Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 672 Angry

Li Wenhui, who was sitting by the bed, was already in tears now.Because of her carelessness, her parents were cheated. Most importantly, others would think that their family was not satisfied with this son-in-law.Alas, Wang Yueyue sighed, but she didn't bother to comfort her, she opened the door with one hand on her waist and walked out.Mama Ding, Papa Ding, Li Qin and Wang Ziwen were a little panicked when they heard this, good guy, they came here in a hurry without any preparation for such a big event. "That girl Huihui is really spoiled, and she didn't agree on such a big matter in advance." "Okay, what's the use of talking about this now, let's go and see how to make this matter perfect." Wang Ziwen tugged on Li Qin's sleeve, indicating that now is not the time to talk about it.Here Ding Qiunan saw his parents, sister and brother-in-law coming, and walked out of the living room. "Sister, Jiayuan hasn't left yet, right?" "No, the child is asleep, she will come over after putting the child away." "Sister, go to the department store with Jiayuan to buy two sets of clothes for Shen Yi, big and small. You know?" "Almost, what else do you want to buy?" "Buy two more pairs of leather shoes, size 26, and a pack of better tea, and two catties of cakes, and we still have cigarettes and alcohol." She said. He took out a handful of money and tickets from his pocket and handed them over. Li Qin was not polite and took them directly. "How did you get the food for lunch?" "Wenxuan has already driven to Damao's restaurant, let's make another table and deliver it together at noon." "That's fine, I'll call Jiayuan now." "Sister, thank you for your hard work." Ah!" "Okay." "Brother-in-law, you and my dad sit in the living room and chat with you for a while." "Okay." Wang Ziwen nodded, turned to look at Dad Ding and said, "Uncle Ding, let's go in and chat with you." " "Haha, good!" "Qiu Nan, what am I doing?" Mama Ding asked anxiously. "Mom, do you still have red paper over there?" "Yes, there are quite a few." "Then take it here, and we will make a few red envelopes, and we have to give money to a few people who came to the door today Well." "Okay, I'll get it right away." After Mama Ding went out, Ding Qiunan glanced back at the living room, and then angrily walked towards Wenhui's room.She is full of anger now, and their family was almost ashamed and thrown into outer space today.Fortunately, there is usually no shortage of melon seeds, peanut candies and other things at home, so you can just take them out when someone comes, otherwise the man will come to the door, and the house doesn't even have anything to greet the guests, so what's the matter?If someone feels neglected, you can't say anything if you turn around and leave.If it's just the Shen family, the problem is not too big, the key is that Shen Yi's uncle brought several children to give presents.Li Wenhui was still sitting there crying in the room, and Wang Yueyue didn't know how to comfort her.When she heard the door knock and saw her mother-in-law walking in with a dark face, she was frightened for a while.Li Wenhui looked up and saw her mother coming in, she stood up quickly and admitted her mistake. "Mom, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect..." Ding Qiunan didn't want to hear a word said to her daughter at this moment, so she raised her hand and poked her forehead: "I think you are stupid in reading, and you don't even have a little understanding of the world. I don’t understand, didn’t Shen Yi tell you who’s coming today?” “Say it!” “Why didn’t you tell us in advance, even if you forgot, why didn’t you make it clear when you said it this morning? I know that people are here today because they are hired, but the guests are here. As the host, do you want to treat me well? You damn girl is really going to piss me off. You are so spoiled by your father, even big and small things I can't tell the difference." "Mom, I'm sorry!" "It's useless to say I'm sorry at this moment." Ding Qiunan's angry words burst out. "Okay, okay, Qiu Nan, let's not talk about the children now, first greet the guests and then talk about other things." Ding Ma walked in with the red paper. "How many people are here? Let's wrap up the red envelopes first." "This damn girl makes my head hurt from anger, Mom, let me think about it." "Shen Yi's uncle has four children, this is five, Then Shen Yi and the witness, a total of seven red

Just pack it, Shen Jun doesn't need to give it.Shen Yi should be bigger. Mama Ding sat down on the chair and asked, "How much are you going to pack?" "" Let's pack ten yuan each. As for Shen Yi's, the dowry he brought over is 2000 yuan. Li Chu just quietly told me to pack one thousand and one yuan for Shen Yi, implying that it is one in a thousand. "One in a thousand?"One thousand and one yuan? Ding's mother was a little dazed when she heard this number, and after muttering for a while, she smiled and said, "That's good, that's good, I remember it was the same number when I hired Yueyue last year, right?" ""what?Oh yes grandma. "It was also at this time that Wang Yueyue realized that when they hired their family last year, there was still talk about the dowry. At that time, her parents wondered why the dowry was paid in small amounts. It turns out that the number has meaning. "Okay, Qiu Nan, where are the scissors, let's get them quickly. "Li Wenhui, why are you standing there, take out the scissors?" "Seeing her daughter Ding Qiunan burst into anger. After so many years, she has never been so embarrassed as she is today.... The guests and hosts enjoyed a meal. Although it was a little hectic at the beginning, it finally came together. It was pretty good. After dinner, Li Chu asked Wenxuan to drive Shen Yi's family away first. The leader of Shen Jun also left with his own car. As for the Shen family, father and son have not left yet. After seeing off the guests, As soon as he entered the living room, Shen Yi admitted his mistake. "Uncle Li, it's all my fault that I didn't explain clearly to Huihui, I came here today to give a betrothal gift. "Li Chu sat on the sofa and refilled the teacup in front of Shen Jun, then looked at Shen Yi and his daughter who bowed his head beside him. "Oh, Xiao Yi, don't put everything on yourself Well, whose fault is whose fault it is. "After speaking, he turned his head and said to Shen Jun: "My in-laws, I made you laugh today. ""Whatever you say, it's all your own people." "Shen Jun waved his hand indifferently: "Don't talk about the children, if my father hadn't reminded me about the dowry, I wouldn't have thought about it, I just wanted to invite you out before the children's marriage and let's sit together . "" Let's not mention this, how do you feel after arriving here. Seeing that the father-in-law was talking about something else with his father, Shen Yi quietly pulled Li Wenhui's hand, motioning her to go out and said, "Shen Yi, I'm sorry, I almost messed up the matter. As soon as he walked out of the living room, Li Wenhui quickly apologized to her boyfriend. "Hey, there is really nothing here in our house, but I think uncle is still angry. By the way, where is Aunt Ding?" "It should be in the Wenxuan room in front." "Go, take me over there to apologize to Aunt Ding." "(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the second update today, and the time for the next chapter is 17 o'clock. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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