Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 684 Liars

He had already reached the office while talking, and after Ding Qiunan lay down on the bed in the inner room, Li Chu sat by the bed and continued: "Let's not care about whether you can still make money from the vegetables bought in the vegetable market, just say that you have so much meat Did you get the ticket?" "Ah?" Her husband's words made her realize, yes, meat tickets are required to buy meat in the vegetable market, and the supply is limited. You can only buy two catties a day at most, if you want to buy more You go to another vegetable market and try again.But now there is less meat, if you want to buy meat, you have to queue up early in the morning, and you can’t buy it if you go late. "Then...then where did the meat in Xiao'e's restaurant come from?" "What do you think Xu Damao is doing running outside every day? When he used to show movies, he had a good relationship with these villages around Sijiu City." , what he runs around every day is to collect vegetables grown in these villages, as well as those fed by the farmers themselves, unplanned pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks, etc." "So that's the case." Ding Qiunan nodded suddenly. , Then she asked again: "Then Xu Damao is not worried that others will go to those villages to collect it?" The prices of those things will also be increased, and besides, he will give those village chiefs some cigarettes, alcohol, and some random tickets, just to win people's hearts." "Tsk tsk, it's not easy to do anything." "So ah She, Qin Huairu, thinks it is so easy to open a restaurant, and she will know when she actually opens it." In fact, the only food that eats now is grain, oil and meat, and tickets are required, and other non-staple foods, including eggs, do not need tickets. .Meat tickets will no longer be needed next year or two, but there is no official notice, because there are more and more meat, and you can buy them without tickets, but it is a little more expensive than buying tickets.However, the tickets for food and cooking oil seem to have been used until the early 90s before the official end.Li Chu covered the daughter-in-law who was lying on the bed with a towel, and said with a smile, "Okay, go to sleep." He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then got up and exited the room.Ding Qiunan lay on the bed and giggled for a long time before falling asleep. …Should I say it or not, Guo Xiangyang looked naive on his face, but there were still two attacks under his hands. Counting from the day he went to Li Chu to exchange for a beautiful knife, only five days had passed, so I don’t know Where did I get my last five hundred dollars.But... the most frightening thing is this but. "Pfft..." Li Chu sprayed out the tea he just drank from his mouth, and looked at Xu Damao who was sitting opposite him in astonishment. "You said that person ran away immediately after taking the money?" "That's right." Xu Damao said calmly, "That person is also very good at playing. After getting the money in the morning, he told Guo Xiangyang and his wife to let him go back." Waiting for the news, he will go to them in the afternoon at the latest. As a result, he turned around and boarded the plane to Hong Kong Island. If you say you can leave, he also asked someone to bring a letter to Guo Xiangyang. The content of the letter is to let The couple live a good life, don’t even think about going abroad, the money over there is not easy to earn, I didn’t see that he has lived there for so many years, and he still has to rely on running back to cheat money to live.” This guy is simply a must. Desperate!Is there any harm like yours?Killing people, this is it. "I'm afraid Guo Xiangyang is going crazy!" Li Chu shook his head with emotion. "Crazy or not, I don't know. Anyway, the couple fainted on the spot. Fortunately, the door of his house was not closed at that time. The neighbors saw him and sent him to the hospital. It is said that the couple have been lying on the hospital bed without saying a word since yesterday. You don’t even know, his neighbor said that Guo Xiangyang’s house can’t be described as barren, everything that can be sold in the house is sold out, and there is only a bed and pots and pans left in the huge house.” Who can blame this?Not to blame themselves.It's not that there were no people who persuaded them back then, but they chose to believe in that friend whom they hadn't seen for decades. "Fortunately, both of them have jobs, work hard, and they will recover in two years." "Only Guo Xiang

Yang has a job, and his wife's job has already been sold, otherwise how would they make enough money?And still owe a buttock of debt. "Okay, it will be difficult to go ashore now." Brother Chu, this Guo Xiangyang has such a big accident, he shouldn't turn his head and come and play around with you, right? "Xu Damao hesitated for a moment, but he still asked what was in his mind. This is why he came to Li Chu's house tonight. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have come here just to gossip." Don't worry Right?" Li Chu waved his hand, picked up the teapot on the table, and filled their teacups with water. "At that time, I was afraid that he would be unwilling in the future, so when I went through the formalities on the street, I was in front of the staff. I asked him to write something, if he dared to make a fuss, if he went to a restaurant, you would call the police. "Then he said what he had written again. Xu Damao was determined when he heard this. With this, there is no need to be afraid. If you dare to mess around, the police will arrest you. But he was also a little puzzled: "Brother Chu , you knew that he would be cheated? "How is this possible? I don't know who he is looking for, I just want to be on the defensive." "Hey, don't say it, brother Chu, your method is good." "Xu Damao thought about it carefully, and boasted sincerely. There is no way, there are many things that go back on the deal after this kind of transaction in later generations. What is even more outrageous is that the house has been sold for more than ten years, and now it is going to be demolished. The original owner jumped If you don’t pay the money, you will be sued directly, and you will be required to cancel the original transaction contract. Let’s not say whether the case is won or lost. This is disgusting, and civil lawsuits usually take a long time. How much time is wasted in it. In fact, after the transaction is over that day, the best way is to go to the notary office to do a notarization. But Li Chu was still lazy at the time, so he let the staff of the street office write it under the witness That thing can also start to work. "You are doing business now, and no matter what you do in the future, you should be careful. There are more and more scammers these years. "Brother Chu, what you said is right. Our restaurant really met a liar that day. He took a letter of introduction, saying that it was run by a street in Jingshan, and he would eat at my place in the future, and he had to pay the bill."The letter of introduction was very formal, and there was a red stamp on it, but I was a little puzzled at the time. Jingshan is not close to us. It would be nice if you could come here once in a while. To pay.I kept an eye on it at the time, looked in the phone book and called a person I knew in the district government over there. It turned out that according to the name on the red stamp, there was no such street office in Jingshan. "(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the second update today, and the time for the next chapter is 17 o'clock. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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