Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 666 Surprised

Capital Hotel, the president of the automobile company, George John, has arrived here with a large group of staff.Due to the large number of people, they specially booked a room on the first floor.In the guest room where the president lives, he is talking and laughing happily with the ambassador. The two of them have a good friendship in China. "David, do you know that Lee?" George asked suddenly. "Didn't you contact Hanks from the pharmaceutical company before you came?" "Hanks? He knows Li? Oh, I remembered, their company is investing in Huaxia to build a pharmaceutical factory." "Yes, but He has dealt with this Li for two years before, so he should be considered familiar." After a pause, the ambassador asked curiously: "George, since you have never contacted Hanks, where did you come from?" I heard that Li's medical skills are good?" "Oh, it's my daughter Hannah's classmate, she has kidney failure, you should know that the only way to get rid of this disease in our country is a kidney transplant." "I remembered, you It's the project leader of the pharmaceutical company here, Charlie's wife, Sarah?" "Yes, it's Sarah, and she cured kidney failure with Li." George nodded. "But you and her are not suffering from the same disease?" "Yes, so I asked someone to come and try it first." "Angel? The person you are looking for is Angel?" "David, do you really know Many." "No way." The ambassador spread his hands and said: "I must know their whereabouts, and at least I must know what they are here for, so as to provide some help when they are in trouble." "But George, you Why don't you get two more people to come over and try?" "David, I don't have time, my illness can't go on any longer, if my illness can't be effectively controlled and let them continue to deteriorate, those on the board of directors The gentlemen will drive me down first." The "Understanding" ambassador nodded: "Let's put it this way, I have no contact with Li, but I have read some of his files and chatted with Hanks and the others. According to them, this Li's medical skills are really good, or very miraculous." "But..." The ambassador strengthened his tone at this point: "George, I want to remind you that here and our country It’s different, whether it’s the national conditions or people’s thinking.” “Well, I know, I also asked the Chinese to learn about this ancient oriental country before I came here, but what’s the problem?” The ambassador did not answer this question, but He raised his finger and pointed to the outside and asked: "You brought so many people, aside from the staff who came to negotiate the agreement, I think you still have a private doctor with you, security or something like that?" "That's right Ah, I also specially invited a Chinese medicine doctor from Chinatown, he is very famous there." "I can understand that you bring your personal doctor here, after all, you have to take care of you along the way, but what do you want to do with this Chinese medicine doctor?" ?” “The doctor told me that my illness can’t be cured by traditional Chinese medicine.” “Then why are you here? I don’t believe that you, the president, need to come forward for the first negotiation.” m.. “Uh…”” So you still have a little hope, right? After all, he has almost cured Angel. Am I right?" "It is true, but this doctor of Chinese medicine is very famous in Chinatown. He said that my illness is not treated by Chinese medicine at all. It may be cured." "George, I don't want to argue with you about this, and this is what I want to tell you." "David, what do you mean?" George was a little confused by the ambassador's words. "The Li you are about to find is not just a simple doctor. He is a soldier first, and a doctor second." "Hmm, what's the difference." "He's not A doctor who treats ordinary people." Hearing what the ambassador said, George was obviously taken aback, and then asked: "Does he only treat soldiers?" "No, he mainly treats people like Ronald, of course this side political system

It is different from our country, but you can understand it this way. "!!! "What?Will he still treat those people after they retire?How does he make money then? ""As I told you, the political systems of the two countries are different. His salary is paid by the state's finances, and he cannot collect money from others in private. "David, are you kidding me?"Are doctors paid by the state?Oh, I forgot, he was also a soldier. "This is the second point I want to tell you. He is a soldier with ranks. Although his country's army does not have a rank, if you compare him, his rank is higher than the colonel military attache of the embassy. "Pfft..." George, who just took a sip of water from his cup, spit it out. "I'm sorry David, I'm really sorry, your words are a bit too shocking." "" It doesn't matter, what I said is just the truth.I tell you this to explain that if you bring so many people with you tomorrow, such as security guards, private doctors, and that Chinese medicine doctor you don’t know where you found, you won’t be able to see Li. There are also security personnel, and they are active military personnel.Also, the last thing you have to worry about in this country is security, so your security guards are actually on vacation. "At this moment, George's head is completely in a daze. What kind of doctor did his daughter's classmate contact him? He has also seen high-level military officials in their country, and there are more than one, even the top ones. Yes, but when you meet these people, you bring security personnel, or bring some random people, etc., what are you kidding, you can’t even see the hair of these generals, and the staff around him stop him. Only wait for these people It's possible only when they are all retired." So...David, what should I do? ""Our embassy will send you a staff member when you go there tomorrow. You can just bring your translator and secretary. After you finish your treatment, when you negotiate with their business department, you will lose your prestige. It's not too late, but it's better for you to keep a low profile when looking for Li to see you. "George felt a little aggrieved at the moment. Based on his status, he enjoyed VIP service in any hospital in his country, but when he got here, he had to follow other people's rules, which made him a little bit stuck for a while. Come on. The ambassador saw the unhappiness in this old friend's heart, thought for a while and said, "George, think about your body, Li should be your last hope. "What you said is to David, we should show our respect to those who are capable." "(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the second update today, and the time for the next chapter is 17 o'clock. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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