Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 670 Forgetting

Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, prescribing a prescription is simple.Li Chu handed the prescribed prescription to the staff of the Outreach Office, and then said, "Mr. George, it's not a big problem." George, who was worried for a long time, couldn't hide the joy on his face after listening to the translation. Yes, the beautiful secretary standing behind him was even more excited and almost jumped up. .. "Doctor Li, do you mean that you are absolutely sure to cure me?" George asked after taking a deep breath. "You can understand it like this, but this is conditional." "I know, I know, don't worry, I will do my best to facilitate this investment." Li Chu smiled slightly, the condition he said was not this, but Misunderstand it. "Mr. George..." "Doctor Li, you can just call me George." "Okay, George, you can't have a married life during the treatment, you must be clear about this, I hope you can remember what I said, the treatment Not even once during this period, no matter what form it is." Before George himself could respond to his words, the secretary behind him twisted his body unnaturally.It was her twist that made Li Chu focus on her.His eyes that seemed to see through everything made the secretary even more unnatural.Hehe, no wonder, it's not easy to hold back such a stunner without a little concentration. "Doctor Li, don't worry, I will definitely follow your doctor's advice." As long as the disease can be cured, it's nothing to endure it for a while, even if he can endure it for a year, he can persist.After all, life is still important. As long as people can live and live healthy, they will have everything in the future.Rich people are most afraid of death.At this time, Li Wenxuan had already taken the prescription and went out to get it. "George, take the medicine I prescribed this time for five days, twice a day. One set of medicine is decocted into two bowls, one in the morning and one in the evening. The Jingcheng Hotel you are staying in can help you." The secretary behind was already recording there with a notebook Translated words too.This secretary handles life and work with one hand.This old guy really enjoys it.Li Chu complained secretly in his heart. "Doctor Li, I remember that Angel told me that she came back for a follow-up visit after only taking the first medicine for three days." "That's right, your illness is a little more serious than hers. You have kidney deficiency, but she doesn't." No matter whether it is George's own translation or the translation of the Outreach Office, they are stuck. They don't know how to express the word kidney deficiency in English. When "kidneydeficy" saw this, Li Chu could only come by himself.George believed Sarah's words now. It's not that she didn't explain, but that she explained that you didn't understand.This is more than incomprehensible, how can you understand if you can’t translate it?And the word someone said just now, he can understand the meaning when separated, but what the hell is that when combined?Well, don't try to figure it out by yourself, just listen to what others say. Anyway, if it has any effect, you will know after five days. If it comes, you can rest assured.After seeing off George and his group, Li Chu asked Li Wenxuan and the three of them to start seeing patients, and rushed back to his office with Da Zhuang.He still had that crazy little pill in his mind.After returning to the office, he sat down on the sofa and began to think hard.He had eaten that thing once in his previous life, and the effect was really good, but he just glanced over the ingredient list of the medicine.What he has to do now is to see if he can recall the ingredient list from the long river of memory.It's like remembering those songs.Just this little pill has made Pfizer go crazy for money around the world. If it can be turned over, then... As for the kind of black pill he made himself, it is indeed better than sildenafil, but that thing is not at all There is no way to manufacture them in batches. There are many traditional Chinese medicines in them that are too precious. How much should you sell them for?I hope God will bless him so that he can recall the chemical composition of this sildenafil.Li Chu sat on the sofa and prayed secretly, and then threw away those miscellaneous thoughts.Sure enough, memories are

Difficult, the reason why those songs can be recalled, at least he has listened to them in full, and more than once.But he only looked at the ingredients of this medicine once, and he still glanced at it. After all, few people will read its chemical ingredients before taking medicine.Think about it slowly, this thing can't be rushed.It was not until he lay down on the bed at night that Ding Qiunan couldn't help asking. "Honey, what are you thinking about today? Why do you feel like you're in a daze all day long." "Oh, I'm thinking of a formula for a medicine. I saw it a long time ago, but I can't remember it now." "Your You have such a good memory, if you think about it slowly, you will definitely remember it, but don't worry too much." I have a headache, I don't want to!Li Chu reached out and took his daughter-in-law into his arms, stroking her smooth skin with one hand. "By the way dear, you pack up all the bottles and jars you bought in the utility room. I almost knocked them down when I went in to find them just now. Didn't you say they were antiques?" "I put all those things away Forgot!" After Ding Qiunan said this, he finally remembered those things, patted his forehead and said. "Forget? Hehe, you're really good. Didn't you say that those things are antiques and will be very valuable in the future?" "Hehe," Li Chu smiled awkwardly.He really forgot that after the identification was probably over, he planned to ask Zhu Wen to make some wooden boxes for him.As a result, today's matter and tomorrow's matter completely left those valuable things in the future completely forgotten.In fact, in the final analysis, it was caused by him not being interested in those things. People who really like those things, how could they forget. "Tomorrow I will ask Zhu Wen to make a few more wooden boxes, and then I will pack them all up and put them in the basement." "Tomorrow is Sunday, don't forget that we have to buy a TV." "Remember this." "Also, just now Huihui and Yueyue each gave me 1000 yuan, saying that the dividend was brought back, and this is to honor us." Li Chu thought for a while before saying: "Okay, since the children have given me 110 yuan. Just put it away." Ding Qiunan didn't know what came to her mind, she giggled twice: "Just now Yueyue complained that she was gaining weight, she said that she was about to grow into a bear." Indeed, she was only nine years old before she got pregnant. Wang Yueyue, who weighs about ten kilograms, is now seven months pregnant, and her weight has soared to more than 1.6 kilograms. Coupled with her height of less than 8 meters 19, she is indeed much rounder when viewed from behind.I was able to eat before pregnancy, but now I can eat even more. Sometimes Wenxuan can't compare to it. "You tell her tomorrow, let her rest assured that after giving birth, she will be able to return to her previous state in at most two months." "Really?" "Did you forget how you recovered?" Li Chu was speechless rolled his eyes. "Oh, yes!" (Preview: Dear book lovers, three chapters will be updated tomorrow, August 6, at 11:17 am, [-]:[-] noon, and [-]:[-] pm. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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