and I looked over intently.

Soon, a female corpse gradually emerged from the ripples...

The slightly protruding abdomen was pale and bloodless, but his eyes were wide open, staring blankly at the night sky.

The jet-black hair was scattered behind her head, floating on the water, trembling like countless pairs of little hands.

I saw the green hemp rope tied around her waist, isn't it the second uncle's corpse rope?

What the hell?Isn't she unable to catch it?Why did he suddenly float up?

The second uncle obviously saw it too, he squinted his eyes slightly, and said nothing.

The boat was changing direction, and I glanced at Wang Guaizi out of the corner of my eye.

His eyes were even more apprehensive, this direction was changed by him.

But what's even weirder is that as the direction of the boat changed, the floating female corpse actually moved...and kept floating on the bow of our boat.

"Second uncle, does she want to come up?" I asked unnaturally with my eyelids twitching slightly.

The second uncle not only squinted his eyes, but also frowned at the moment.

He groped again, and Lao Baigan's bottle was tipped over in his mouth, but no wine came out.

Throwing the bottle into the Xuanhe casually, he said: "No more wine, bad luck. This dead woman's embroidered shoes were burned, and her broken foot was gone. There is no substitute for the dead. What else can she do besides go ashore?" select?"

Although the second uncle said so, I subconsciously glanced at Cao Yonggui.

Could this have something to do with Cao Yonggui's last few words about dying for love?

It's just that dead people can't speak, we can't ask, and she can't answer.

At this stall, the second uncle found another bamboo pole from the fishing boat with an iron hook on it.

He reached the bow of the boat, stretched out the bamboo pole, and the iron hook just caught the green hemp rope around the waist of the female corpse.

I turned around and told Wang Guaizi not to continue sailing, and the boat stopped almost at the same time.

A few minutes later, the second uncle got the female body onto the boat.

The female corpse looked smaller, and her belly bulge was far less than Xie Xiaohua's.

Of course, she hasn't reached the full month of her pregnancy, so it's definitely not as good as being pregnant in October.

As soon as she boarded the boat, the skin of the female corpse became even greener. Under the reflection of the moonlight, fluff began to grow on her head and face!

Thin and dense white fluff grew densely, and in an instant, it was about to cover her entire face.

"Fuck... yin and yang, you have to connect her yin, or she will turn evil!" Second Uncle cursed and urged me.

With a shudder in my heart, I immediately put down the big black wooden box on my back, quickly took out the gray fairy gloves from it, and put the black cat fur coat on my body.

After these two things were put on, I felt colder all over, but it kept the coldness of the ship out.

The special cold I feel now is entirely from the object of the yin woman.

I didn't have time to get anything else, so I quickly squatted beside the female corpse, and pressed my right hand directly on her abdomen!

Stiff belly, like an ice cube!It makes my hands almost numb.

"Her name is Tang Xiuxiu!" Second Uncle's voice sounded in my ears.

I took a deep breath, responded to the second uncle's grateful gaze, and then stared at the face of the female corpse with great solemnity.

With a bit of stern tone, he shouted: "Tang Xiuxiu, you are on the boat now, I want to catch your vagina!"

"After the child is born, if you have a man to take care of it, you will be reincarnated as a human!"

"If you transform evil, I can't control it! I have to throw you into the water! Don't be foolish!"

When my voice came to the back, it was not only harsh, but also sharp, and the echo echoed on the water surface...

The face of the female corpse was already covered with white fluff.

Not to mention how scary that look was, to the point where she didn't know when to open her eyes, and the whites of her dark eyeballs couldn't be seen at all.Moreover, the hands she placed beside her had fingernails that were as long as a knuckle, and the black nails seemed to be dug into the deck...

The moment my voice fell, the white fluff suddenly seemed to be a little thinner...

And it is still decreasing rapidly, and soon the iron blue dead face reappeared...

Her eyes, however, did not change, nor did her fingernails.

I breathed a sigh of relief, the female corpse's reaction seemed to be willing to be taken.

My second uncle and I nodded, looking a little more relaxed.

At this time, Cao Yonggui also woke up.

The second uncle walked over to Cao Yonggui's side, stretched out his hand and directly pressed Cao Yonggui's shoulder, and said something in a low voice to keep him away, to catch the vagina.

