"Fuck, isn't this a bit exaggerated, why is he?"

"Why I don't know, I need you to investigate." Li Chu shrugged his shoulders, then pointed to the ground for Sun Jianjun, signaling him to drop the cigarette.

"However, according to your analysis, this is the only problem that can explain my suspicion. It's fine for his youngest son to bring two people to his home, let alone the family members."

"Yes, you are all needed at this time, and that's all I can provide."

Sun Jianjun nodded, and then asked, "Brother Chu, do you think there will be any other suspects?"

"Have you checked Lao Fu's daughter and son-in-law?"

"I checked, they are not in Forty-Nine City at present."

"Not here? What do you mean? Where did you go?"

"It is said that his son-in-law's mother was seriously ill. They went back to Liaodong. The children stayed at the door of their house to help take care of them. They had been gone for a week when the accident happened. We also sent the police to his son-in-law's hometown. I sent a assisted investigation, but the news hasn’t come back yet.”

"When they go back to their hometown, why don't they leave the children with the old man, but ask the other door to take care of them?"

"It's a bit far away. It's not convenient for children to go to school. Their home is on the other side of Dianhai."

"Oh." Li Chu nodded, the reason is reasonable.

"In this case, it is up to you to investigate whether there are other suspects. Anyway, I think that if it is not my own, if you want to lead someone you don't know, the family members are not prepared at all. The possibility is really not Big."

Sun Jianjun certainly understands this truth.

"By the way, Jianjun." Li Chu suddenly thought of something he had thought about in the afternoon.

"I heard that Old Fu is quite cautious, he does not reveal his wealth easily, and I don't think anyone would put so much money in a conspicuous place casually, right?

If those two guys hadn't been accompanied by someone who knew the basics, wouldn't they have looted the family's property so easily? "

"When you said this, I also remembered one thing. His youngest son said that there were tens of thousands of yuan in cash at home, as well as those gold and silver jewelry. According to the previous police investigation and the suspect's own confession, the money was all They took it out of a safe in a secret compartment in the old Fu's house.

We took a look, the safe had a combination, and there was blood on the combination dial, how did they know the combination?According to their confession, it was said that they were forced to interrogate them. I think it is unlikely. If there is such a time to interrogate, why can the victim not make any movement? "

"Then you should investigate slowly. Old Fu, the youngest son, is already very suspicious." Li Chu picked up the tea mug in front of him and took a sip.

Sun Jianjun rubbed his temples with some headaches. Before, he only thought that this eucalyptus was involved in some messy things, but now it seems that this is far more complicated than they imagined.

Moreover, these two suspects belong to the abacus beads. If you don't dial, he won't move at all.

"Okay, Brother Chu, I'll go back and investigate slowly. I even arrested some people before."

When he said the second half of the sentence, his tone was a little more serious, Li Chu was stunned for a moment, and soon he realized what the brother meant.

Facing Sun Jianjun's meaningful gaze, he nodded, without saying anything, and did not continue to ask questions.

"Sister-in-law, I'll go first." Jianjun stood up and shouted into the living room.

"Ah, Jianjun, why don't you leave in a hurry." Hearing the voice from outside, Ding Qiunan put down his work and came out of the living room.

"Sister-in-law, I don't want to sit down anymore. There are still things I haven't finished in my unit."

"That's fine. I won't keep you if business is important. I'll take a rest and bring my younger siblings over to play."

"No problem, sister."

"Qiu Nan, I will send Jianjun out."

"Okay, you can go. Jianjun, drive slowly when you go back."

"Understood, sister-in-law."

On the side of the road, Li Chu watched the jeep driven by Sun Jianjun go away until the tail lights were no longer visible. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself.

If this eucalyptus hadn't suddenly seen that Xiao Fu today and smelled his unique smell, he would not have planned to ask again.

From Jianjun's words just now, he heard that a war without gunpowder has started again, or this kind of thing has never stopped at all.

Although he knew very well who was the ultimate winner, he didn't understand the process at all.

Although he learned some superficial information based on the information circulated on the Internet in his last life, he knew that this process was not easy at all, and it was full of dangers everywhere.

Unexpectedly, it was agreed to be a war without the smell of gunpowder. Why is that pungent smell lingering in his nose now?

Hey, sure enough, this thing is not something that Xiaobai can play with. It's better to be a doctor obediently, and it's good to have grandchildren at home in your spare time.

Standing on the side of the road and finishing a cigarette, he turned around and walked home.

"Papa Chu"

As soon as she entered the courtyard, Wang Yueyue came out of her mother's room holding the child.

As soon as Xiao Smelly saw Grandpa, he raised his hands up, and kicked his short short legs to be hugged by him.

An angry Yueyue patted her son's ass.

"Little heartless, what's wrong with my mother holding her. Hmph, sleep with me tonight and from now on."

Smelly Bao was patted by his mother, and his small mouth was immediately deflated. Seeing that he was about to cry, Yueyue hurriedly handed him over.

"Okay, okay, let your grandpa hug you, don't cry."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the little stinking treasure came into grandpa's arms, he giggled immediately.

At that time, Wang Yueyue felt a rush of energy from his chest to Tianling Gai, good guy, he will be able to act at a young age.

Looking at the mother who bared her teeth and claws, Little Smelly Treasure tightly curled up in Grandpa's arms.

"Father Chu, who does this little guy look like? Was brother Xuan like this when he was a child?"

"Hehe, you still have the nerve to ask who you look like. It was carved out of the same mold as your childhood temper."

"Uh... I was like this when I was a child?" Wang Yueyue asked in disbelief.

"Then what do you think? If you don't believe me, go in and ask your mother."


"By the way, Yueyue, how is your mother?"

"It feels okay, but the reaction is very big. Why didn't I have such a big reaction at that time, my mother vomited when she smelled anything."

"Personal physical problems, some people have severe pregnancy reactions. It's okay, you can stay with your mother at night during this time, and take care of her more. Your mother and I will take care of the child."

"OK then!"

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