Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 706 Regret

"Eh? What are you doing sitting in the courtyard without sleeping?" Ding Qiunan saw her husband sitting there in a daze as soon as he walked to the middle courtyard.

"It's okay, I just sent our sister away. The child is asleep?"

"Well, I'm asleep. The medicine Wenxuan prescribed is not bad. Yueyue is much better today than yesterday."

"If it doesn't work after studying with me for such a long time, then he doesn't have to continue studying, and he can just switch to other careers to save time." Li Chu curled his lips.

Ding Qiunan sat on the stool opposite her husband, looked at him and asked, "What's the matter with my sister, right? I noticed during the day that she seems to be preoccupied."

Li Chu hesitated for a moment, and told what his sister said just now. He felt that he could not tell his wife if he had no secrets.

Of course, except that I came from a later life, and the system in my head.

This thing is really a bit too unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, Ding Qiunan didn't show any surprise after listening to it, but just let out a very calm oh.

In fact, this is what Li Chu admires the most.

She usually looks like she is very rich, but it is only for her own family's property. If it is not her own property, no matter how valuable it is, she will not give her a little more expression.

"By the way, Li Chu, how long does it take for the baby's meconium to drain?"

"It's not necessarily true, usually three or four times is enough."

"I remember when Wenhui and Wenxuan were together, it seemed to be clean the next day."

"But Smelly Baby was born less than thirty hours ago."


Ding Qiunan raised his hand and patted his forehead: "I only saw that today is the second night, and I forgot that I was born last night."

"I'll go in and take a shower. You warm up the stewed chicken for Yueyue, and bring it over for her to eat later."

"Where is Wenxuan?"

"I asked him to sleep for a while. He didn't sleep all night last night, and he didn't sleep well during the day."

"Okay then, go take a shower, I'll go to the kitchen now."


As soon as Ding Qiunan entered the room, the window of Wenhui's room was pushed open, and she poked her head out and screamed.

"What's the matter, why don't you sleep so late?"

"Dad, I'm hungry too."

Seeing his daughter's pitiful appearance, Li Chu couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, don't you want to lose weight so that you can wear the clothes you made?"

Li Wenhui followed her mother and learned to make a new wedding dress for herself, but the result may be that the size was wrong or something, and the waist part was a bit tight.

What Ding Qiunan meant was that there was still time anyway, so I could do it again, but Wen Hui disagreed, she said that she had gained weight without paying attention to it, and she wanted to lose weight in the next few days.

So she didn't eat at night during this time. She might have heard what her parents said in the yard just now, which suddenly seduced her gluttonous insects, and she couldn't help it.

"Hey," Wen Hui smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Let's lose weight when you are full, otherwise you will be too hungry and have no motivation to lose weight."

"Heh, you're the only one who can talk about gluttony in such a fresh and refined way."

"Oh dad~"

"Okay, stop yelling, there's a lot of chicken, and Yueyue can't finish it all by himself. I'll give it to you later.

You even a bowl. "

"Thank you Dad! By the way, Dad, you are frying some steamed buns for me."

Li Chu doesn't even want to look at his daughter anymore. If you eat such a big food at night, you still want to lose weight. I'm afraid you're overthinking it.

"Forget about the deep-fried steamed buns, and let me serve you a bowl of dried noodles with chicken soup."

"That's fine too, thank you Dad! a~"

"This stinky girl!" Li Chu smiled and shook his head and walked into the kitchen. Then he thought that his daughter would get married in half a month, and the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

Although he knew that raising a daughter would be like this sooner or later when he grew up, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Shaking his head to get rid of these uncomfortable things in his mind, he lit the gas stove and started to work.

"Who are you serving the noodles to? Are you hungry?"

"Are you going to eat?"

"I don't eat. I'm full tonight. Does Huihui want to eat?"

Ding Qiunan knew that his man almost didn't eat at night, so he knew who it was for when he rolled his eyes.

"Well, she just shouted that she was hungry and asked me to get her something to eat."

"You just get used to it in a day, and she's about to get married, she's too lazy to do these things."

"I'm not used to anyone at home. When she leaves this house, she will be someone else's wife. It's not my turn to get used to it."

Looking at the back of her man busy in front of the stove, Ding Qiunan pursed her lips. She knew that her husband had been in a bad mood during this time.

She didn't know how to comfort her, because no amount of words of comfort would do the trick, what should come would always come, and the girl who should get married would go to someone else's house sooner or later.

"Qiu Nan, bring it to Yueyue, the chicken is ready."

"Huh? Oh, I'll go right away."

In the noodles for Wen Hui, he not only put a few pieces of chicken, but also nestled a poached egg on top.

"Huihui, open the door, the noodles are ready."


Looking at this bowl of fragrant noodles, Li Wenhuile's eyes narrowed.

"Dad, you are so kind."

"Hurry up and eat, put the bowl on the table after eating, and clean up tomorrow morning."

"Dad, can I come back often after I get married?"

Li Chu, who was about to turn around to leave, turned back after hearing what his daughter said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is your home, why can't you come back? Who can stop you from coming back?"

"Oh, it's okay, Dad, I'll just ask."

"What a silly girl, go eat it quickly, the noodles won't taste good after soaking for a long time."


After closing the door, Wen Hui's eyes dripped a few tears.

She suddenly regretted that she wanted to join the army willfully. If she had been in school, then she would have been able to stay at home for two more years and get married later.

As the wedding date approached, her heart fluctuated more and more these days.

She really wanted to postpone her wedding if she could.

After Li Chu left, he didn't go into the house. He squatted under the eaves and lit a cigarette for himself, keeping his eyes on the direction of Wen Hui's room.

Maybe every father who raises a daughter will have this experience.

Of course, the patriarchal patriarchy in the family is not mentioned.

After the cigarette is finished, put the cigarette butt on the foot

After stepping on it and throwing it into the trash can, he walked into the living room.

Until he was lying on the bed after taking a shower, his mind was still reminiscing about the scenes of his daughter from childhood to adulthood.

She called Dad for the first time, walked for the first time, fell down for the first time, kissed him on the cheek for the first time, flew into his arms for the first time, and many other firsts, all of which were his participation. .

Before he knew it, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

(Prediction: Dear book lovers, three chapters will be updated tomorrow, August 8th, at 31:6 am, 11:17 noon, and [-]:[-] pm. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)



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