"If a person kills, he will be punished by heaven. If a dead person kills, he will not be able to be reincarnated. If my mother breaks this taboo for the vicious corpse, she will not be able to leave."

I was silent for a moment, but I still opened my mouth to answer Grandma He, after all, she has saved my life.She can save the life of a gentleman who doesn't know her way, she is definitely not a bad person.

And she already knows about my mother, if I don't give an explanation, it will cause the opposite effect.

At this time, Grandma He's face became extremely serious.

She looked at me deeply, as if she wanted to say something, but finally stopped talking.

We were in a stalemate for a while, and seeing that Grandma He didn't speak, I told the paper figurine about Grandma He's going to be buried in Liulinzi.

I asked her if she would follow her will, or if she wanted me to choose a place with good feng shui for cows to sleep.

In this way, He Guipo can also bless the ethnic group.

In fact, I subconsciously want to talk about descendants, but He Guipo only has one granddaughter, He Zhi.

He has always been the leader of the generation of hags of the He family. I have to explain all the stakes so that grandma He can make a correct decision.

After I finished speaking, Grandma He frowned.

At this time, a few ghost women looked at me, obviously overhearing our conversation.

Those ghost women looked at each other, and some people bowed their heads to talk.

Soon, everyone gathered around, all of them came behind He Guipo, and some people couldn't help asking me, if I was buried in a place with excellent Fengshui, what would be the benefits?How do you count as a blessed group?

I thought about it for a while, and gave some general answers, such as a prosperous population, powerful families, or longevity...

When talking about Ding Changsheng, I couldn't suppress the discomfort in my heart and paused for a while.

He Guipo strictly ordered not to talk about the ghost tree...

As long as there is a hidden danger in this matter, if the ghost woman group can barely survive, it will be the fate of future generations, and it will be even more difficult for the group to prosper.

As for these ghost women, they talked more, and their eyes even showed excitement.

Sure enough, someone said directly: "That's great, the ghost woman of the He family has a very ill-fated life! Money and wealth are external objects, if it can make Ding prosperous, why are you afraid of his old watchman?! It's nothing but a fourth-rate bang!" It's a mob, just a lot of people!"

What this person said immediately caused the rest of the people to echo in unison.

I didn't say a word, just looked at Grandma He, waiting for him to make a decision.

Granny He kept her face tense.

Suddenly, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes became stern.

"You can shut up now. If you want people, you can have more children and raise more children. If you can't keep your own children, it's because you are not capable enough, and those who have been reincarnated are not hard enough to enter the He family!"

"Too much money makes people jealous, ghosts jealous, rich and powerful are nothing but clouds, if you want it, will you be short of it?!"

"Old He Tou's last words were to be buried in Liulinzi. Mr. Li told me that he respected Old He Tou as our leader, but now we have to change his last wish for our own selfish desires?" Granny He glanced over Everyone said coldly: "Then I'm afraid that old He Tou's character will be uneasy if he stays in the grave. Let's see if he will protect the He family or give him a hard time."

"Old Hetou will be dissatisfied at that time, bless you? Hehe, when it gets dark and knock on everyone's doors, who can resist?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, they were all hesitant, and their brows were also furrowed.

At this time, Qu Yuegu suddenly said in a low voice: "Master, if it is really good for our clan, I think it is for the clan..." Before she finished speaking, Grandma He suddenly raised her hand, and slapped her across the face. It hit Qu Yuegu's face.

This slap immediately left five finger marks on her immature face.

Qu Yuegu's eyes immediately turned red, and she tightly covered her face, not knowing whether it was pain or grievance.

She didn't dare to speak anymore.

This scene also made me understand the same point, perhaps the hag of the He family has always been so strict in teaching the next generation.

Isn't He the witch targeting He Zhi?

In other words, he did treat He Zhi a little harder, and that was just to keep He Zhi alive.

As for He Qiyue at the side, she took Qu Yuegu's hand and carefully persuaded her.

"I'm only saying it once, there is no other possibility."

Grandma He glanced at everyone again, and when she turned her head to look at me again, the complexity in her eyes dissipated a lot, and she just told me firmly that I should follow my last words.

After a short pause, she told me that the corpses of these hags will be sent back to their respective homes after they restrain themselves, so they won't stay in Hejia Village for too long. She asked me to bury hags quickly.

I nodded and said that I would do it as soon as possible, because we will not stay in Hejia Village for long.

Granny He hummed, and said: "It's true that you can't stay for long. The old watchman will take revenge. This time, they and the ghost woman are getting married. It's a good thing for you to leave for now."

Hearing this, I just want to persuade, don't fight too hard.

Grandma He smiled as if she guessed what I was going to say, and said, "This is a deadly enmity, and it will never stop. If we stop, the watchman will not stop. Besides, , The ghost woman suffered heavy casualties, far from being able to be recruited by the watchman casually, if there is no revenge, there will be no place for the ghost woman in this world." I chose to keep silent...

I did not continue to stay at the entrance of the village, but turned around and walked towards the yard where everyone stayed before.

A quarter of an hour later, I returned to the courtyard.

At this time, the ghost woman's body was no longer visible in the main room.

Even He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu Yuan disappeared, leaving only Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan.

I hastily asked Liu Huayan, where did He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu Ren go?

Liu Huayan told me that when they first came back, they happened to see He Zhi and the paper figurine Xu carrying the corpse away, saying that they were going to settle the corpse in the courtyard of He Guipo's own house, where there was a longevity tree that had been prepared long ago.

I was startled, stopped talking, and prepared to turn around and go to the end of the village.

Obviously feeling the eyes of Liu Huayan and Liu Tianniu, I paused again.

Even though I don't like Liu Tianniu, there is still a little respect in my eyes: "Daoist Liu, I'll go with you on business. As for what Miss Liu said, I need to think about it."

I didn't say no directly, but I gave some leeway.

But at this moment, Liu Tianniu suddenly said: "I know what you want to ask Mr. Jiang."

"However, I can tell you that Mr. Yin Yang has his own rules. If you promise me now, I can give you one thing, another Mr. Yin Yang's. Bad compass."

[The author has something to say]

Today's update is over =. =.

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