"Aunt, has my uncle been emotionally unstable these days?"

"No, I think it's fine. After eating with you these few nights, after we got home, everything was normal. What's the matter, what did you find?"

"As far as what I said about me just now, I think my uncle is a little too excited, and I'm worried that it will be bad for his health."

"Hey, what did I think you were talking about?" Aunt Wang waved her hand indifferently and said, "Your uncle is not excited because of your business, he is because he just retired not long ago, and some people dare not even say hello." Check you, so I am a little angry."

Isn't it because of my own business?

The old man is sulking because of this!

Li Chu shook his head: "I understand, Auntie, please go in and put the child down, and I'll go chat with my uncle."

"Don't worry too much about it. You don't know your uncle's temper, but he's stubborn. Just let him figure it out." Aunt Wang said don't worry about it, but she stretched out her hand to take her great-grandson. .

Just about to go back, Wang Jun came out sleepily from the west side room.

He was on night shift in the combat duty room last night, and this morning he was dragged by his wife to visit his grandson, so he went to sleep in another room as soon as he got here.

Seeing that it was almost time for lunch, Li Qiaoyun woke him up and told him what he had just heard.

As soon as he came out, he saw Li Chu, and he quickly called out, "Wait a minute."

After walking over, Wang Jun rubbed his face to wake himself up a bit: "I just heard Qiaoyun say, what's the matter, who reported it?"

"It's not a big deal. It's just that the owner of the store I bought before was completely cheated. Maybe he felt uncomfortable. He made up something and reported me. The higher-ups have already checked it out. What's the matter?" nothing."

"Have you found out?" Wang Jun asked in disbelief.

"After the investigation, Wang Shugang even called to ask."

"Phew~ that's fine, Qiao Yun just told me that it scared me, how about reporting your kid?"

"It should be at the Public Security Bureau."

"What's the matter?" Wang Jun's eyes widened: "Did you do it?"

"What are you thinking? I'm that kind of person. When the higher-ups were checking me, they checked him and found that he had a lot of problems, so they handed over the information to the local government."

"Let me just say, even if you want to take revenge, you can't do it so quickly. It's not obvious."

"I'm not that stupid!" Li Chu smiled and punched Wang Jun's chest.

"Hurry up and wash it up, Qiu Nan will be cooking soon."

"Okay, let's talk later."


"What did you say?" Looking at his daughter-in-law who had just turned back from outside, Li Chu asked in surprise.

It has been ten days since Yueyue gave birth, and Ding Qiunan has been staying out of the door for a while, and finally ran out this afternoon for a walk. Unexpectedly, when he came back in the evening, he exploded a shocking melon.

"Chunmei and He Yuzhu divorced." Ding Qiunan repeated what he said just now.

Li Chu stepped forward to help her take off her coat and hang it on the clothes rack.

"How is it possible, how old is his son, can he agree to a divorce?"

"It's up to him not to agree." Ding Qiunan bent down and took off his leather shoes, put on slippers, went to the sofa and sat down on it, feeling comfortable.

He groaned.

After walking around all afternoon, she was exhausted.

"Sigh, Chunmei is also a ruthless person. Taking advantage of the small night shift and taking a leave of absence, she brought a few people to the restaurant that Qin Huairu was cleaning up, and blocked the two of them inside."


Li Chu felt that his eyeballs were about to fall to the ground, what happened?

"What are those two doing inside?"

"It wasn't there at the time, but in the middle of the night, the lonely man and the widow were in the same room, can you tell? At that time, Chunmei told him to meet him at the street office the next day, and said that if He Yuzhu didn't go, she would go." Report to the police station."

"Because of what? Didn't everything get better after the trouble last time? Why did Chunmei remember to catch her again?"

"Hey, just this Monday, the day you went to the hospital, Qin Huairu went to find He Yuzhu again and was seen by the hotel waiter. I told Xiao'e about it.

Xiao'e was worried that Chunmei would be tricked by these two people, so she ran to her and told her about it. As a result, Chunmei went home and took out the money she had hidden. It was indeed 300 yuan missing. Shout out, and this came after two days. "

"Then where is she now?"

"Who are you asking? Chunmei?"


"She is now living behind the hotel on Qianmen Street with her three children, and it just so happens that Sophora and Sophora can be companions."

"Really?" Li Chu still couldn't believe it, it was too unreal.

Ding Qiunan rolled his eyes and didn't respond to the question before answering, but said: "Xiao'e has also asked He Yuzhu to leave the hotel now, let him work for his own restaurant."

This Li Chu can figure it out, there is such a big fuss here, you know that the hotel was built by you, so why keep you as a time bomb.

"It's only been a few days, how come so many things happened."

"Oh, that's right, Xiao'e plans to let Chunmei work in the restaurant over there."

"Don't they have a job?"

"Stay without pay, otherwise it would be too difficult for her to support three children by herself. In addition, she has to shift shifts at her job, so it would be inconvenient to take care of the children."

Li Chu shrugged his shoulders. If Cui Chunmei really went to work in a restaurant, then she was right to go. Her factory would not last for a few years.

Hey, this He Yuzhu really can't support the wall with mud. He tried to persuade him at the beginning, but he didn't expect to come to this point in the end. This guy has killed Cui Chunmei.

This matter really doesn't matter to Qin Huairu, she took the initiative to find He Yuzhu, that's right, but if you sternly refused the first time, how could she keep looking for it again and again, at least she would have to save face .

This time it was He Yuzhu who did it all by himself, and no one could blame it.

"Xiao'e didn't tell you about Da Mao's investigation, how did the investigation go?"

"It's being checked by someone, but I haven't responded yet."

"I almost forgot." Ding Qiunan raised his hand and patted his forehead: "Xiao'e wants you to take a look at her son and daughter-in-law."

"Huh? What happened to Xu Yang and Xiaoqin?"

"The two of them have been married for three months and haven't made any progress. Xiao'e is a little anxious."

Li Chu looked at his daughter-in-law dumbfounded: "Then you didn't explain to her? It's normal not to be pregnant for three months."


What's the point of explaining, hurry up, she's worried that if her son has a fight with Da Mao..."

Ding Qiunan didn't continue talking because her man had already shaken his hand.

"Impossible, let her stop thinking about it, and show me when she meets me later."



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