The book is icy cold, just touching it makes me shiver.

My heart was beating wildly, and my eyelids were also beating wildly, and I opened them subconsciously.

On the first page, there are lines of small characters with beautiful handwriting.

I subconsciously murmured out the voice: "The spirit of giving birth, avoiding the sun, the fetus is full-term, and the name is given...December, incense and candle tribute, and birth from the yin."

My voice is not loud, but just chanting, I feel as if something has been poured into my chest, making my voice cold and shrill!

The whispering at the beginning ended with a shrill cry like an old woman!

I stared straight at the words on the page, not only was my forehead sweating, but my palms were also sweating.

What the hell is this book so weird?

"Fuck! Yinyang, Luo Yinpo is here?!" There was a muffled bang from behind, and the second uncle cursed in surprise.

I turned around abruptly, and at the same time, I moved more quickly, instinctively closed the page, held it tightly to my chest, and stared back at my second uncle.

The second uncle's face was still flushed, obviously not fully awake, but his eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty.

He was so surprised that he first landed on the big black wooden box, then landed on me, and finally stared at the book I was clutching.

"It's not dark yet, so you can't see dirty things, Yin Yang, were you talking just now?" The second uncle shook his head, his voice became quite hoarse.

After a moment of hesitation, I nodded.

The second uncle stared at me for a few seconds, but his eyes became much more complicated. He suddenly didn't say anything else, and just finished his speech. Watch it carefully, and then he went back to the room.

I took a deep breath and collected myself, then I turned on the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng and looked down.

The first two pages are similar to the formulas I have read just now, but the first one is the simplest, while the latter ones are complicated and have different meanings.

But I can basically read and understand. In fact, I am also glad that my father can read.

Although he didn't teach me how to fish for corpses in the beginning these years, I haven't lost my ability to read and write. I haven't been to school, but I can recognize a lot of characters.

After the formula page, there is an introduction to the Nine Techniques of Yin Generation, as well as the way to connect Yin, why to connect Yin, and even taboos.

Before I finished watching, it was dark.

Footsteps came from behind again, and looking back, it was the second uncle who woke up.

"Second Uncle." I called out to him, and closed the book, feeling a little pain in my head. I didn't intend to continue reading, but put the book back into the wooden box.

But my head has been digesting the contents of the book and memorizing them clearly.

"Luo Yinpo is also a good job, but it's a bit bloody, and the money should be no less than what we earn from scavenging corpses, and it's not manual work." The second uncle took a sip of his wine, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "You The old man told me before, you have a good memory, you can learn everything quickly, if you really can learn how to do this and do both jobs together, then you will have a good life in the future."

As he said that, Second Uncle seemed to have thought of something, and he was obviously hesitant.

"I know the second uncle." I nodded, also slightly puzzled, and asked what the second uncle was thinking, and was there anything else important?

The second uncle waved his hand and said no, the most important thing is to find Wang Xue's son's body, and then the things my father promised will not be so urgent. Get up, there's nothing else to do.

When the time comes, go out for a while and finish the tasks one by one. It's almost Liu Shuigui's signboard, so let me continue, and maybe I can earn enough for a big yellow croaker.

I nodded solemnly.

I also hesitated for a moment, stood up, and stretched my muscles and bones a little.

"Second Uncle, you can rest at home for a while, I'll go to the pier." I said.

The second uncle was obviously taken aback.

I just said: "I'll go into the water and fish them out. After all, those people don't know if they can catch them all in one day. They have to go to those households and ask them to bring roosters. They don't speak well, so don't talk to them." I went to get angry together."

I said, grinning too.

But the second uncle let out a foul breath, he shook his head and said: "I'm old, and I can't compare to a young man who just turned 20 years old, but 20 years ago, the second uncle could stay in the water for a day without going ashore, yes, yes Just work hard! Second Uncle will go with you, lest you be gossiped all the time." After saying that, Second Uncle walked out directly.

I hurried into the kitchen first, and took out two pancakes before I followed my second uncle.

Handed the pancakes to the second uncle, the second uncle ate every bite, and served the pancakes with white wine.

It was dark and gloomy at the moment, not long after nightfall, and the moon hadn't come out yet.

We walked towards the river, and we had to go to the dock from the second uncle's corpse boat.

But just halfway through, a group of people started running over from the other side of the village road!

I didn't realize it after a rough look, but when they got closer, I realized clearly, isn't this the head of the family of those men?

This group of people was so aggressive that they immediately dispersed when they saw me.

The one who took the lead was the thin, tall villager who pushed and shoved me before.

"Li Yinyang!" His expression was even more fierce, like the angry expression of catching a thief.

