I immediately straightened Yuan Huashao and reached into the pocket of his Tang suit to feel around.

There were many bottles and jars on Yuan Huashao. I took out more than a dozen porcelain bottles, and finally found a pitch-black medicine bottle.

Opening the cork, three pitch-black pills poured out.

A strange bitter smell enters the nostrils.

Under this kind of bitterness, where can I smell the fragrance of medicine?

Yuan Huashao became weaker, I dared not delay any longer, and gave him a pill.

Liu Zhengdao's condition is not much better, so I will feed him another one.

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao sat cross-legged, as if he began to adjust his breath.

Yuan Huashao lay flat on the ground, his breathing gradually began to stabilize.

I observed the time when they had half a cup of tea, and found that the two of them were fine.

Yuan Huashao's medicine is really miraculous!

Pack the remaining one and put it by Yuan Huashao's hand.

I turned around and went to the side of Ren Jiugan's body.

At this time, Ren Jiugan's breathing had been completely cut off, and he was just a corpse.

Turning his body over, I pulled out the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler and pinned it back to my waist.

Looking at Ren Jiuqian's body again, his mouth is slightly open, and inside is the severed root of his tongue.

His nose was completely festered and even blackened.

As for the blood at the corner of the mouth and the minced meat on the chest, it was even more disgusting.

"The five elements and the eight trigrams are to the viscera in the body, and the sixteen hexagrams are also to the viscera of the body. If you enter the hexagrams in the formation, you will directly respond to the hexagrams," I murmured subconsciously.

Regarding Yuan Huashao's ability, even now, I am still horrified.

But I'm not surprised by this way of hurting people's heart.

Whether it is the innate gossip or the acquired gossip, they are all evolved from the innate sixteen hexagrams. What the eight trigrams can do, the innate sixteen hexagrams can naturally do.

However, Yuan Huashao was too fast!

In other words, it was born too fast.

I thought that pointing people to burials with a carving knife was already an extremely quick killing move, but compared with the result of saying a hexagram, it was still a lot worse.

Do not!

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and looked back at Yuan Huashao's feet.

I took a deep breath and analyzed the biggest difference.

Yuan Huashao also needs a formation, he needs a formation before he can make a decision.

If there is no formation, there is nothing to do.

However, this is not the case with the carving knife of geography. As long as you see a person, you can infer the five elements and eight trigrams from the human body, and then drop the knife to tell the fortune.

These two methods have advantages and disadvantages.

My thoughts quickly settled, and I looked into the distance again.

Ren Zigeng escaped, but he should have been injured in the end.

Although Yuan Huashao also made a hexagram, but it should be too far away, and the hexagram he formed based on deduction of the position is not so accurate.

If Liu Zhengdao had not been poisoned and injured, he should be able to catch up.

now there is nothing to do

I returned to Liu Zhengdao and Yuan Huashao, and after sitting down, I took out some dry food on my body.

After traveling for so many years, I have already developed the habit of carrying some bread and dried meat with me.

Divide two shares equally, and plan to give Liu Zhengdao and Yuan Huashao one, and keep one for himself.

After I ate, I took out the water bag and drank some water.

As time passed, the sun was getting bigger and bigger, shining on the body, and the feeling of ironing became stronger and stronger.

Without a pocket watch, I can't measure much time.

Looking at the sky, the sun has reached the center, so it should be noon.

Liu Zhengdao opened his eyes, his complexion returned to normal, and his eyes remained sharp.

Supporting Gao Guan with one hand, Liu Zhengdao stood up directly.

What he looked at was the direction where Ren Zigeng fled before.

"The mountain road is dangerous. He was injured. I will go after him. If I can't catch up, I will wait for you at the foot of the mountain." Liu Zhengdao glanced behind him.

In the rear, there are the remaining two peaks!

I immediately understood what Liu Zhengdao meant.

He doesn't plan to go to the two peaks behind here? !

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao jumped up, climbed up a tall tree, and disappeared from my sight in two or three strokes.

Looking at Yuan Huashao again, I let out a little breath and continued to wait.

After the sun moved from the center to the west for a while, Yuan Huashao finally woke up.

He also looked back to normal.

"Mr. Li." With gratitude in Yuan Huashao's eyes, he sat up.

I immediately signaled Yuan Huashao to eat.

Yuan Huashao picked up the dry food, and while he was eating, doubts appeared in his eyes again.

"Where is Daoist Liu?" Yuan Huashao asked.

"Chasing Ren Zigeng, it's not easy to go down this mountain. Your last hexagram hurt him. Daoist Liu wants to see if he can cut the weeds and get rid of the roots." I explained.

Yuan Huashao was stunned, and he nodded.

When Yuan Huashao finished eating, he frowned slightly, then turned his head to look at the two peaks behind him.

I was just about to explain a few words to him about what Liu Zhengdao and I meant.

Yuan Huashao said again: "The three of us were all wounded, but among these two vicious villains, one is already dead, and the other is helpless. This is not enough evidence."

"In the current situation, it is not good to continue up the mountain."

Yuan Huashao asked me, "What do you think Mr. Li wants?"

I took a deep breath and relaxed a lot.

I'm afraid that Yuan Huashao can't help but want to clean up the remaining two traitors as well.

In this way, I can't refuse, and our state is indeed very dangerous.

Now, Yuan Huashao is also going down the mountain, which is much better.

"Liu Zhengdao and Mr. Yuan have the same meaning. If he can't catch up with anyone, he will wait for us at the foot of the mountain." I said truthfully.

Yuan Huashao's eyes brightened a lot, he smiled and said: "Sure enough, the three of us have the same disposition, and we will never do anything unsure. When we have cultivated well in the future, I will invite two more to go with us!"

Yuan Huashao propped himself up, and I stepped forward to help him.

Then, Yuan Huashao glanced at Ren Jiugan's body on the ground, and he murmured: "Mr. Li, how can this person deserve to be buried in Yan's Nest?"

He took out a small porcelain bottle from his bosom, and poured the powder in it on Renjiu's mummy.

"Mr. Li, do you still have fire pockets?" He asked me again.

I handed the Huozhezi to Yuan Huashao.

He directly ignited the corpse, and the flames wrapped it and burned it.

After the Renjiugan was burned to ashes, Yuan Huashao and I returned to the way we came.

During this period, Yuan Huashao and I also chatted a lot.

Basically, what he was talking about in Kaiyang these years and being targeted by these two people really did not make him expect it.

He also told me to write to Jiang Pan as soon as possible.

If Ren Zigeng escaped and he was alone, Jiang Pan would definitely not be affected if he was prepared.

Of course, if Ren Zigeng is caught, everyone will be happy.

I nodded to show I understand.

Yuan Huashao smiled again, and said: "After I go back, I will heal Mr. Li's younger siblings and nephew. At that time, you and I can learn more about yin and yang techniques and exchange ideas."

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