Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 733 Playing

Li Chu raised his head, looked at his wife and daughter, and asked with a smile, "Why doesn't your mother want you anymore?"

"I said that when I look for a partner in the future, I will also find someone like my father. If I can't find one, I won't marry. My mother said no, she won't let me disturb your two-person world."

"Your mother is in charge of our family. It's not like you don't know it. I listen to her."

"Dad, you are wrong, you have to show the courage of the head of the family."

"Okay Huihui, how dare you encourage your father not to listen to me, let's see how I deal with you."

Ding Qiunan became angry when he heard her daughter's words, and started scratching Wenhui's itch with his backhand.

"Ah, mom, I don't dare anymore, hahaha... Itch, don't, mom, I really don't dare, hahahahaha... Dad, help me, your wife is going to scratch me to death..."

"Yeah, dare to call you dad, I think you still don't itch enough!"

Ding Qiunan pressed her daughter under her body, scratching her itch non-stop, Wen Hui was already tired of laughing.

Looking at the pair of mother and daughter Hua who were laughing together, Li Chu shook his head speechlessly. He is so old and bullies his daughter.

Wen Xuan sat aside and shivered. He didn't dare to get involved in the matter of his mother and sister, otherwise he would definitely be the one who got hurt in the end. This is all experience gained through blood lessons.

Wen Hui had no power to fight back against Ding Qiunan, she was already out of breath from laughing.

Li Chu just stood up and walked over, and hugged Ding Qiunan: "Okay, daughter-in-law, you can see that my daughter can't laugh anymore."

"Hmph, seeing how she dares to talk nonsense, I can't tell who is the king of the family."

"Mom, I don't dare anymore." Wen Hui, who was lying on the sofa feeling exhausted, was still talking back and forth.

Ding Qiunan stood on the ground from her husband's arms, and arrogantly went to Wenxuan and sat down.

Seeing that her mother finally walked away, Wen Hui let out a long breath, and looked at her father in front of her with some resentment.

Li Chu smiled and sat next to her daughter, and then stretched out her hand to help her up: "You have been tickled by your mother every time since you were a child, why can't you remember when you won?"

"Hmph, it's not your fault, you didn't help me." Wen Hui looked at her father dissatisfied.

Turning her eyes, she thought of a good way to anger her mother.

Stretching his weak body, he sat down on Li Chu's lap, then put his arms around his neck, not forgetting to look at his mother provocatively.

"You girl, you are so old that you still sit in my arms."

"Father, you didn't say that, no matter how old I am, I'm still a child in your eyes, so what's wrong with me sitting in your arms?" Li Wenhui blinked her big eyes at him pretending to be blank.

On the other side, Ding Qiunan, already furious at the provocative look from his daughter just now, rushed towards him with all his teeth and claws.

"Oh, you little girl dared to provoke me!"

"Ah, dad, save me!"

Then, Li Chu's body became a battlefield for the two women, one big and one small.

As a result, his wife scratched him several times.

There was no way, he could only clamp them one by one with each hand, and then use his body to separate the two of them.

" two, stop fighting, I'm exhausted!"

"Little girl, if you dare to sit in my man's arms, I will never end with you!" Ding Qiunan gritted her teeth and looked at her daughter who was sitting on the other side.

"He is my father, why can't I sit."

"He's still my man. We didn't have you when we were together. How dare you get angry with me, ah, ah, Li Chu, let me go and see how I deal with her today."

"Slightly slightly..." After all this, Wen Hui still stuck out her tongue to anger her mother.

"Okay, you two, the big one doesn't look big, and the small one doesn't look small."

Ding Qiunan and Li Wenhui, who were separated by him, glanced at each other, then nodded at the same time, and suddenly stretched out their hands and began to tickle him.

Being attacked suddenly, Li Chu was really scratched by the mother and daughter a few times, and then he stood up with his arms between each other.

"Ah..." The sudden departure from the ground startled them both.

Wen Hui hurriedly shouted: "Wen Xuan, come and help me, hold Dad down from behind."

Wen Xuan, who had been itchy for a long time, rushed over when his sister called him, and jumped on Li Chu's back, trying to push him down.

As a result, Li Chu was alone with three people hanging on him, and he was still standing there upright.

"Since the three of you want to play, I'll play slowly with you." After speaking, his arms tightened a little more, and then he started to circle in circles.

"Ah! Dad, don't turn around..."

"Li Chu, I won't make trouble anymore, don't turn around, ah... dizzy!"

"Xiao Hei, come and help!"

"Furball, come here!"

The dogs were getting smarter than the other. Ever since they saw the owners playing together, they had already run out of the house and lay down in the yard without barking.

No matter who they are, they can't afford to offend them, so it's better to pretend not to hear, so as to avoid suffering in the end.

It took more than a dozen laps before Li Chu stopped and put the three of them down, but they couldn't stand up anymore, and sat on the ground crookedly before walking away.

He sat triumphantly on the single sofa, crossed his legs and looked at the three mother and child on the ground, laughing loudly.

After sitting on the ground for a long time, the three of them supported the tea table next to them, stood up tremblingly, and looked at Li Chu who was sitting there laughing staggeringly, and all of them itched their teeth with hatred.

But there is no way, the three of them can't hold him down, so they can only give up for the time being, and wait for the opportunity to retaliate.

The family of four sat on the sofa to rest, Li Chu was tired from laughing, and the other three were dizzy from being turned around.

After playing around for a long time, the TV has no more programs.

Li Chu stood up and walked over to turn off the TV, then covered the TV with the cover made by Ding Qiunan.

When I bought this TV in their home, it really didn't play any role. In the first few days, everyone liked to watch it, but it didn't take long for them to lose interest.

Originally, Li Chudu planned to take the TV to Ding's parents and Ding's mother, so that the old couple would have nothing to do to relieve their boredom, but they said they didn't want anything, because they thought it was a waste of electricity.

It's the same with Li Qin's side, she resolutely doesn't want it.

In this way, the TV that can't be bought from other people's house has become tasteless in their house, and it can't even be given away.

"Okay everyone, it's getting late, go back to the house and rest, you two have to go to school to apply for volunteers tomorrow.

Daughter-in-law, you should go take a shower too! "

After speaking, Li Chu walked out of the bedroom and came to the yard. Looking at the dogs lying in the middle of the yard, he went into the kitchen again and took out two bottles of canned meat.

Good fellow, as soon as the dogs saw the can in his hand,

Then they were very happy, and rushed to him, their tails wagging like propellers.

Li Chu didn't care whether dogs could eat salt or not. Anyway, his dogs would eat everything, and they didn't see any disease. They were all alive and kicking.



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