Li Chu was just about to enter the gate with the child in his arms, when Xiao Hezeng, who had been lying on the steps, stood up suddenly, looked towards the entrance of the alley to the west, and followed a figure and turned around.

Li Qin and Li Chu, who were about to go in, both glanced over there.

As soon as the man turned around, he saw someone standing at the door of the first house. He was also taken aback for a moment, but when he saw who it was, he quickly walked a few steps forward.

"Hi Doctor Li!"

He was about to move forward, but when Xiao Hei whimpered, he was so frightened that he stood five meters away and didn't dare to move anymore.

Li Chu looked at the young man in front of him, he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"You are……?"

"Doctor Li, my family lives in the fourth alley to the north. My surname is Chen. I came to see you for something."

Li Qin next to him knew who it belonged to.

"Are you the youngest son of Lao Chen from the department store?"

"Hey, it's me, Director Li."

Now Li Chu also knew who this young man was. Chen San, an idler in their area, was quite famous in this area, and he earned some money by being a broker every day.

"Chen San, why are you here looking for me?"

Li Qin is also not interested in listening here. She originally wanted to hug the little smelly treasure, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, her little head turned away, and she didn't even look at it, obviously because she didn't want to talk to her. go in.

"It's okay, sister, you go in first."

"That's fine."

Seeing that Li Qin had entered, Chen San was about to take two steps forward, but when he saw Xiao Hei who was staring at him covetously, he lowered his raised leg again.

"Little Black"

Seeing this, Li Chu yelled, and Xiao Hei squatted down obediently. He was still staring at Chen San, but he was not ready to pounce at any time as before.

"Come on, Chen San, what do you want me to do here?"

"Hey, Dr. Li, I'm here to ask for someone else, that is, your yard in Shichahai, if you have any idea of ​​making a move."

"It's ok, you boy, the real estate has started to be dumped."

"You're flattering me too much. I can't play this game. I'm just an errand runner, just helping to ask questions."

"Can I find out who wants to buy my yard?"

"This..." Chen San was a little hesitant. If the buyer and the seller met directly, he might be kicked aside as a middleman, so that he would have nothing to gain.

Seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, Li Chu didn't intend to continue asking, and said with a smile: "Okay, you don't have to embarrass me for not asking. I don't plan to sell that yard. I just packed it up and kept it for myself."

Listen, it's a human saying, it's a yard and not a toy, and I still keep it for myself to play.

But the man in front of him, Chen San, knew very well that he couldn't afford to offend him, and he didn't dare to offend him. Anyone who plucked out any leg hair would be thicker than his waist.

"Hey, Doctor Li, I'm just here to help make inquiries. Since you don't intend to sell, then don't say anything. You go ahead and I'll go over."

"Chen San later." Li Chu suddenly thought of what Wen Hui told him last night.

"Doctor Li, tell me."

"You know about the concert at the Workers' Stadium in a few days."

"I know."

"Is there a way to get tickets?"

Hey, this is for business. Chen San immediately became energetic after hearing this.

"Doctor Li, how many do you want?"

"Ten or eight is not too little, and one hundred and eighty is not too much for me, just figure it out."

Chen San was almost choked to death by his own saliva.

"Li Doctor Li, are you kidding me or are you serious?"

"I don't have the spare time to joke with you. You just have to watch and do it. Your share will be indispensable."

"Well, don't worry, Dr. Li, I will definitely get you as much as possible."

Big business, Chen San wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly over to help collect tickets.

Seeing Chen San running away in a puff of smoke, Li Chu smiled and shook his head.

If Wen Hui hadn't said it last night, he would have forgotten about this star concert.

If he remembered correctly, the sensational song "Nothing" seemed to have been sung for the first time at this concert.

For such a commemorative event, he also wanted to join in the fun and listen to this song that shocked the domestic music scene live.

"oh oh"

Feeling that the child in his arms was struggling, Li Chu came back to his senses, standing here without moving for a long time, little smelly treasure was a little impatient.

"Let's go, baby, let's go home."


"Why? Don't want to go back? Want to go around?"

"oh oh"

"No, go home and drink the milk first, then sleep for a while, when we wake up, let's go out for a walk, shall we?"


"Be obedient, baby, grandpa will carry you out later."

Seeing that he still wanted to struggle to let him go out, Li Chu put him on Xiao Hei's back, and it was all right now, and he stopped making noise, and began to giggle.

Xiao Hei glanced back at the little master sitting on its back, then at the master, then walked cautiously into the yard.

Li Chu bent over to support him, and coaxed him into the house smoothly.

"Giggle" laughter resounded throughout the yard.

Xiao Hei was so proud of his little master, the other dogs quit now, and surrounded him together, wrinkling their noses and baring their teeth at him from time to time.

Li Chu simply supported the little smelly treasure and let them carry each of them for a while, so as to calm down the emotions of the other dogs.

Even the old Dasheng and Bajie didn't like to move very much, and even carried the little master around the yard.

Li Qiaoyun also came out of the house with the support of her cousin and niece, watching her eldest grandson riding a dog around the yard with a smile on her slightly pale face.

"Qiaoyun, how do you feel?"

"It's not bad brother, you have worked so hard and you still miss me every day. This time I really caused you trouble, and my natal family can't help you much."

"Stop doing this, just rest and recuperate yourself. Don't think about it all day long. The sky is falling and there are tall people standing on it. The most important thing for you now is to maintain your mentality, then eat well and rest well. Physically Things have me.

Junzi will be on duty in two or three days, so he will be back soon.In addition, who said that your natal family can't help you, who is standing next to you supporting you. "

Li Qiaoyun glanced at the niece beside her with a smile, nodded and said, "Well, I understand brother."

"Xiao Chu, here, the baby's milk powder is ready, feed him and let him sleep for a while." Li Qin came from the corridor, holding the bottle in his hand.

Li Qiaoyun was sitting on a stone stool covered with cotton cushions, watching this man who was both his father-in-law and his elder brother, skillfully holding and nursing the child, and humming some tunes that she had never heard before, his heart sank. A burst of regret for no reason.

She really shouldn't have this child in her stomach.

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