Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 726 Discussion

Coming out of the bathroom, Li Wenhui went straight to Wang Yueyue who just came in, and snatched the child from her.

"Ah, Smelly Baby, let my aunt give you a hug. Good guy, I haven't seen this little guy gain weight for a few days."

"That is, it is time for us to grow our bodies."

After the child was carried by Wen Hui, he stared at her for a long time, maybe he recognized her, and started giggling.

"Oh, Smelly Bao recognized Auntie."

"Hello, brother-in-law."

"Yueyue, where's Wenxuan?"

"He's making sesame sauce in the kitchen, and he'll be right over."

"I'm going to help him."

"Xiao Yi, there's no need to go, come and sit down." Li Chu who had already sat at the dining table said.

"Wenhui, Yueyue, come and sit down first."

"Come on dad."


"Mom and Dad, I heard Huihui say that grandma and grandpa will move out after the new year? They also said that we will move in when the time comes."

While eating and chatting, Shen Yi remembered what his wife said some time ago, and he asked.

"Yeah, that's right. As for whether you want to move here, you two can decide for yourself." Ding Qiunan nodded.

"Didn't grandma and grandpa live well? Why do you want to move away?"

"Who can figure out what the old man thinks? Your uncle and his unit have already handed over the house built with funds raised by their unit. The furniture made by others will be ready after the New Year, so they will move when the time comes."

"It's so inconvenient for five people to live in one room." Shen Yi couldn't figure out why he couldn't live in such a spacious yard.

"Your father also bought the house across from your uncle's. When the time comes, the old couple will live across the street, and it won't have any impact on their lives."

"Bada..." Shen Yi had just put a piece of meat into his mouth when he was shocked by what his mother-in-law said and dropped it on the table.

He was speechless about this arrogant father-in-law.

The three of Wenhui and the others didn't know about this, and they all looked at their father in surprise.

"Hurry up and eat, what's so interesting."

Li Chu tapped the edge of the pot with his chopsticks.

"Dad, after grandma and grandpa move away, you can also help us clean up the house over there." Wen Hui said with a smile.

"How to clean up? Re-paste the roof? Paint the walls again? Do you want to change the furniture? Make a new set of large cabinets, or just use the same old furniture as at home?"

Now Mama Ding and the others are using furniture that they moved from home before, and they will definitely not want these old furniture when they move to a new house.

Li Wenhui felt dizzy when she heard it, and said quickly, "Dad, I'll listen to you. You can clean it up as you say. As for the furniture..."

"Shen Yi, do you think it's better to use old furniture like this at home, or find a carpenter to make furniture again."

Shen Yi's mind is full of question marks, he just makes furniture, do I agree to move here?

The reason why Wen Hui wanted to move here was that she had already lived in the apartment building enough for the past three months. It is a bit exaggerated to say that the farts over there can be heard next door. Walking around, or pulling a stool or something, would annoy her to death every day.

Also, the house is too small, which made her, who was used to living in a spacious place since she was a child, feel terribly aggrieved.

"Hui Hui, Shen Yi can move if he wants to, and he can't if he doesn't want to. The two of you live there

It is convenient to get off work, such a big matter must be discussed by two people, you can't just say what you say. "

"Oh, I got it, Mom." Li Wenhui obediently responded.

She can act like a baby with her father, but this trick doesn't work well with her mother.

"No, Mom." Seeing his wife's aggrieved appearance, Shen Yi hurriedly said: "I just didn't realize it all at once, it's fine to move here when the time comes, I don't care, it's not too far away, and Hui Hui I’m really not used to living in a unit building.”

In fact, he really wanted to live in a single courtyard. When he lived in his grandfather's house, he had his own small yard. He even helped grow vegetables in the yard.

It's just that men in this era are a bit chauvinistic anyway, moving here is equivalent to living in the old man's house, which made him a little bit unacceptable for a while.

Li Chu, who was eating meat, looked up at his son-in-law. He was also a man, so he could understand Shen Yi's thoughts.

"Xiaoyi, that courtyard is Huihui's dowry. It originally belonged to her, but her grandparents lived there all the time. Now they are going to move out. The two of you are just returning the property to the original owner. You don't have to think too much about it." .

Didn’t you tell me that you want to raise a dog? Now the second and third graders are pregnant. When you move here, you can just catch one. It’s not easy for you to live in an apartment building and want to raise a dog. "


So what else is there in his daughter-in-law's dowry?How does he feel that he married a rich woman?

"Dad, after the Chinese New Year, after grandma and grandpa move away, I'll find someone to clean up the house."

"I don't need you." Wen Hui's arm touched him lightly.

"The construction team that my dad hired is working in another yard. Let them come and do it when the time comes. It's a matter of convenience."

And a yard?

Shen Yi simply stopped talking and started to eat hard.

Li Chu took the baby from Ding Qiunan's hands after eating a full stomach, so that she could eat more comfortably.

He ran to Liu Dazhuang for a walk with the child in his arms.

Just now he was asked to come over to eat with them, but Da Zhuang was unwilling, so Li Chu made him a separate pot, and ate alone in the room, and now came to see if his meat was enough to eat.

After dinner in the evening, Shen Yi and Li Wenhui packed their clothes tightly and pushed their bicycles towards home.

"Huihui, at the dinner table just now, did you say that my dad still has a yard?"

"Well, I'm tidying up. No, no, it's not one yard, but two more yards. The one in Shichahai seems to be almost finished, and there is only a little finishing work left. The yard on the east side has just started, and it's still early. It can be done next year. Get it done soon.”

Shen Yi swallowed with some difficulty: "Why did our father buy so many yards?"

"He said that this kind of courtyard house will no longer be available in the future."

This Shen Yi really believed it, but isn't there a rumor that this kind of courtyard house will be demolished?

He thought so, and asked.

"No, no, no," Wen Hui waved her hand: "My dad dared not talk about other places, but the place where our house is now will definitely not be demolished."


"Why else? Why are you demolishing it? Building a building?"

"Yes, aren't buildings being built everywhere now? There are also those high-rise buildings."

"Are you stupid, do you think the place where my family lives can

Let tall buildings be built? "

"Why can't it be built? Isn't the Beijing Hotel outside just high..."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly remembered what his grandfather told him before, about the Beijing Hotel.

"Have you reacted?"



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