It was almost nine o'clock when the family members left.

Li Chu glanced at Xu Yang who had just helped him pack up, and said, "Yangyang, if you don't want a child for the time being, just tell your mother clearly, don't make your parents worry about it."

"Uncle, you can see it."

"How can I see this, I just understand a little bit of your thoughts."

Xu Yang thought for a while and nodded, "Uncle, I understand. I'll make it clear to my mother when I get back. It's not that we don't want a child, but we just want to wait another two years."

"Understood, but we still need to communicate well and don't let them worry about it. I think your parents are more open-minded."

"Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome, I watched you grow up after all. By the way, how is your father-in-law?"

"It's okay, Xiaoqin's two brothers, although they didn't go to school before, they are good at doing farm work. A few days ago we went back and looked around. The vegetables we planted and the chickens we raised were pretty good. Her eldest brother I just said something."

"Live a good life, go back and help your parents if you have nothing to do, if the second child is not at home, I will rely on you."

"Got it, uncle."

"Okay, let's go into the house, I'll just pour out the ashes."


October [-]nd

At five o'clock in the morning, just after dawn, people were already coming and going in the yard.

Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, and everything that needs to be tidied up has been tidied up. There are too many people in front, especially Li Wenhui’s classmates and friends, who are strangers to the dogs. Several dogs and brother-in-law are sitting in the pavilion in the back garden drinking tea.

"How is it? I feel bad." Wang Ziwen took a sip of tea and looked at his brother-in-law who was full of depression and asked with a smile.

"Don't mention brother-in-law. When I think of my daughter who has worked so hard to raise and marry someone else like this, my heart hurts badly."

"I'll get used to it in a few days. It's not like raising a daughter."

"Hey..." Li Chu shook his head helplessly.

That's what he said, and he also tried to comfort himself, but when it came to the day when his daughter got married, he still felt panicked.

As far as Wenhui is still married, they are still in the same unit at work, and they can see each other every day.

He couldn't even imagine how the parents would accept those who married hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. It would be better if there were more children in the family, but what about the one-child family?

"Aren't you going to look ahead?"

"I won't go. I'll go there when I hear the sound of the cannons. They won't live in front." Li Chu gestured to the dogs squatting outside the pavilion with his chin.

"Hey, Brother Chu and Ziwen, you two will hide away."

Xu Damao walked over from the corridor and said as he walked.

"Da Mao, you've worked hard today, come and have some tea."

Li Chu took out a clean teacup and poured another glass of water.

"What's the hard work? It's a big deal for a niece to get married."

"Is it easy for your master to use the things over there?"

"The guy over there has everything you need. Some things are better than the ones in my store. What's wrong with you. Hey, I just came to see that the big sedan car is here."

"Well, from our hospital, we have to pull the people here later, otherwise it will be inconvenient to go too far."

"How do you remember

Put it there? "

"The old man ordered it to be cleaner over there. I don't think it will be cleaner today. Da Mao, how many tables are prepared for the dishes over there?"

"Fifty tables, ten tables are reserved."

"I'll give you a few red envelopes later, and you can hand them over to the master chef and those helpers for me later."

"Brother Chu, your son-in-law gave it to you the day before yesterday."

"He is him and I am me, different."

"That's all right, I'll thank them on their behalf."

As time went by, more and more people came to the front. When Zhao Zhijun appeared in the corridor, Li Chu knew that he could not sit here any longer.

After thinking about it, he tied up the dogs in the back garden and followed Zhao Zhijun to the front.


Looking at Wen Hui who kneeled in front of him and kowtowed three times, Li Chu held back his sore nose and pulled her up, then pulled up Shen Yi who was kneeling next to him, and walked aside with his arms around his shoulders.

"Mom, why is my dad dragging Xiaoyi there?"

"It's okay, he just explained something to Xiao Yi."

Li Chu looked back and saw no one was in front of him, so he said in a low voice: "Xiaoyi, when I married Huihui's mother, her grandfather told me something, and I will give it to you now."

"Dad, tell me."

"My daughter has been in our family since she was born, and her mother and I have not been willing to lift a finger of her. If she does something wrong in the future, you can come and tell me. I will educate her. The son does not teach the father's fault. It was her fault at the time, I can give you an apology, but you can't let her do it and scold her."

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard what the father-in-law said, and then he said dumbfoundedly: "Dad, you should tell Huihui this, she has practiced boxing with you for more than ten years, and if she doesn't hit me in the future, I will be Amitabha , how dare you touch her."

The son-in-law's words made Li Chu stunned for a moment, stretched out his hand and squeezed his arm, and said, "You kid needs to exercise, this small body is a bit hard to resist."

Shen Yi's eyeballs almost popped out, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"Yes, take back what I just said, if Huihui bullies you in the future, you can also find me to sue."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Both Weng and son-in-law didn't pay attention. They didn't know when Li Wenhui and Ding Qiunan walked behind them, and they just heard Li Chu's last words.

Wen Hui stomped her feet and said in disbelief.

"Okay." Ding Qiunan patted the hand of his daughter who was holding her arm.

"It's almost time, let them go, and talk slowly if you have anything to say."

"All right." Li Chu patted Shen Yi's shoulder: "Go and take your bride back to the new house."

"Okay Dad, Mom, let's go there first."

"Mom and Dad, let's go first."

"Let's go, your friends are waiting." Li Chu waved his hand.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers, a group of young people set off on bicycles, yelling.

Seeing the children walking away, Li Chu said to Zhao Zhijun, "Give them a ride."

"Good director."


It was past seven o'clock in the evening, and the yard was quiet. Only Li Chu was sitting on the stone bench, throwing buns to the dogs from time to time.

They also seem to know what it means to the little hostess today, eating listlessly, not like before, swallowing one bun in two or three bites and then turning around to ask for another.

The sound of "da da da" footsteps came from the front yard, Ding Qiunan walked over from the front yard, seeing her husband sitting there, she shook her head helplessly.



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