"Sure enough! The big guy said before that you might run away! I didn't see anyone yesterday! If someone didn't see you from your door today, you would run away again!" The villager raised his hand and wanted to run away. Come grab my shoulder!

I frowned, dodged back, and said in a hoarse voice: "I didn't run, I'm going to the pier to retrieve the corpse, and I'm going to call you."

The tall and thin villager stared at him. He pointed to the river and said, "You said to go to the pier? This is the pier? When you get into the water, you might just run away without a trace!"

"You still call us, what kind of people call us? Li Yinyang, I didn't expect you to be submissive before, and you were all pretending! I'm afraid you are full of chickens and dogs! You are lying and deceiving, but you don't change your face!" My complexion changed, and I argued. : "The corpse boat is here, we have to go to the pier by punting."

At this time, another villager said cursingly: "Go to the pier by punting? You went to the pier yesterday, but you just ran away by punting! I think you have come back to pack up your things, and you don't plan to go back to the village this time." !"

Immediately, those villagers were about to gather around, and whoever took the lead yelled: "Search Li Yinyang's body! It is impossible to run away! Pay all the money for compensation! You have to pick up the body!"

Immediately, a motley group of villagers was about to surround him.

There was greed in their eyes, and my face changed again at that time.

At the moment, I have sixty big coins on my body. The money is not sent by someone who doesn’t know why, but the money I desperately went to find the corpse, and I want to give it to my father!

There was a sudden ruthlessness in my heart.

I directly pulled out the divination knife at my waist, and swung it sideways!

Those villagers were obviously taken aback!

"I said don't run! Just don't run! You stole my money once, and now you can't let it go? Don't be too vicious, be impatient, white knives come in, red knives come out!" A lot fiercer!

The second uncle didn't speak, but he also drew out the divination knife, and the handle of the knife was spinning in his hand.

Those villagers are actually bullying masters, no one dared to rush up immediately, but they still surrounded us.

After a quarter of an hour, their expressions remained cloudy and uncertain.

At this time, my second uncle said: "You, what's your name?" He raised his knife and pointed at the tall and thin villager.

The villager hid, and then responded: "Feng Dagen."

"Sure, Feng Dagen, take two of you and follow us on the corpse boat. We went to the wharf, and what we fished was the corpse of the head of your family. Yin and Yang are not that kind of people. They can't do your things, people It will definitely be picked up for you.”

"When a person dies, the compensation that should be paid must also be paid. This is the rule. Others go back one by one to get a big rooster. This is also the rule for picking up the corpse." The second uncle said in a firm and calm tone.

I pursed my lips and didn't answer.

But what he said is indeed correct, those men went to save Luo Yinpo from death, this matter has an inseparable relationship with me, and I have a great responsibility.

And the compensation that the second uncle said is also a matter of course.

Although those villagers said they robbed the money, but after all, the money is not clean, and it is not mine...

Obviously, the word "compensation" made everyone look excited.

Suddenly, the hatred on Feng Dagen's face disappeared.

He nodded heavily: "If you say it, you will knock the nails on the ship! Don't be fooled!" He quickly greeted two people, three of them followed behind us, and the rest also left quickly.

It was only a few tens of meters away from the river, so we pulled the corpse boat into the water, boarded it, and headed towards the pier.

Feng Dagen and two other villagers were sitting in the cabin of the bamboo shed, they were whispering something.

I stayed at the stern of the boat with my second uncle, and we punted together.

The second uncle said a few words to me briefly, saying that he was angry, but he really had to let me do this, so as to clean up the cause and effect, otherwise we will be in trouble in the future.

I nodded to show that I understood.

Not long after, we came to the pier.

Of course, the corpse boat was docked on the pier first, and the second uncle, Feng Dagen, and two other villagers went ashore.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, the villagers came one after another, all carrying roosters.

Of course, it wasn't just those villagers who came here, but many other villagers also followed.

I can see it at a glance.

Either they followed up to watch the fun, or they were called here, most likely because they wanted to be a witness.

Sure enough, only when people were approaching the pier, did someone shout. It was roughly the same as what I thought. Let the villagers be a witness. Today, Li Yinyang has to pick up the body, and every family has to pay compensation. pillar.

I lowered my head, didn't answer, and punted towards the river under the signal of my second uncle's eyes.

It lasted almost [-] meters, and then arrived at the position where my father was salvaged before.

I tidied up my stuff and got ready to go into the water.

But at this moment, I found a weird feeling, as if someone was staring at me.

I turned my head and glanced at the bow of the ship, and that's where my line of sight came from.

But the moment I turned my head away, my heart skipped a beat.

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