Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 772 Clues

After entering the pharmacy, Li Chu took a shower first, only to find that everything was prepared in this room, except that there was no towel for wiping his body.

No choice but to let it dry.

After his body was almost dry, he put on his clothes again. Instead of lying down on the camp bed, he sat in front of the table, carefully recalling the two people he met tonight.

He wanted to see if he could draw those two figures.

Sitting there and reminiscing for a long time, he still gave up helplessly, indeed he didn't see the appearance of those two people at all.

I only know that one chin can be slightly pointed, and the other one should have a Chinese character face, both of which are thinner.

I don't know anything else. There is no way to draw anything useful.

Just like this, he took a pencil and scribbled on the paper for a long time, but what he finally drew made him laugh.

If this thing is handed over to the police and asked them to take it to find someone, maybe even Wang Jiadong will be able to curse inwardly.

Shaking his head, Li Chu casually threw the two portraits he had drawn on the table, then lay down on the camp bed without taking off his clothes, and fell asleep in a daze like this.

For decades, it was the first time he was woken up by his wife in the morning. "What time did you go to bed last night?" "Maybe three or four o'clock, and I didn't even check the time."

"Go wash it and change your clothes, Xiao Yi bought it back earlier." "I slept really badly." "Who says it's not? I've been standing by the bed for a long time, and you haven't moved much. .”

What Ding Qiunan said made Li Chu have to admit that he was old too.

If it was before, this would have been impossible. If there was any movement outside, he would wake up.

Even if you only sleep for an hour or two, you will still be alive and well when you wake up in the morning, instead of being a little groggy like now.

"By the way, my dear, when I went to call you in the morning, I saw your portrait on the table."

After breakfast, Li Chu drove his daughter-in-law and Wen Hui to work together. Halfway there, Ding Qiunan suddenly thought of what she saw in the morning and said.

"Well, what's the matter?" "Which of the two portraits belongs to the second person?" "It's the one with the Chinese character face."

"That man has a mole above his mouth and nose."

"Did you see it?" Li Chu asked in surprise when he heard that he stepped on the brakes.

"I see, it should be a mole, I saw it when he walked past us sideways."

"Nose left or right?"

"Let me think about it." Sitting in the car, Ding Qiunan turned around and made gestures before he said with certainty: "The left side is on the left side of the nose."

Li Chu thought about it, at that time the two people passed by from their left, just left to left, so it was normal to be able to see them.

At that time, his attention was mainly on the first person who spoke, and he only glanced at the second person who followed behind, without seeing clearly.

"I'll call Jiadong later and I may have to make a record for you at that time, just cooperate with me."

"It's no problem."

"Dad, what's it like to take notes?" Li Wenhui, who was sitting in the back row and listening to them all the time, asked.

"How does it feel, you just tell what you see truthfully."

"Is it in the Public Security Bureau, you sit behind the iron fence, and then there are two comrades from the police here, one is in charge of questioning and the other is in charge of recording."

"Where did you see this?" Li Chu stared at his daughter dumbfounded from the rearview mirror. Ding Qiunan also giggled happily. "Isn't that how it was shown on TV?"

"You were talking about the interrogation of suspects. It's not like that when you provide clues to the police. Like last night, we just stood by. I told them to remember and they would ask any questions."

"By the way, Huihui, let's buy a motorcycle for Xiaoyi later. Now that you live here and go to work, he can go faster on a motorcycle. Otherwise, riding a bicycle every day is really tiring."

"Ah? Dad, how did you think of this? Motorcycles are so expensive, and we need to refuel later." Li Wenhui said with some distress.

This girl, like her mother, is reluctant to spend money.

"Isn't your dividend this year coming down again? This time it must be more than last year. With a motorcycle, it will be more convenient to go anywhere."

These words reached Wenhui's heart all of a sudden, she rolled her eyes and thought about it, nodded and said, "I'll go back and discuss it with him."

In the hospital, Li Chu didn't go to the outpatient clinic in a hurry, but first came to his office, where Zhao Zhijun had just cleaned up.

"Director, good morning."

"Good morning Zhijun, I don't have any special arrangements for these two days, right?"

"There is no arrangement, Director, I heard that a homicide happened in your place yesterday?" "Hey, you heard about it?" "There are rumors that a family of more than a dozen people was wiped out."

"It's too exaggerated. It is true that several people died in that family, but there are as many as a dozen or so." Li Chu waved his hand.

Just as he was about to continue talking, the phone on the table rang. After putting down the phone, the expression on his face was rather weird.

The call was from Wang Jiadong, who said that the director and the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation were coming to visit him.

Due to the chaotic scene last night, everyone just said hello and didn't say much.

They came here today because they wanted to make a new record, and secondly, they were worried that sending people here would cause dissatisfaction here. After all, the difference in status and so on is too far away.

Well, now I don't need to go to the clinic today.

The second record was done very smoothly, and it was also done for Ding Qiunan. They didn't expect that there would be new clues this time, and there were such obvious marks on the suspect's face, which was greatly reduced. The difficulty of solving the case.

But even so, with the millions of people in the Forty-Nine City, looking for someone is still a needle in a haystack.

After communicating with the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, Li Chu also knew that the suspect should be an acquaintance with the Fu family. The son said that there should be at least 3 to [-] yuan in cash at home, as well as valuable gold and silver jewelry.

Good guy, after hearing this, he can only call it a good guy secretly, these people are really rich, they only put so much cash, isn't this looking for trouble?

The leaders of the Municipal Bureau are very grateful to Li Chu and his wife. It is precisely because they discovered and reported the case as soon as possible, which allowed them to deploy and control them in time, which greatly increased the possibility of solving the case.

Otherwise, if it is delayed for another two days, the day lily will be cold.

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