Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1058 Fanwai: Qingshan Chapter 2 Hanyu Juanyang Coffin

Not long after, Yang Qingshan reached the top of the mountain.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, not far away, there is a large tomb.

The moonlight was too cold, reflecting on the tomb, the stones on it seemed to be rolling down.

Yang Qingshan continued to walk towards the random graveyard.

In front of the chaotic tomb, the first tomb on the right trembled suddenly, and a few stones rolled down.

A streak of deep red blood rolled down from the top of the tomb.

With a soft chirp, a hand that was so dry and skinny came out of the grave.

Yang Qingshan frowned, and his face was instantly stern.

"Put the town god's curse in front of the grave, let's watch here first, still can't calm down the cholera heart?" Yang Qingshan's scolding was even more severe.

He stepped in front of the tomb, and took out a small silver box in his hand. After opening, it contained cinnabar ink mixed with cinnabar and Taoist blood.

He took out another pen, dipped it in cinnabar ink, and drew a slightly dim and blurred talisman towards the front of the grave!

This talisman is the magic spell of the Qiang people!

If there are still people here, they can see it.

In front of each tomb, there is a magic spell to hold the town!

Those who can rebel against the Qiang people are definitely not weak, and they can only be buried here to suppress them.

Every once in a while, the Liu family will send people to make up the talisman.

This time, someone should have come three days ago.

But Yang Qingshan wanted to enter the mountain, so Liu Sanyuan handed over the matter to him.

Three days later, sure enough, this chaotic graveyard is no longer peaceful.

Yang Qingshan's movements were very fast. After completing that talisman, he continued to fill in the talisman on the next grave.

Midnight passed.

The cinnabar ink in the silver box was about to run out, and the grave was at the last one.

Yang Qingshan finished sketching the last talisman.

He suddenly heard a slight cough.

The voice was hoarse, like an old man coughing.

Getting up, he walked in the direction of the cough

Leaving the Luan Grave Mound, I walked down for a while.

Under a boulder, there is a hole, exposed at the bottom of the boulder.

The cough sound seemed to come from the hole.

Yang Qingshan raised his hand and pulled out his waist whisk.

He swung it suddenly, and there was a crackling sound.

A pitch-black figure suddenly came out of the hole!

After falling a few meters away, there was a clicking sound from the figure, like an old man coughing

Yang Qingshan's brows relaxed a little.

He thought there was some kind of deceitful corpse, but unexpectedly, it was a toad that had lived in the graveyard for a long time and was tainted with Yin Qi.

He glanced at the hole again, shook his head, and walked up the mountain.

When they returned to the camp, most of the gentlemen had already entered the water.

Yang Xiayuan leaned against a rock, as if he had fallen asleep.

There is a bonfire on the edge of the rock, and an iron pot is hung above the bonfire.

There is still half of the soup in the pot left, and it has boiled milky white and thick.

Yang Qingshan picked up a cloth blanket on the ground and put it on Yang Xiayuan's shoulders.

Yang Xiayuan's body trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Pressing the blanket on his shoulders with his hands, his tone was much softer: "Qingshan, eat something first, and then rest quickly, it will be dawn."

Yang Qingshan supported the edge of the pot with two branches and took it down.

I ate some food to fill my stomach.

He turned to look at Yang Xiayuan again.

At this time, Yang Xiayuan had fallen asleep.

He meditated on the side and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, the sun penetrated the clouds, and a ray fell on Yang Qingshan's head.

He opened his eyes.

Yang Xiayuan just woke up too.

The father and son looked at each other, and Yang Xiayuan went to direct those gentlemen to act.

Most of them brought their belongings and the tools needed for digging, and they were ready to go.

Yang Xiayuan led the way again.

As he walked, he said: "Zhilong is the mountain where the Qi veins stop accumulating, forming caves. The 24 mountains are in the middle, Zhilong forms caves, and gathers dragon energy." "Dragon Qi is where the gate of life is." In the Feng Shui Bureau, there must be a dark river, and the dark river will make these dragon spirits swim away."

"This position is not only chosen for my father, but also based on your grandfather's analysis." Yang Qingshan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Those gentlemen in the rear also listened attentively, nodding secretly, showing a look of sudden thought.

Another full day of driving.

When it was getting dark, everyone could only eat some dry food and drink water casually.

Everyone did not rest.

In the middle of the night, Yang Xiayuan stopped in his tracks.

In front of everyone, there is a majestic and continuous mountain range.

Below the foot of the mountain, the mountain gradually rises.

Between the mountains, the main peak is even more majestic!

A wide river is flowing at the foot of the mountain.

A stone arch bridge stands on the river!

Yang Xiayuan showed excitement on his face, he stepped forward and continued to walk forward.

In a blink of an eye, everyone walked across the arch bridge.

At this point, Yang Xiayuan asked everyone to stop and rest here for the night

Although he was very excited, everyone was also very excited.

But this ridge is too high, and it will take at least a day to get there.

Now rushing all night, it will be daytime, unable to move.

It's better to recharge your batteries now.

Everyone sat on the ground and took a rest.

Yang Qingshan stopped at the foot of the mountain and watched for a long time, then he also sat cross-legged and continued to meditate.

Yang Xiayuan didn't fall asleep.

He lay on the ground for a long time, but still opened his eyes.

Hand, involuntarily touched his face again.

His lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

The whole night passed extremely quickly.

At dawn the next day, everyone started to set off again.

There is no need to mention the process of going up the mountain.

The Zhilong Mountain Range is too large, and the caves are located on the mountainside. Because the mountain is too large, it is extremely difficult to find the mountainside.

Rao has Yang Xiayuan, Yang Qingshan as the leader, and many other gentlemen.

It was almost dark when the crowd stopped in front of an open space.

At this time, there was a bit of joy in everyone's eyes.

Yang Xiayuan stood at the front of the crowd. He swept across the open space and murmured: "The ridges stop, flattened like a palm! This place must be a place where dragon energy gathers and the Yin River flows smoothly!" As he said, Yang Xiayuan took out another compass.

He took a few steps forward, sweeping all four.

He even felt a warm breeze blowing in the air.

"It's right to condense anger"

He searched extremely carefully, and finally stopped at one location, and said in a deep voice, "Dig from here! Until you see water!"

Those gentlemen had rested for a while, and now they were full of energy.

Everyone stepped forward, holding shovels and hoes in their hands, and began to dig hard!

In a blink of an eye, the hole went down nearly ten meters.

Mr. took turns back and forth, exhausted and out of breath

Below the deep cave, there was a shout: "Senior Kanyu, you haven't seen Yinlongshui yet, do you still want to dig?! Will it disturb the feng shui here and cause landslides?" Yang Xiayuan's eyes were fixed, and he walked away Near the entrance of the cave, he said in a deep voice, "Dig! Dig another five meters, and you will definitely see the Yinlong!"

Yang Qingshan was also beside him, he closed his eyes, feeling the change of anger here.

The warm feeling became stronger, which meant that they dug right.

However, what they couldn't see was the white marble coffin under the soil layer.

On the coffin, there are several inscriptions.

"Yin dragon water, and the sun is moving, and those who see the coffin will die."

The white marble coffin is soaked in water, and above it is a thinner and thinner layer of soil.

The water is trembling.

The speed of the flow is gradually becoming faster

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