Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 791 Relationships

Xu Damao didn't seem to understand what the phrase "give the child his uncle" meant, and he muttered it twice before he realized it.

He smiled wryly and said, "Brother Chu, what are you talking about? I'm that kind of person. The people who invited Ma Laoer away this time were all from the south, so I can say that I didn't touch them."

"You said you didn't touch your hands, so you didn't touch your hands? I guess there may be many people who know about the conflict between the two of you. No matter how you say it, Mr. Ma's family has some energy.

You said, will people find your head by then?Brother, sometimes don't take things too simply. " Li Chu sighed and patted Xu Damao on the shoulder.

"No matter what kind of person you are, I just hope that you will think more about it when you do certain things in the future. I know that it is not easy to do business these days, and all kinds of monsters and monsters can jump out, but dealing with them is about dealing with you. Be sure to grasp it well.

By the way, I want to tell you good news, your partner has been promoted, and he still has the ability to help you resist some of those messy things. "

"Partner? Brother Chu, are you saying that Jiadong has been promoted? Vice President?"


"Hey, this is really good news. When did it happen?"

"The document just came down."

"This boy, no, this time we must give him a good congratulations."

"Let's discuss it, just don't make it too much."

Xu Damao left happily, and now he can't wait to go back and set a table to celebrate Wang Jiadong.

This time is really different.

He believed that his two restaurants would definitely reduce those troubles in the future, and he even wondered if he should give Wang Jiadong more shares.

But when he thought of Li Chu, Xu Damao shook his head. He would definitely not let his nephew take even a little more.

Forget it, let's keep it as it is.

Li Chu understood his little thoughts, but when he thought of sending that person away as he said just now, his heart sank again.

This guy has been a little drifting in the past two years, and I still have to talk to him when I look back. There is no one who does not wet his shoes when he often walks by the river.

We have been friends for decades, and Li Chu is unwilling to see this guy end up in a bad way.

Many high-voltage lines cannot be touched. If you are not careful, you will be killed or disabled.

Thinking of this, he sighed, turned around and walked into the outpatient building.


"Qiu Nan, do you still have enough medicine made by Director Li?"

"What's the matter, Sister Fang? I remember that there are not many pills left at home." Ding Qiunan looked at the eldest sister who worked in the military supplies department with some doubts.

"Hey, isn't it that you took five pills that day? Your Brother Liu took one for a friend of his. After taking it, his friend felt very good, so he wanted to see if he could buy more."

"Hehe, Sister Fang, the shopkeeper of our family specifically told me that it is impossible to sell that medicine, and there are indeed not many pills left at home. Didn't you see that the ones I brought you are only five pills."

What Li Chu told her was to give each person ten pills.

When she went to get it, she thought about it and still only took five pills for each person, not because she was reluctant, but because she didn't want to get too used to these people's problems.

This thing is indeed worthless, but there is always a distinction between those who ask her for medicine.

If the relationship is good, she will continue to give it later. As for the relationship, I will give it if you want it.

Since people said so, this sister Fang didn't recruit, she couldn't force other men to make medicine for her, could she?Let alone her, even her father-in-law had to make an appointment in advance.

Thinking of this, Sister Fang sighed secretly in her heart. A big plan to make a fortune just thought of had died like this. She could only talk a few more casually, and then left bitterly.

She had just left, and Empress Xiaoyu from the Chinese pharmacy

The feet come in.

"Qiu Nan, I think Sister Fang has just left your place, maybe she came here to ask for more medicine?"

"Oh, she said that her man gave a pill of that medicine to a friend, but that friend wanted to buy some, who knows if what she said is true or not.

She still paid for it, and she didn't think about whether it was possible. If it could be sold, how could I give so much for free. "

As Ding Qiunan said, he lowered his head and opened the drawer, took out a medicine bag from it and handed it to Xiaoyu.

"Here, take it."

"Thank you Qiunan." Xiaoyu took it with a smile on her face and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Take it easy, don't treat your gentlemen like cows."

"Yes, I let him eat at most two pills a week. I understand. Hey Qiunan, do you think my complexion has gotten better recently?"

"Don't say it, it's true, it looks much smoother than before." Ding Qiunan carefully looked at Xiaoyu's face, her complexion was indeed not as dull as before.

"That's right, it should be said or not, the medicine made by Director Li is really good. Although it is for men, we women are not the ones who benefit."

"Go, what are you doing here in broad daylight?"

"Cut, what's the matter?" Xiaoyu curled her lips indifferently.

"Qiu Nan, how long have we known each other?"

"It's been 20 years, what's wrong?"

"Have we had a good relationship for so many years?"

"Speak directly if you have something to say, and don't beat around the bush with me."

"Hey" Xiaoyu smiled embarrassedly: "I just want to know, did Director Li get you some special medicine at home, otherwise why haven't you changed at all for so many years?

You stand with Wen Hui, who can believe that you are mother and daughter, you are obviously sisters.If there is such a medicine, you have to think about me, we are about the same age, but now you have a look. "

"Pfft..." Ding Qiunan laughed straight at Xiaoyu's exaggerated expression.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said, I'm old too, okay?"

"Oh, yes, you are old, but you are old but not old." Xiaoyu said with her mouth curled up.

"The medicine you mentioned, I really don't know. I never drink medicine at home. I have taken the medicine he made for me to regulate my body a few times before. I really haven't taken anything else."

What Ding Qiunan said was the truth, and she stopped drinking the medicine for conditioning her body even after taking it a few times.

As for why she still looks like this, she herself is confused and can't figure it out.

She also asked Li Chu there, but every time the answer was that it was because of the good moisture, how could she believe it, she thought it was a joke with her, she didn't take it to heart at all, and she stopped asking as time went by up.

But the fact is that, what Li Chu told her is the truth, but the truth is a bit beyond people's imagination, which is hard to accept.

In many cases, the truth is often more difficult to believe.


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