Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 682 Borrowing Money

Sure enough, Qin Huairu herself didn't like it, and when she ran over the next day, she heard that the man's salary was low, so she simply said that she would reject the matchmaker.This made Ding Qiunan a little confused, since you planned this yourself, why did you come over and ask me?But she didn't ask, but casually chatted about something else.It can be seen that since Qin Huairu moved to the family courtyard to live in the upper unit building, he is living a relatively comfortable life now, and his complexion is much better than before.Of course, without her son. "Hey, Qiu Nan, do you know that Yan Jiecheng of the third uncle's family also opened a restaurant with his wife." "Well, I heard that the stove he was looking for turned out to be under the hands of Zhu Zi." "Do you think our house can be opened?"? ? ?What are you asking?If you have money, you can drive, why ask me? "I heard that opening a restaurant seems to cost a lot of money, right?" "Well, rent a store, hire a chef, and then buy those things for the back kitchen, as well as pots and pans, and tables and benches in front. It will cost two to three thousand yuan." Hey, you have already inquired about it in advance.Ding Qiunan blinked his eyes, thought for a while and asked, "Sister Qin, do you really have this plan?" Knowing everything for such a long time, I want to open a restaurant and let the two of them do it first, and then my son can go straight to work when he comes back, and he doesn’t have to worry about work.” This is to kill the two daughters Likeng?If you act like this, what will happen to the two daughters in the future?And according to the virtues of Xiaodang and Huaihua, they would most likely choose to leave from Xu Damao's side and come back to work for their own family. "Sis, Sister Qin, you've already thought about it, then do it if you want." "Uh...hehe, isn't this...isn't this almost money?" Qin Huairu smiled awkwardly. "How far is it?" Ding Qiunan was also a little curious. Their family just bought a house, so they should have no money, but now they even want to open a restaurant. It seems that they still have goods. "Two... two thousand." Qin Huairu cautiously stretched out two fingers. "How much?" Good guy, you really dare to say, how much does it cost to open a small restaurant in total, and you are planning to go empty-handed. "Two thousand" "Sister Qin, you want to borrow money from me, right?" Ding Qiunan stopped arguing with her and asked straight to the point. "Qiu Nan, if you have a lot of money..." "Hehe, Sister Qin, you don't forget the big yard we just bought, right? At that time, in order to buy that yard, I took it from my natal family and his sister. It’s a lot of money. I haven’t paid it off yet, and Wenhui is going to get married again in October, so I still have a headache about how to prepare her dowry.” Finish the calf!This is the only thought in Qin Huai's mind at this moment.It seems that the money was not borrowed this time, and a gift has to be paid.She originally opened her mouth with the idea of ​​hitting a pole with a date or not, but she didn't expect that the pole was hung on a tree instead of hitting the date. "Huh? Wen Hui is getting married in October?" There's no way, everyone has already told her. If she pretends that she hasn't heard the news and doesn't even ask, she's too bad at being a human being. "Yeah, October 3000nd, the date has been set with my in-laws. Now I just have a headache about the dowry. At that time, I didn't agree with Li Chu's purchase of the yard. He insisted on buying it. Now it's all right, it's on hand. Don't worry about being nervous, I still owe a whole lot of debt." "Ah, hehe, there are still two months left, and the salary of the two of you is so high now, a little dowry will definitely not cost much." Qin Huai didn't know the exact amount, But she guessed it would definitely not be less. "Oh, I hope, I'm really worried during this time." It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, Qin Huairu glanced at the watch on the wall, and then pretended that he had something to do later, and the soles of his feet were oily.Ding Qiunan didn't keep her either, he just left if he wanted to.Seeing Qin Huairu leaving in a hurry, she smiled unkindly

stand up.This guy is getting more and more playful now. It's a good idea to open a restaurant, but if you don't have money and want to open it, it's a bit too much.Sitting in the office pondering for a while, she picked up the phone and dialed out.I still have to tell Lou Xiaoe about this matter.The couple now value Xiaodang and Huaihua very much. It can be said that they have left the Qianmen Street side to them, except that Lou's mother collects the money there.If Qin Huai is really determined to borrow money to open a restaurant, it is estimated that Xiao Dang and Huai Hua will go back to help their mother.If they leave suddenly at that time, Xu Damao and the others will definitely be caught off guard.Sure enough, when Xiao'e heard the news, she was stunned and kept asking if it was true. "Qin Huairu just left my place, I think it's better to tell you, not to ask you to drive them away now, I guess they don't know about those two children. But in this case, you can Be careful, it is best to reserve two more capable waiters, no matter who leaves in the future, someone will immediately take over." "Qiu Nan, you are right, thank you." "You are welcome How many years have we sisters been friends?" "When Da Mao comes back, I will tell him to train two more waiters from the store over there. Originally, he told me that he would let the sister wait until the end of the year. Which one of the two took over my mother? After all, my mother is old, so it’s not a problem to stay up for so long every day. Then something like this happened in their family.” “Hey, actually, it’s not certain , you can do whatever you want. After all, Qin Huairu has no money. She is planning to borrow money to open a restaurant. Whether she can borrow it or not is another matter. But I think you can take precautions in advance and be prepared. You can go up to the top at any time, so that you don’t panic at any time, right? It’s like in our army, every squad already has a squad leader, and we need to arrange an additional deputy squad leader for the ten people, just to prevent If something happens to the squad leader, the deputy squad leader can just pull it out and use it, so that the whole class won’t lose its head all at once.” “Well, Qiu Nan, you’re right, you can do it now, and you know a lot "" "What do I know, I just read too much. Well, Xiao'e is busy with you, I have nothing else to do, I will hang up first." "Okay, I will go to find you at home when I have time." Put it down Ding Qiunan breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, she had to make this call, after all, her brother and niece and niece still had shares in it. This time, because the store was newly opened, they seem to have added a lot to it money. (Prediction: Dear book lovers, three chapters will be updated tomorrow, August 8, at 23:6 am, 11:17 noon, and [-]:[-] pm. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)(

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