The day I was born was the winter solstice, the day of the year when yin and yang alternate.

My father named me Li Yinyang...

He is a fisherman on the hanging river.

On the day of the winter solstice in the Renxu year, he was escorting his Yin Po across the village on the other side of the Xuan River to do errands, and he encountered a drowning pregnant woman.

He immediately plunged into the water to save people.

The man was rescued on the boat, but the pregnant woman was weak and died before reaching the shore...

If a pregnant woman dies, one dead body and two lives, then it is a resentful mother and son!

It was the winter solstice again, and if it was not handled properly, it would be impossible to cross the hanging river in the future.

The mother and son, with their negative fetuses, look for scapegoats every day, and every time they enter the water, one will die.

If the woman who receives the vagina is on the boat, she will give the vagina to the pregnant woman!

That pregnant woman is my mother...

According to my father, when I was born, I was only half breathed.

He thought it was his fate, God saw that he was widowed and lonely all his life, fishing for corpses on boats, so he gave him a river tire.

He tried his best to keep me alive and adopted me as his son.

As for my mother's body, it was swept into the Hanging River by a wave of water when it was about to land, and it has not been able to land since then!


I grew up following a few rules.

First, I couldn't stay by the river when I was a child, because my mother hated me and didn't want to go to reincarnation. Every time I was born, she wandered on the river, trying to drag me into the water to reunite.

Second, because I was born in the river, the river god gave me a favor and gave me a life, so I can’t eat the carp from Xuanhe in this life. Sun.

Thirdly, if the Yin-in-law dies, I will provide her with retirement care until her death.

There is a saying that people rely on mountains to eat mountains, and water to eat water. Most people living by the hanging river rely on fishing.

My father is a fisherman, he doesn't eat fish, he just keeps a rule with me.This caused me to suffer from malnutrition when I was a child, and I was always sallow and thin...

I didn't have a childhood, other children were playing and playing, and when they went into the water to catch fish, I followed my father to fish for corpses in the river.

It's just that every time, he just asked me to stay in the cabin, and he had to close the curtain, so I couldn't see anything...

By the time he got off the boat, he had already wrapped the corpse in a straw mat or a white cloth, and all I could see were the iron-blue dead feet or wet dead hair.

The villagers respect and fear the corpse hunters. People who live on water are the most likely to have accidents in the water. No one can guarantee that one day they will not ask the corpse hunters.

For me, they stay away!

Because they think that I am a doll pulled out of the stomach of a dead body in the river, not only a child of Yin, but also a child of water ghost.

It is because of me that they dare not go fishing in the middle of the night.

Even when someone was drowned at night, they blamed it on me, saying that my mother killed someone in the water!

For this reason, the whole village came to my father's door several times and begged him to throw me into the water and drown me, and return it to my mother!

They are willing to raise money to buy a daughter-in-law for my father and carry on the family line for him!

My dad was so angry that he told them all to leave.

Besides, in the future, he will not pick up any corpses in the hanging river!

But since then, I have also become terrified of the villagers, for fear that someone will kill me...

Because I can't swim, my father won't let me learn...

Time flies by like this, and I just passed my 21st birthday.

My dad suddenly started teaching me how to swim...

It's just that he always taught me in broad daylight, and when he fished out the corpse at night, he only asked me to wait on the shore.

But after landing, he would open the body for me to see.

And describe to me, what is a walking corpse, what is a vertical corpse, why the male corpse is facing up, and the female corpse is facing down...

It also includes what corpses the corpse hunters are most afraid of encountering!What kind of corpse would never dare to salvage!

In the beginning, I always had nightmares. People have a natural fear of dead bodies.

That kind of cold, stiff, and cloudy, just looking at it, you will feel cold all over your body.

Even when swimming in the river during the day, I would feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at me in the water.

A year passed like this, on the day of my 22nd birthday, my father brought back a piece of roasted pig's head and two bottles of sorghum wine at night, and cooked a table of sumptuous dishes!

When he got drunk, he murmured to me that he has been counting the time every day for more than 20 years, hoping that the sun will pass slowly, slowly, and it is best not to have this day forever, but God will not Listening to his nagging, this day is still here.

I was at a loss, and asked him what he meant?

He just looked out the door with red eyes, and told me that Jie Yinpo told him that a Yin born child is born with a Yin life, and if he wants to live a good life, he must not only be careful, but also have a death calamity, which is the 22-year-old Kan Yang Guan!

On the day of Kanyang Pass, my mother, Sha Mi'er, if she finds me, I'm afraid she will take me away.

I have to get through today, and my mother can't find me, so that I can really be safe and sound for the rest of my life.

Originally, I also drank two glasses of wine, but what he said made me tremble, and most of the wine sobered up.

My father slapped the divination knife on the wooden table, the divination knife trembled, and there was murderous intent in his red eyeballs.

He told me not to be afraid, as he became my father, he would take care of my life.

Even if my mother comes ashore to look for me tonight, he won't let her get it!Even if the river god wanted to take his life, he would have to fight in the water!

But he also told me thousands of times that I must be more cautious than usual and never leave the house for half a step.

Afterwards, I didn’t know what to eat. My father drank like drinking water. He drank most of the two bottles of burning knives.

He stood in front of the door, like a door god, holding a divination knife, with murderous looks in his eyes...

At this moment, several villagers with torches suddenly came outside the house, begging him to go out and get into the water in a hurry!

The yin woman didn't know what happened, so she dived into the pier like crazy!Several men who can swim have already gone down, but none of them came up.

They asked my father to save people quickly, if it was too late, everyone would be gone...

I was still drinking water from a bowl in my hand, and with a bang, the bowl fell to the ground, and the hairs all over my body stood on end.

My father's face was pale, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The villagers urged him anxiously.

My father glanced at me and told me word by word.

He knew that my mother was fierce, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce... She dared to hurt my mother-in-law even if she was connected!

Even if he risked his life tonight, he still couldn't let my mother succeed!

And let me remember his words, but dare not go out.

[The author has something to say]

The prequel is the story of Li Yinyang and Yang Qingshan. I want to write about the era when Yin and Yang flourished.Half of them have the same life experience, and all the timelines of the folks will be perfectly answered in "Mr. Yin Yang".This will be a huge supernatural world view, and I am especially grateful for everyone's support, so that I have this opportunity to try to build it.

Mr. Yin-Yang, Mr. Baishi, Fortune Teller, Corpse Picker, Yin Po, Goddess, Corpse Seammaker, Paper Maker, Coffin Carrier, Life Stealer, Mi Po, Corpse Exorcist, Executioner, Taoist Priest, Horseman...

The way of Fengshui is broad and profound, and from the perspective of Li Yinyang, it tells about this unpredictable world!

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