He Zhi and I looked at each other, she hummed softly, and said, "Yin and Yang, I know."

"It's just that this child still has some bad roots. Grandpa taught me how to eradicate these things."

She looked at Zhang Jiugua again with a smile on her face, and with a touch of her hand on her waist, there were two more money bags in her palm.

"Jiu Gua, is what Master's wife said right?" Zhang Jiu Gua was taken aback for a moment, he looked at He Zhi's hand anxiously, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

I let out a long breath.

In fact, He Zhi was self-willed in his early years. After following me for so long, he lost that temper long ago.

She won't do anything to Zhang Jiugua.

On the contrary, she sharpened a little bit, and the bad roots in Zhang Jiugua's bones may really be worn away.

He Zhi and I nodded again and gave her a careful look.

He Zhi smiled like a flower.

After setting up these two disciples, I have nothing else to prepare.

He raised his head and looked at Liu Zhengdao.

"Liu Daochang, do you have any explanation?" I asked.

Liu Zhengdao closed his eyes, he took another look at Lao Huang in the corner of the courtyard, and then looked into the distance.

"If you have nothing to do in your spare time, go to the village where my father lives for me more. You don't need to contact him or disturb his life. You just need to ensure his safety."

I sighed lightly and nodded.

On the side, Dun Kong said the good words very seriously.

After that, there is nothing else to do.

I asked Luo Zhongliang and Zhang Jiugua to leave for tonight and come over tomorrow.

After dinner, they had a brief discussion with Liu Zhengdao, and then they went back to their rooms to rest.

Before going to bed, He Zhi also asked me a lot of details about the Zhaijing.

After I answered her one by one, I told her that I will not take away the Zhaijing during this trip, and let her study it carefully.

He Zhi also assured me again and again that there would be no problems with Zhai Jing.

I told her one more thing, and told her not to explain anything about yin arts to Luo Zhongliang. Everyone has a different understanding of feng shui in the yin house, so as to avoid Luo Zhongliang's troubles.

He Zhi also nodded to express his understanding.

This night was exceptionally quiet.

I'm not even dreaming.

At dawn the next day, I woke up to the sound of cock crowing.

He Zhi was still sleeping soundly, I helped her smooth out the hair on her forehead, then got out of bed and left.

In the courtyard, Liu Zhengdao wore a high crown on his head, like a straight green pine.

Liu Zhengdao and I looked at each other, and the two walked out of the courtyard at the same time.

Liu Zhengdao reached out and grabbed my shoulder, his body tilted slightly.

The next moment, I felt the strong wind raging in my ears!

In a quarter of an hour or so, we arrived outside Kaiyang City.

At this time, the sky is still white mist, but it is only dawn, and the morning sun has not yet appeared.

After waiting at the gate of the city for about another quarter of an hour, a red morning glow and a round of red early sun appeared in the sky!

Inside the city gate, a large carriage drove out smoothly.

The driver is none other than Xin Jiazi.

He glanced at us, stopped the carriage, and opened the curtain with one hand.

In the car, Yuan Hua Shao lightly smiled and nodded with us.

Liu Zhengdao and I looked at each other, and we got into the car.

This carriage is bigger and more stable than the one of the Qiang people.

There is even a table in the car, on which tea is boiled, and the charcoal fire emits a strange fragrance.

Yuan Huashao lifted the teapot, poured three cups of tea, and pushed two cups in front of me and Liu Zhengdao respectively.

I picked up the cup and took a sip.

As a result, the quality of this tea is very average

"It seems that Mr. Li is somewhat disappointed with this tea?" Yuan Huashao said with a smile.

I drank the tea liquid in one gulp, and then said softly: "Mr. Yuan's family has eaten the light rice, and this rough tea must be of the highest quality."

"How can Li be disappointed? If the people of Kaiyang City are rich, if you want to come to Mr. Yuan's tea, you will also replace it with spring tea buds."

There was a lot of light in Yuan Huashao's eyes, and he smiled heartily: "Mr. Li and I really didn't meet each other so late."

He also drank the tea in his cup.

Of course, Liu Zhengdao also drank tea during this period, and he closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Yuan Huashao poured me tea again, and at the same time, he said: "Mr. Li, drink a few more cups, and we will see how the tea tastes when we get to the place."

"Bitter first, then sweet, then tasteless?" I answered Yuan Huashao with the second cup of tea.

The way he looked at me became brighter.

"It seems that Mr. Li is more peaceful than I thought. I thought that Mr. Li has been running around in the world of Yin and Yang for many years, so his temper is inevitably a bit impatient."

"Yuan took it for granted." I drank the tea, shook my head, and sighed softly: "I just remembered an old friend."

"Old man?" Yuan Huashao had doubts in his eyes, but he didn't ask much.

I looked out the car window.

Although the carriage is big, the horses are not as good as those of the Qiang people, and our speed is very slow.

At this speed, a distance of one hundred miles would take at least a whole day.

I did not mention the old man's name.

After being quiet for about a cup of tea, Yuan Huashao and I started talking about Yin Yang.

According to his words, we each have the ability to know each other, and when we enter the mountain, we will be able to display our strength better.

Although our trip is a plan, but it also needs to be fake.

I pondered for a moment, and asked, "If we get to the coffin, will we open it?" Yuan Huashao nodded, and said, "Open." I frowned quite a bit, and then I said that I have been worried, but But did not mention the words.

Almost, these three feathered corpses were buried in such a place with good geomantic omen, and they were definitely not very human when they were alive.

We will do whatever we can and use this feng shui situation to bring danger to ourselves.

But if we can open the coffin, then the danger of this place may not fall on us.

Is there still a need to open the coffin?

Yuan Huashao's complexion was much more complicated.

He sighed softly and said, "Mr. Li, Yuan did not say something clearly before. Mr. Li would not want to open the coffin, which is expected by Yuan.

The next moment, Yuan Huashao told me the reason.

The reason why he knew about a feng shui bureau where Sanyu's corpse was buried was because this feng shui bureau came from his fellow sect.

However, this is not his generation.

About three generations ago, they were born in the same line, and there were a few traitors, who were the generation who deceived teachers and destroyed their ancestors!

After that, these traitors chose such a place with great geomantic omens to live in seclusion, and then sat down.

He asked me and Liu Zhengdao to break the geomantic omen. Apart from using tricks, he was thinking about whether he could use the skills of Taoists from the Liu family and geologists to break the traitor's geomantic omen!

In this way, it is the best of both worlds!

I froze for a moment, but I didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret in it.

Liu Zhengdao opened his eyes, thoughtfully, and said in a low voice: "The generation who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors?"

Yuan Huashao nodded immediately, he sighed again, and said: "To tell you the truth, a certain Yuan, even with his subordinates, is indeed difficult to break the situation. If the situation is broken, I'm afraid there is no way to deal with it."

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