Mr. Bai nodded, but he didn't ask any other questions. He just said, "With your clues, this matter will be easier to handle. The white-haired fox is just a fox fairy, so it's not difficult to deal with."

After a short pause, he added: "It should be the fox fairy's problem, which prevents him from waking up. After getting rid of it, he will naturally be able to wake up."

"Also, what did you lose?" Mr. Bai asked again.

"A big black wooden box." Liu Huayan answered the question again.

Mr. Bai hummed and said: "Using people's money to eliminate disasters with others, I will take care of this matter, you can rest in my yard, after dark, I will go into the mountains, if the white-haired fox Even the troublesome things in the mountains are good for Maojia Village, killing two birds with one stone."

At this point, my doubts about Mr. Bai have been much less.

Liu Huayan did not tell Mr. Bai all the facts, except that it was true that the white-haired fox and us lost things.

From Mr. Bai, I didn't see the slightest problem.

If that person is him, we say these words, it must be like a joke to him.

No matter what, he should show some other emotions.

But now, I don't feel anything, except for his faint murderous intent.

Of course, I still did not let go of my vigilance.

The thought was only for a moment, I nodded, and said that we will rest here, and when it gets dark, we will go into the mountain together to deal with the fox fairy.

Mr. Bai glanced at Mao Banjin, and said again: "Go and get a table to eat, don't treat the three guests badly."

Mao Banjin smiled obsequiously and said that he would do it right away.

Soon, Mao Banjin left the yard.

Mr. Bai arranged rooms for all three of us.

We were indeed hungry, so we didn't go back to our room to rest right away.

During this period, Liu Huayan started chatting with Mr. Bai again.

He asked Mr. Bai where he came from and some details.

At this time, I roughly understood why Liu Tianniu would bring Liu Huayan with him when he went out.

Although Liu Huayan is young, I don't know how good her Taoism is at this time. I think she is not very strong at her age.

But there is a key point, Liu Huayan's communication skills are very powerful, and there is a special characteristic that makes it difficult for people to arouse hostility, and more people like him.

Not just in terms of appearance, it seems that she is naturally approachable...

Mr. Bai also said a lot of things under Liu Huayan's "routines".

For example, he comes from a bitterly cold place in the northeast, and he is one of the lower nine streams.

I don't know about Tiao Dashen, and He Zhi obviously has only a half-knowledge, and the same goes for Liu Huayan.

She asked some more about the skills of dancing great gods, and Mr. Bai didn't hide it, saying that it was almost the same as a first-class witch. As for more secrets, he was inconvenient to reveal.

Liu Huayan also knew that when he saw a deal, he would accept it.

Naturally, Mr. Bai also asked Liu Huayan about Taoism, and Liu Huayan answered a lot.

The two seemed to be having a good time talking.

At this moment, I felt a pain in the back of my foot. I groaned, but when I realized it, it was He Zhi who glared at me.

I don't know why...

Footsteps were heard from the gate.

It was Mao Banjin who came in carrying two large food boxes.

He Zhi turned sideways and hurried into the yard to help Mao Banjin carry food.

They arrived at the main room, opened the food box, and set up a large table to eat.

I'm really hungry right now, and most of us ate dry food, noodles, pancakes and jerky along the way. Where can we find any delicious meals?

Now there are not only grilled fish and grilled chicken on the table, but also sauced elbow and braised side dishes, which are really rich and delicious.

After sitting down, I immediately started to eat in a big way.

Although the two girls He Zhi and Liu Huayan were also very hungry, they were much more refined than me.

But Mr. Bai, he put down his chopsticks without eating much.

After eating a meal, my belly became round, and my sleepiness gradually came.

The three of us got up, thanked Mr. Bai, and prepared to go back to the room to rest.

He Zhi has been following me closely, and when she arrived at the door of my room, she actually stepped into the room faster than me, and even pulled my wrist in the other hand, pulling me in.

This scene obviously surprised Liu Huayan on the other side, she turned to look at us.

The next moment, I was pulled into the room by He Zhi, and I lost my sight.

With a creaking sound, He Zhi slammed the door shut.

Before I could speak, her voice was extremely low, and she said into my ear:

"You all seem to believe him? I don't really believe it. I dare not all fall asleep here. We share a room. You sleep first. I will guard and exchange."

Originally, I was still full of doubts, but He Zhi's words made me understand immediately, and I nodded quickly.

Although I was also sleepy and anxious, I still let He Zhi rest first.

But He Zhi glanced at me, snorted softly, pointed to the bed on one side, and told me to go to sleep, not mother-in-law.

I was a little embarrassed, but didn't say anything more.

After going to bed and lying down, sleepiness swept over quickly, and also a sense of depression swept over.

After lying down this time, there was no big black wooden box beside me, and the feeling of emptiness made my heart feel weightless.

Closing my eyes, I force myself to sleep.

After this sleep, I couldn't sleep well, and I had several dreams in succession.

At the beginning, I dreamed of Luo Yinpo, she was full of wrinkles, staring at me coldly, she asked me why I couldn't protect the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng.

I promised to send her to the end but failed, and now I have lost the inheritance of Yin Po!Now she has no peace in the underworld!

I was extremely depressed, and wanted to explain to Luo Yinpo, but no matter what I said, she just asked me coldly, and her face was particularly ferocious.

Finally this dream ended, and I dreamed that I had returned to Dixianglu again.

Although Jiang Yihong didn't question me, he just looked at me and shook his head with a sigh. In the end, he let me go out from the Xianglu.

That disappointed tone made me feel as if I had fallen into an abyss.

I suddenly opened my eyes, and my body sat up straight!

He Zhi was watching the coffin surgery by the bed. She was startled by me and looked at me with a frown.

But the next moment, she pursed her lips again, carefully took out a handkerchief from her pocket, and wiped my forehead.

I gasped heavily and stared straight ahead.

After much difficulty, I dispelled the dream fragments in my head.

I closed my eyes and let my breathing stabilize a lot.

"He Zhi, you rest, I will guard." I whispered something, turned and got out of bed.

He Zhi quickly took back the handkerchief, she hummed and lowered her head.

After I got out of bed, she went to lie on her side in the bed.

At this time, I was stunned for a moment, and I realized what He Zhi had just done.

It's just that she has already turned her back to me and fell asleep facing the wall.

I stared blankly at He Zhi for a long while, and for no reason, a sense of sympathy rose in my heart.

He Zhi's temper is indeed a bit willful, and he will lose his temper for no reason.

But her act of wiping my sweat just now was also from the heart.

Maybe it's just that I don't know her well enough?

[The author has something to say]

Thanks to Miss Huaer for her literary laurels, and thanks to Tranquility and Zhiyuan for her divine work certification.Today's update is over...

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