Cao Yonggui didn't move at all, he just stared at us blankly, crying all the time.

I withdrew my hand and took out a bunch of things from the big black wooden box.

It's just that during this period, I always felt a little uncomfortable, with an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations.

I thought it was because I was going to be getting pussy on the boat, and it was my second time doing it.

I always feel like something is missing in my head.

But just as I wanted to think about it carefully, I felt that the female corpse was staring at me.

Those dark eyeballs, not to mention how scary they are, immediately lost their thoughts to think about it...

Soon I was ready for everything, took a deep breath, and abandoned all distracting thoughts in my mind.

All my attention was focused on the belly of the female corpse.

I didn't look at Cao Yonggui, but I reminded him to think of a name quickly, both boys and girls should think about it, and only give him a quarter of an hour before he must tell me.

At the same time as I finished speaking, I covered the belly of the female corpse with both hands, and groped from top to bottom.

Following the method in the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng, I fumbled and pressed it almost once, and then took out a delicate and short dagger.

This is also the thing inside the big black wooden box, a genital dagger soaked in the little dragon's blood.

I cut open the clothes on the abdomen of the female corpse, and took off her pants.

Then I did it again, pushing her legs a little and getting her into a labor position.

The dagger is placed on the side of her leg, and I have to be ready to use it at any time.

Before Xie Xiaohua gave birth, I didn't take a dagger because she was pregnant in October, and the fetal position was correct, so there would be no problems.

And now this Tang Xiuxiu month is only seven months old, which is just the bottom line for getting overcast.

In addition, if the month is insufficient, it is easy to have a miscarriage, even if it is a dead person.

If there is a miscarriage, I have to cut open her abdomen and take out the vaginal fetus.

One hand kept pressing on her abdomen, while the other was between his legs.

I closed my eyes, cleared my throat, and murmured in a low voice: "The birthing spirit, avoiding the sun, the fetus is not full, but the soul is complete..."

"December, incense candle tribute...receive yin birth!"

In the first few words, my voice was still low.

Afterwards it becomes so sharp that even I get goosebumps all over my body.

I didn't pause, and even with that sharp tone, I still kept reading the last paragraph!

At the same time I opened my eyes suddenly and stared at her belly.

I also gradually used some pressure on my hand to help her give birth to a vaginal fetus...

It's just... she didn't respond to giving birth...

There was no such movement in the whole body.

What's more, on her head and face, there was a sign that fluff was about to grow again.

My complexion changed, and sweat broke out on my forehead.

What is wrong here?

I watched the white fluff pop out again.

My heart skipped a beat, I raised my head abruptly, and looked at the second uncle and Cao Yonggui in front of me, and also caught a glimpse of Wang Guaizi from the corner of my eye.

All three of them are looking at this way!

My heart sank, and my voice was hoarse: "Women give birth to babies, don't look at them! Turn your heads away!"

Cao Yonggui's body trembled, and he turned his head as soon as I said.

Before turning his head, he also said something, telling me that he had thought of a name, the girl is Tang Wanwan, and the boy is Cao Xiude.

I quickly memorized the two names.

The second uncle's movements were not slow, and Wang Guaizi was a little slower, but because he was too scared, his movements were slow.

When all three of them turned their backs on me, I looked down at the face of the female corpse.

I murmured: "Tang Xiuxiu, no one is watching, give birth, you will be fine after birth, your man has even chosen a name, and you are suffering in the water with a big belly, why don't you go home. The baby is enshrined by him , eat incense, live a good life. He will arrange the funeral for you in a good manner, and if you die miserably in this life, you will have a good pregnancy in the next life."

Suddenly, a little dark red stuff overflowed from the eyeballs of the female corpse, like blood and tears.

And beside my ears, I also seemed to hear a mixed sound of hissing...

From the corner of the eye, I saw several white scratches on the top of the deck...

Not only was the head and face of the female corpse instantly covered with white fluff, even the back of her hands were also like this...

My complexion is extremely ugly, isn't it because I was watched by others?

Where did it go wrong? !

In anxiety, I suddenly looked at the big black wooden box.

Thinking of one thing, my heart was even more horrified.

I am in big trouble!

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