Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 674 Punishment

Li Wenxuan's eyes almost popped out when he heard the content of the punishment.

He is familiar with the books on the bookshelves in the study, especially the books handed down by the masters, but the books on the bookshelves are all copied by his father, and they have been sealed up for fear of being damaged by moths.

There is a Book of Rites over there, the full text needs more than 9 words. More than 9 words of classical Chinese, tsk tsk~

The most important thing is that the fine copy that Dad said is not a simple copy, but a stroke by stroke, copied out in imitation Song characters. When copying, there should be no traces of smearing. After copying, it is like printing. The same as what came out.

In other words, you copied a typo at the end of this page, okay, let’s do it again on this page.

Li Wenhui, who was kneeling there, trembled unconsciously when she heard the content of the punishment, but she quickly agreed.

Ding Qiunan, who was sitting next to her husband, opened his mouth, and finally sighed secretly, but said nothing.

"Okay, don't kneel there, go and copy, and give me what you copied in three days, and I will let you see what I copied."


Back in her room, Wang Yueyue stuck out her tongue cutely.

"Brother Xuan, Papa Chu was too cruel today. I remember that we used to be punished for copying one of them, or part of the book of rites. Today, we have to copy all of them, or several copies together, and only give us three days. , tsk tsk..."

Seeing his wife's wrinkled face, Li Wenxuan smiled and reached out to touch it.

"Our dad mainly wants to grind my sister's temper. Don't you think she's a little too jumpy these days? I think, my dad doesn't care about being ashamed or not. What he cares about is the future, our sister's If she still doesn't take anything seriously after she gets married, how can she raise her children well when she has children?"

Wang Yueyue nodded thoughtfully, rolled her eyes and said, "Brother Xuan, why don't we copy some for Sister Hui? Just like when I was a child."

When the three of them were punished for copying books when they were young, because of the particularity of imitating Song characters, as long as the writing is standard, everyone’s writing is actually similar, and it is difficult to distinguish, so the three of them often help each other.

But this time Li Wenxuan shook his head: "It won't work this time, so don't be so clever, you really think our dad doesn't know about the thing we helped write before, he just didn't say anything, if we both dare to Help, I guess you're fine, I might be in trouble."

Wang Yueyue looked down at her stomach, then smiled and said, "Then I'll go and help Sister Hui alone."

"You, it's better not to think about it. It will save my sister's punishment from being discovered by our father."

"Well...then I'll go over and comfort Sister Hui." Wang Yueyue stood up after speaking.

Li Wenxuan hurriedly grabbed her: "Do you really want to help?"

"Oh, don't help, I just go to comfort her."

"Then I will accompany you."

"It's at home, why do you accompany me if I don't go out? Stop making trouble, and be obedient." Wang Yueyue stood on tiptoe and kissed her husband's cheek lightly, then walked outside the house.

Come on, let's watch TV!


back yard

Ding Qiunan, Li Qin and Mama Ding were sitting in the gazebo, working on their hands, chatting casually.

"Qiu Nan, according to what you say, Xiao Chu and Huihui are copying books there now?"

Mama Ding, who was working with her head down, didn't raise her head, she just rolled her eyes upwards and looked at her daughter from above the reading glasses and asked.

"Well, where are you copying, there are only three days, don't hurry up!"

"Why don't you persuade me, just copy a little less meaning."

"Aunt Ding, I think Xiao Chu did the right thing. That girl Hui Hui really went too far this time. She doesn't care about such a big matter at all. It's a pity that she didn't pick it up today. Otherwise, why would Xiao Chu go out in the future?" Be human."

"Sister, Li Chu didn't care about this. The reason why he punished Huihui was because he was angry with this girl's careless attitude. He also felt that it was his responsibility as a father that he didn't teach the child well, so he even went with himself. punished."

"Oh, the child is still young, take your time."

Ding Qiunan didn't know what to say after hearing her mother's words.

Still young?They are all in their 20s and looking forward to getting married and becoming the masters of the house, what are you so young for!

But people of the older generation are like this. They are more strict with their children, but when it comes to the grandson's generation, their hearts seem to soften all of a sudden, and they seem to tolerate any mistakes.

"Aunt Ding, we are all old, how should we discipline our children and let Xiao Chu do it by himself."

"You're right, I'm just too worried!" Mama Ding laughed at herself, then raised the sweater she was knitting in her hand: "Help me see, is my flower twisted like this?"

"Come here, Aunt Ding, let me take a look... You have to pick a needle here, so... how about it, do you understand?"

"Well, now I understand."

"Qiu Nan, what do the Shen family get for the dowry?" Li Qin asked curiously after handing the sweater to Mama Ding.

"That's all, a set of gold jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and a watch, wedding cakes, four-color candies, and a pair of scissors, a comb, a round mirror, and an abacus .”

"Hey, this Shen family is quite old-fashioned." Madam Ding lowered her head and muttered.

"By the way, Qiu Nan, later on, you have to prepare a money box for Huihui. It is made of mahogany. Since the Shen family has sent all the abacus, we must match this money box, or else they will return it to you." Think we don’t care about that little things from other people’s houses.”

"Got it, Mom, Li Chu has already prepared it, and it's still made of red sandalwood."

"Well, it's good to be ready!" Mama Ding nodded in satisfaction.


Li Wenhui's house, she took the handkerchief Yueyue handed over and wiped away her tears, then picked up the pen to continue copying.

"Sister Hui, how about I copy some for you?"

Hearing this, Wen Hui, who was just about to start writing, paused for a moment, then she shook her head: "Forget it, it was indeed my own mistake, and I asked you to copy it for me."

"Isn't it good to realize the mistake!"

"Farewell, Yueyue, this time is not like when we were young, we used to be mischievous, but now I made a mistake, I should do it myself, it just happened to let me have a long memory."

"Well, that's fine, but if you feel that you can't finish copying, tell me earlier!"

"Thank you, Yueyue, today my business made you follow along. Go back and rest."

"Oh." Wang Yueyue patted Wenhui's shoulder boldly: "You are my eldest sister, we are a family."

"Pfft!" Seeing Yueyue's cute appearance, Wen Hui laughed.

"Stop teasing me, Yueyue, go back and rest for a while."

"Okay, then I'm leaving, Sister Hui."

(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the first update today, and the next chapter will be at 11 o'clock. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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