"Old woman, why does the car downstairs have the same license plate as Xiao Chu's, but the car is not."

The person was still standing outside the door, but Dad Ding's voice had already come in.

"Damn old man, keep your voice down, don't wake the child up when he just fell asleep." Mama Ding just put the sleeping Choubao into the bedroom when she heard her wife's loud voice, and she went straight out of the bedroom angrily. to the gate.

"Child? Who is it? Isn't Xiaowei still out of school?"

Hearing what Mama Ding said, Papa Ding couldn't get his head around for a moment.

"Dad, come in quickly, what are you doing standing at the door?"

The daughter's voice came from the living room, which made Dad Ding react and walked in quickly.

"It's true that you guys came here, so I said why the car downstairs has your license plate, it's a change of car."

"Dad" Li Chu stood up with a smile and said hello.

"Some time ago, the superior just replaced it."

"This black car looks really impressive. By the way, Smelly Bao fell asleep?"

"Old man, don't go in and tease the child. You just fell asleep for a while, and you can hug him when you wake up."

Seeing that his wife wanted to go to the bedroom, Ding's mother quickly stretched out her hand to hold him.

"I don't tease the children, so I go in and take a look. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Okay, you guys sit down, I'll cook, Jianguo and the others are going to get off work soon." Ding's mother gave his wife a look, warned him not to play around, then turned and walked to the kitchen.

"Mom, I'll help you. Don't you need to pick Xiaowei up after school?" Ding Qiunan, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up and walked to the kitchen when his mother said that he was going to cook.

"No, it's not far away. He walked back with his classmates."

When Li Chu saw the two of them walk into the kitchen, he sat on the sofa again. The kitchen was small, so he didn't follow to join in the fun.

In a few minutes, Dad Ding came out of the bedroom with a smile on his face.

"This brat is chubby, and looks stronger than Wenxuan's when he was a child."

Speaking of which, Dad Ding took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and was just about to give one to his son-in-law, but then remembered that the child was still asleep in the bedroom, and pointed to the balcony: "Come on, let's sit on the balcony."

"Dad, how are you and my mother doing?" On the balcony, Li Chu asked after receiving the cigarettes from the old man.

"Well, I can eat and sleep every day."

It can be seen that Dad Ding is still a little dissatisfied with moving here. He has lived in a bungalow for most of his life, and when he gets old, he has to go up and down the stairs to move his legs and feet, which is really inconvenient.

People who live in Hutongs, as long as they are not the kind of people who live in a family of [-] to [-] square meters, or [-] to [-] square meters, with seven or eight people or more, in fact, not many people are willing to move to the unit building.

Like Li Chu's family, which has its own private courtyard, not many people are willing to move.

There are also people who see that everyone else lives in a unit building, so they sell their single courtyard and buy a building, and later regret it and have nothing to say.

Not only because of the value of single-family homes later, but also the cramped space of the unit building, which made many people feel irritable and depressed.

"Dad, no, you can move back with my mother. Those old neighbors over there always ask you and my mother every time we meet."

"Forget it, forget it, don't worry about it." Ding's father waved his hand: "I also found a few old men to play chess with me here."

Speaking of this, Dad Ding looked back at the room again, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I don't care. It's mainly your mother. She thinks it's not good to live in the son-in-law's house all the time. It's not like we don't have a son."

Li Chu was a little dumbfounded, people of the older generation seemed to be like this, especially those with sons in their families, they were even less willing to live with their son-in-law, unless they could recruit a son-in-law.

"My mother just thinks too much. What's wrong with living with me? Whoever takes care of you is not taking care of you."

Papa Ding took a puff of cigarette with a smile and didn't say anything.

"Winter Winter"

There was a knock on the door, and Dad Ding trembled in fright, and the cigarette fell to the ground.

"Hey, why did you forget about this little ancestor, don't wake up the child." He hurried over to open the door.

Li Chu picked up the cigarette butts on the ground, extinguished them together with the cigarettes in his hand, and put them in the ashtray on the window sill, and walked into the living room.

"Xiaowei, keep your voice down, Smelly Bao is sleeping in the house."

Dad Ding opened the door, took the schoolbag from his grandson, and whispered.

"Understood, grandpa, are my cousin and sister-in-law back?"

"They didn't. Your aunt and uncle are back."

"Ah? Uncle, hello!" Ding Xiaowei had just changed his slippers, when he looked up, he saw Li Chu standing in the living room, and hurried over to say hello.

He loves and fears this uncle at the same time. He loves because it is most comfortable to stay with his uncle, and he is afraid because of the military uniform.

There are a few children who have never been frightened by their parents, and if they are disobedient, they will be arrested by the police.

For these children, they can't tell the difference between the police and the soldiers at this time. Anyway, they are right to be afraid when they see those in uniform.

Li Chu took out a few candies from his pocket with a smile and handed them over, Ding Xiaowei put them into his pocket with eyes full of light.

"Thank you uncle, where is my aunt?"

"I'm cooking in the kitchen with your grandma."

"Then I'll do my homework first, and I'll play with Smelly Baby when he wakes up."


"Go wash your face and hands first." Dad Ding put his schoolbag in another bedroom and said after coming out.

"I know grandpa."

"Like a monkey, so naughty as hell."

"Boys are like this. If he is as quiet as a girl, it will probably be more troublesome."

"You're right, a boy has to look like a boy." Dad Ding nodded approvingly.

After Ding Xiaowei came back from school, the sound of footsteps going upstairs could be heard from time to time in the corridor.

"Brother-in-law, when I saw the car downstairs, I thought it was you and my sister who came over, as expected."

Ding Jianguo didn't go back to his home first, but opened the door here first.

"Jianguo after get off work, hasn't Xiaona come back yet?"

"It's only a matter of a few minutes for her. Young man, bring this brat back."

Dad Ding came out of the bedroom holding Xiao Shoubao who had already woken up, and Ding Jianguo hurried over.

"Hey, what's the matter, this kid eats so chubby."

Little Smelly Bao stared at his uncle with wide eyes in his great-grandfather's arms, then turned his head to look at his little uncle who was following him, and said ahhh twice.

Immediately after him, he saw his grandfather, and this time he couldn't do it anymore. He stretched out his hands to hug him, and kicked his calves.

A child who no longer recognizes people is not very happy to be hugged by an unfamiliar person just after waking up.

Li Chu took the child, carried him to the bathroom to urinate, and returned to the living room, full of joy.

Being picked up by Ding's dad didn't make any trouble anymore, and chatted with him about whether he was compatible or not.

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