Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 731 Experience

The child first glanced at the grandma who was holding him, then turned to look at the pharmacy, humming twice.

"Smelly treasure, do you want to go to grandpa's side? It's so choking there, let's not go, you see, grandpa and dad both think it's choking, and they're wearing masks."

"Wow wow~"

Well, now Ding Qiunan had no choice but to take two steps towards the pharmacy.

As soon as she left, the child's crying stopped immediately, and then she couldn't stand still.

And then……

"Wow wow~"

Now Ding Qiunan and Wang Yueyue can't do anything, let's go, the smell is really bad, don't go, let's make trouble.

Fortunately, when Li Chu heard the child crying, he let Wenxuan look at the pot alone, and he took off his mask and came out.

Then Ding Qiunan felt the child struggling in her arms.

"Come here, Li Chu, Choubao wants you to hug him. Hurry up and hug your grandson. Why do you like the smell of Chinese medicine at such a young age?"

"His grandfather and father are both Chinese medicine practitioners. Isn't it normal for him to like the smell of Chinese medicine?"

Li Chu said with a smile, washed his hands first, and then took the child over.

"Father Chu, are you going to let Chou Bao also learn Chinese medicine?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Wait until he grows up and watch the child himself. If he really likes it, it's not impossible to teach him since childhood."

"You put my son in, and now even my grandson wants to get in." Ding Qiunan said with some dissatisfaction.

There are indeed many advantages to doing this, but the disadvantages are also visible to the naked eye. The most basic point is that there is no freedom.

She really didn't want her grandson to be like this in the future.

"It's too early to talk about it now. He may just find it a novelty, what can he understand?" Li Chu said shaking his head.

"By the way, you two, take the children to live in the back tonight. Wenxuan and I are going to spend the night together."

It was the same when the first pot was last time. Ding Qiunan and Wang Yueyue knew the result just after watching the two of them fight the pot after eating, and they nodded in agreement readily.

After being picked up by him, the child was obediently in his arms, neither crying nor fussing. After a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Li Chu seems to have always had this kind of magical power. No matter how fiercely the child cries, as long as he hugs him, he will stop soon and fall asleep soon.

There were a few nights when the baby cried for no reason and couldn't be coaxed by feeding. Wenxuan really had no choice but to carry him to the back. Ding Qiunan couldn't take it, and then as long as it was in his hands, he could sleep soundly in a few minutes.

Put the child back into the hands of the daughter-in-law and let them go to the back to watch TV. In the past two days, the TV station has started to rebroadcast blood suspicion. When this time comes, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are like welding to the TV, watching while watching. Still talking.

He also couldn't figure out why so many people would watch a TV series that had been broadcast once in [-]. He couldn't watch it at all.

Putting on the mask again, he turned around and walked into the pharmacy again. The second batch of medicine was much more than the first batch. If he didn't hurry up, he might not be able to finish it tomorrow morning.

"Dad, tell me why these medicines are combined in this way."

Seeing him coming in, Li Wenxuan, who was reading with a notebook, asked quickly.

This time his father readjusted the prescription, which really taught him that he can still play like this.

This made Li Wenxuan, who thought he had learned a lot, suddenly realize that he hadn't even learned anything about his father.

During this period of time, Li Wenxuan seemed to be more humble than before.

Li Chu, who knew his level well, knew that Wenxuan actually underestimated himself a bit.

"Wenxuan, don't look at the height of the mountain. Only by being down-to-earth can you walk steadily. Don't be overly modest, your current level is already good, and what you lack is nothing more than experience.

I will arrange for the three of you to go to the countryside medical team in April this year to see the outside world, which will greatly help your medical skills. "

"Huh? Go this year?"

"What? Are you reluctant to bear children or your wife?"

"Hey." Li Wenxuan touched his nose through the mask a little embarrassedly.

"Half a year, I'm really reluctant."

"I can't bear to go, but this year I'm going to the prairie. You can also go there to observe how much the same disease has changed under the influence of geographical location, weather and other factors, and people are changing their residences. After the environment, how will the body change.”


Knowing that this was something his father had already decided on, he simply agreed.

"Speak to Yueyue in advance to calm her down."

This was a difficult task, and Li Wenxuan's face immediately turned bitter, but what could he do, he just gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Come on, let me tell you this."

He took the notebook from Wen Xuan's hand, picked up a pen, and kept writing while talking.

Li Wenxuan also sorted out his emotions, and leaned closer to listen carefully.

When his father was giving lectures, he had to keep his spirits up and listen carefully. No one knew when he would suddenly ask about what he had just said.

It wasn't until after five o'clock in the morning that all the medicines that needed to be taken this time were finally finished.

Half of the alley is filled with the smell of this medicine.

No, just as the sun was shining, Li Qin ran over.

"What are you father and son doing? You have boiled medicine all night. Didn't you just do it some time ago?"

"I've already finished taking the medicine last time."

Li Qin was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, good guy, it took me a long time to finish the medicine after staying up for half the night. What kind of disease is this? She pulled her brother aside worriedly and asked: "Xiao Chu, is there something wrong with your body?" Is there a problem?"

"Sister, what are you thinking? It's nothing. I'm in good health. This is a new prescription I made. I asked many people to help test the medicine that I made before. I didn't take it. "

"real or fake?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, you can ask Qiu Nan later, she knows very well."

"Okay, go wash it off, it smells like medicine, I asked your brother-in-law to go out and buy the fried dough sticks and soy milk, and I'll bring it to you later."

"Thank you ma'am."

"What about the child?"

"Yue Yue and Qiu Nan are living in the house behind."

"Don't choke the child."

"Don't worry, sister, your nephew loves to smell it."

"No matter how much you like to hear it, the child is still young."

"Understood, if you do it well this time, I will never do it again."


Just know what you have in mind. "

Li Qin was very concerned about the only blood of the old Li family. After they all went to work during the day, she basically helped Yueyue take care of them.

After watching his sister go back there through the small gate, Li Chugang was about to go into the house to take a bath, then turned around and walked to Wenhui's house.



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