Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 717 Conversation

And through reading and learning, he picked up the knowledge that the master had given him before, and picked it up again.

"Jingle Bell"

Li Chu, who was immersed in the ocean of knowledge, was awakened by a piercing ringing of the phone.

As soon as he stood up from the chair, he heard Ding Qiunan answer the phone outside.


You didn't call me, didn't you call me?

Li Chu was muttering in his heart, just as he was about to go out to have a look, the door of the study was pushed open.

"Xiao'e came over right away. She hurriedly said that Da Mao had been taken away, but she didn't explain what happened, so she just talked about it later."

"What? Da Mao was taken away? Who took him away?"

"I don't know, she just said one and come right away."

"Okay, go and change your clothes. I'll wait at the door. Don't startle the child with the doorbell."

"It's okay, Da Zhuang wrapped up the doorbell, and the sound is very low." Ding Qiunan walked out of the study after speaking.

Li Chu stood there and raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows. What's the situation? What's Xu Damao doing?

Why was he taken away so well? He was still fine when he delivered the food at noon today.

With these doubts, he also walked out of the study and walked straight out.

As soon as he stepped out of the corridor and stepped into the front yard, Liu Dazhuang walked out of his room.

"Director, are you going out?"

"No, a friend is coming over right away, I'll pick it up."

While speaking, he turned on the headlight outside the door, then opened the door and stood outside the door.

Looking at Xiao Hei who was squatting beside him, he also squatted down and stroked its head, but the beauty of Xiao Hei was finished, and his comfortable eyes were narrowed.

The first day of junior high school on the other side was a little anxious, and raised its front paw to rest on the owner's leg, signaling that this side should also touch it.

Li Chu smiled and raised his other hand to touch its head.

Within 2 minutes, Ding Qiunan walked over from behind: "Is the person here yet?"

"How can it be so fast? It will take her 10 minutes to come here by bicycle."

After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and patted Xiao Hei's head: "Go, find Lou Xiao'e along the way."

Xiao Hei was obviously stunned for a moment, but he still stood up, tilting his head and looking at his master suspiciously.

"Go to Lou Xiaoe."

This time it understood, and gave a deep bark, then turned around and ran, and turned north again when it reached the intersection.

And what about Lou Xiaoe at this time?

She was struggling to get up from the ground, and she was riding a bicycle anxiously just now, but fell for some reason.

Fortunately, there was nothing serious, but the hand scratched the ground and felt a little painful.

At this moment, she didn't care about the pain or not. She lifted the bicycle up and was about to ride again, only to find that the bicycle couldn't be pushed anymore.

The chain was in the box, and she couldn't see what the problem was. She felt wronged and just wanted to cry right now.

But when she thought that her husband was taken away by the police just now, she still kept it from her family. Now is not the time to cry, she has to go to Qiunan's house as soon as possible.

She moved the car to the side of the road and locked the lock, not caring if it would be lost.

Stepping away from the still aching leg, he walked forward.

After walking a few steps, I heard a rustling sound coming from the front.

Following the dim streetlights on the side of the road, she vaguely saw a black shadow running towards this side.

Before she could react, the black shadow had already run in front of her.

"Huh..." Lou Xiaoe breathed a sigh of relief the moment she saw the dog.

After running in front of her, Xiao Hei sniffed it twice, then raised his head and barked at her, then turned and walked towards the way he came.

Seeing this, Lou Xiaoe gritted her teeth and followed.

After not seeing him for a long time, Ding Qiunan has already anxiously walked to the intersection and waited.

From a distance, she saw Xiao Hei walking back slowly, and a figure not far behind was walking slightly staggeringly.

She hurried over.

When Lou Xiao'e saw her best friend coming to welcome her, the tears that had been swirling in her eyes couldn't be held back anymore, and flowed down.

"Xiao'e, what's wrong with you? Did you fall? Did you hurt yourself?"

When Ding Qiunan saw the dirt on her body, he knew what was going on, and hurried over to support her.

"Qiu Nan, I'm fine, it's just that my hand is scratched."

Seeing her tearful eyes, Ding Qiunan hugged her shoulders distressedly.

"Okay, Xiao'e, it's okay, it's okay, let's go, let's go home and talk. By the way, where's your car?"

"The car just entered the alley on the north side. I fell down and I don't know what happened. I can't even push it."

"Give me the key later, and I'll have someone carry it over for you."

Seeing her distressed appearance, Li Chu didn't ask anything, just took the bicycle key from Ding Qiunan, and asked Liu Dazhuang to go and get the car back.

As soon as she entered the living room, Lou Xiaoe didn't care to clean the wound on her hand, and hurriedly said: "Brother Chu, Damao was taken away by the district bureau, what do you say he is... dealing in parallel imports?"

"What did he sell?"

"I don't know, but I haven't seen him go out except to buy goods for the restaurant during this time."

"What else did the police say?"

"Don't say anything more, just say to take him back to investigate."

"Which branch?"

"They say it's from the east of the city, but I haven't seen any of them."

"Didn't you see their work ID?"

"As soon as they entered the house, they pressed Da Mao on the sofa. They were handcuffed and gagged. I was frightened and stupid at the time. One man showed his work card, but I was not in the mood to watch it at the time. .”

Since Lou Xiao'e said that she had never met any of them, it was impossible for these people to be from the Chengdong Branch.

Their family has opened a restaurant here for so long, and people in other districts may not know it, but there should not be many in the east and west of the city, and she will never even see it.

"Let Qiu Nan treat your wound first, and I'll call someone to check it out."

Jiadong was on duty at the bureau tonight, so he picked up the phone and went straight to his office.

"Jiadong, it's me."


"Check it out. Just now, a group of people claiming to be from the Chengdong branch broke into Xu Damao's house and took him away, saying that he traded parallel imports. But Lou Xiaoe said that she had never seen any of those people. I guess it might not be Chengdong. Yes, look where it is, because what took people away."


"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

"Okay Xiao'e,

After a while, Jiadong called back and asked him to check first. "

As he spoke, he stood up and poured a glass of water and put it on the coffee table, and then took another look at the wound on her hand. It was nothing but a little scratch.

"Xiao'e, is Da Mao doing other business behind your back?"

"Probably not, brother Chu. If he does something behind my back, at least it will take time. But he spends the rest of the day in the restaurant except for buying goods. What can he do?"



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