Liu Tianniu's face was ashen, and suddenly he turned sideways and flashed towards me.

The next moment he grabbed my shoulder and galloped towards the dense forest in the other direction!

Liu Tianniu's reaction speed was too fast. After a few breaths, we were all about to get into the woods, when the sound of gunshots came from behind one after another!

The tree trunk was hit, bark and sawdust flew wildly, the ground was hit, and mud and stones burst out!

I just feel that my scalp is numb. If I slow down a little bit, Liu Tianniu and I will lose our lives...

After rushing into the forest, Liu Tianniu's speed became even faster.

I suppressed the fear in my heart, and after my thoughts calmed down, I quickly said, "Go down the mountain and find a place to hide. These townspeople are too stubborn, so I can't fight them hard..."

Liu Tianniu quickly shuttled through the woods.

It took us quite a while to go up the mountain, but we probably didn't even need a quarter of it to go down the mountain.

When we came out of the mountain pass, we immediately saw Liu Huayan, He Zhi and Zhang Quan waiting outside.

All three of them were looking nervously at the pass.

In the blink of an eye, we were in front of the three of them.

Liu Tianniu stopped and let go of my shoulders.

I staggered and almost fell...

He Zhi quickly reached out his hand and helped me, so that I could barely stabilize my body.

Liu Huayan's expression finally eased a little, and he asked cautiously: "Master, there was a gunshot just now..." Liu Tianniu didn't answer, but turned his head sideways, looking at the mountain with a sinking face.

Sweat broke out on Zhang Quan's forehead, and he said uneasily, "A militiaman followed? What's the matter, have you stopped him?" The next moment, Zhang Quan closed his mouth tightly and stopped talking.

He seems to have guessed the result...

I took several deep breaths to calm down my beating heart.

The scenes on the mountain were filtered again in my mind, especially the appearance of that dark coffin was even more profound in my mind...

"We had a conflict. They dug out the coffin. There is nothing to discuss about it. Zhang Quan, find a safe place and send us there immediately."

"What to do, we need to discuss it again." I said hoarsely.

Then I added another sentence, saying that when they go down the mountain, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to hide, and those townspeople will definitely inform the people in the town.

After saying that, I fixedly looked at Zhang Quan.

There was more sweat on his forehead, and his eyes were filled with fear and anxiety.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head again, frowning in thought.

After a while, he murmured: "I kicked the mayor, he will definitely not give me a good life, and we are together again, we will definitely not be able to go to my house."

"There is an old house at the west end of the town. No one usually goes there. It used to be a coffin shop, and people moved away for many years."

"How about going there?" Zhang Quan asked tentatively.

My heart skipped a beat.

Zhang Quan found a good place.

A coffin shop that has been uninhabited for a long time is also unlucky enough!

These townspeople are all arrogant, but they are also timid enough that they probably wouldn't think of us going there.

"Let's go, someone is going down the mountain." Suddenly, Liu Tianniu spoke.

Immediately I remembered the townsman who was injured by the hoe just now.

Their speed is not as fast as me and Liu Tianniu, so instead we came to the front.

We immediately turned around and headed back towards the town.

During this journey, I was also thinking about how to solve this matter.

But for a while, I really didn't think of any way.

The actions of the townspeople are too extreme. When the official comes, the situation will become more serious.

The militiamen have guns in their hands, so the official will definitely bring people with guns.

How far will Hou Qianshu be forced?

If he came out, he might be dead...

It's really shameful to force people with corpses...

While thinking, we returned to the town from the end of the town.

When I came in, I saw a few militiamen wandering around the end of the town, but I didn't see any ordinary townspeople.

I can probably guess that when Ge Guang left last night, he must have ordered the militiamen to guard the town to prevent Qian Shu from escaping.

Zhang Quan led the way and walked towards the west end of the town.

There are few people in the town at this time, and the streets at the west end of the town are relatively deserted, but no one has seen our whereabouts.

About a quarter of an hour later, we came to the end of the street at the west end of the town.

There is a small courtyard here, the courtyard wall is extremely high, at least three or four meters away, and the courtyard gate is not high, about two meters.

But the threshold of the door is very high, at least about half a meter...

And under the eaves above, there is actually a horizontal wooden baffle.

So much so that the courtyard door looked extremely weird, with the threshold and the upper door panel sandwiched, there was only about one meter of space left.

If you want to get in and out, you not only have to lift your legs, but you also have to bend your waist, otherwise you will get caught in your legs and hit your head.

I was indeed stunned.

In the Zhaijing, there is the theory of the yin house and the yang house. Almost the houses of the living and the tombs of the dead are introduced, as well as the construction methods.

But this is the first time I have seen this kind of courtyard gate.

This can't be built randomly, but there's nothing to say on top of Feng Shui?

I frowned, this is more troublesome, we can go in, it is basically impossible for the big ox to enter the hospital.

At this time, Zhang Quan had already walked to the gate of the courtyard. He stretched out his hand vigorously and pushed open the gate behind the baffle with a creak.

He greeted us, then bent his waist, raised his legs and got in.

I was about to talk about the threshold, but He Zhi walked ahead. After Zhang Quan entered the gate, she quickly went to dismantle the threshold.

The threshold seemed to be moving, and He Zhi picked it up from above in a few moments.

The big yellow ox snorted and walked forward, Liu Tianniu almost entered the yard with it, and Liu Huayan followed closely behind.

He Zhi motioned for me to quickly enter the gate, and quickly explained: "This should not be a simple coffin shop. There is a hatchet hanging in front of his door. The people who lived here before should also be coffin makers on the road."

"There is a kind of dead body fraud, the legs and feet will be rigid, can move, but can not be straight.

Often walking, the coffin shop often accepts the dead, to prevent the fake corpses from leaving, they will put baffles on the threshold and the door, so that the ossified corpses cannot get out. ""Grandpa told me that coffin bearers and coffin makers, as long as they are on the road, will repair the door like this." "

As he said that, He Zhi also pointed to the baffle, and there was indeed a rusty ax hanging under the door.

During this period, both of us had already stood inside the courtyard gate.

He Zhi easily put the baffle back.

Sure enough, I saw a card slot at the back of the courtyard door, just enough to mount the baffle to make it stable.

Zhang Quan hurried forward, carefully closed the courtyard door, then turned around and stared at He Zhi in a daze, with fear in his eyes, but also curiosity.

Obviously, he was also curious about what He Zhi said.

I actually wanted to ask a few more questions, but at this moment, my eyes were more attracted to the courtyard.

The courtyard was extraordinarily empty, and a lot of wood was piled up in the courtyard, all of which were thick trunks, and there were even many cut planks.

The door of the main room was open, and there were many carpenter's tools inside.

But the strange thing is that there is no coffin that has been formed.

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