"What did you talk to Dean Shan just now? It made everyone upstairs come down to watch." In Ding Qiunan's office, she saw her husband walk in and asked.

"Dean Shan is the last day in the hospital today. I saw him standing alone in the flower bed, so I went over to chat with him casually. Those who care are mediocre."

Li Chu said indifferently, pulled away the chair in front of the desk and sat down.

"Are you not worried that Lao Du will wear small shoes for you when he takes office?"

"Hehe, what are you kidding, my file isn't here, I'm only here for a second job, can he dress me well? Besides, if my relationship with Lao Du is not good, Wenxuan can get the Go there with his lover?"

"I don't care if your relationship is good or not. I just want to remind you. Although I have been in the administration building for a shorter time than you, I am more familiar with you in this building. Many words that cannot reach your ears, I But you can hear it."

The Li Chuxin that Ding Qiunan was talking about, the place where women gather together, is definitely filled with all kinds of gossip.

Especially in the logistics department, there are women of all kinds of relationships, and those who don't keep it together and look ugly have a background of heaven.

So this is also a place where all kinds of gossip spread.

Among this group of women, Ding Qiunan is definitely a different kind.

Without him, apart from his appearance, his own man stands behind him, unlike them, who rely on the shadow of the elders in the family.

"It's okay, daughter-in-law, don't care what others say, just be yourself. These people can't affect me yet."

"Yes, my man is the most powerful, okay."

"That's right, you definitely have a deep understanding of whether I'm good or not." Li Chu raised his eyebrows at his daughter-in-law proudly.

Unsurprisingly, what greeted him was a coquettish roll of eyes.

"I just came back from lunch at noon. I heard some of them say that Uncle Shen rejected a proposal to improve your salary a few days ago?"

"The women in your logistics are really powerful, they can know all kinds of news." Li Chu shook his head with a smile, followed by him and nodded: "They are right, and I know about it."

"Why? Why did Uncle Shen do this?" Ding Qiunan asked, frowning.

"Don't think too much about it. We discussed it in advance. Some people want to push me to achieve their real purpose behind it. The other one is that I will only turn [-] next year. I'm still very young in terms of age. Do not worry."

"It's as long as you know it in your heart, and I don't understand these things."

Perhaps in the past, Ding Qiunan had the idea of ​​following his man and standing on a high place to enjoy the scenery.

But in that special era, she saw too many ups and downs with her man, and now she only has one thought in her heart, that is, as long as the family is safe and sound.

"By the way, my dear, next year you will be fifty, do you want to celebrate your birthday?"

"Farewell." Li Chu quickly waved his hand: "The elders are still here, how can the younger generation celebrate their birthdays, but our father's [-]th birthday and Uncle Wang's [-]th birthday will be in two or three years. We can give them a good time .”

Ding Qiunan didn't refute what her husband said, but just smiled.

What did the elder say that the younger generation doesn't have birthdays? When celebrating her and the two children's birthdays every year, I haven't seen him say that.

However, Ding Qiunan has always been a little puzzled, why her husband is so repulsive about celebrating his birthday. She has asked many times, but she has been prevaricated with various reasons.

But this time, she didn't intend to be fooled like this. Her man will reach the age of knowing his destiny next year, so she should celebrate his birthday no matter what, even if it's just her and the children celebrating him.

But before that, she had to figure out the reason why she didn't want to celebrate her birthday. In case there were any taboos, then the good things wouldn't turn into bad things.

Ding Qiunan made up his mind to pay attention to the birthday topic, and while lowering his head to write something, he chatted with his husband sitting opposite.

In fact, Li Chu didn't want to celebrate his birthday. There really was no other reason, it was just superstition.

One can imagine how difficult it was for Ding Qiunan to figure out the reason this time.

"That's enough, daughter-in-law, it's time to get off work. Tonight it's just the two of us at home, why don't we just eat in the cafeteria?"

"Huh? Where are Wenxuan and Yueyue?"

"Go to Qiaoyun's side, and meet us at the gate of the great hall tomorrow afternoon."

"Hui Hui has dinner at Shen Yi's house?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that when you left this morning?"

"Then let's eat in the cafeteria. You go to get some food first. I only have a little left here. It will be fine in a few minutes."

"Okay, then I'll go there first, hurry up, don't let the food get cold in a while."

When the two of them arrived home after dinner, Wang Jiadong came from next door.

"Uncle, aunt, you are back."

"Jiadong, if you have something to say, just say it."

Sitting on the ponytail, Li Chu gave the dog food, glanced at his nephew and said.

"Hey, uncle, it's like this, can you lend me your car tonight."

"Say a reason."

Li Chu was quite surprised that his nephew wanted to borrow his car. Because of him, his car could go to many places, so it was impossible for him to borrow this car casually.

And Wang Jiadong knew this, but he could still come and speak, so something must have happened.

"Personal matter, I want to take Xiaojuan back to her house. Her sister-in-law is about to give birth, and we want to go back and have a look."

"The key is on the shoe cabinet in the living room, take it yourself."

"Thank you uncle!"

"Qiu Nan, you bring two barrels of malted milk to Jiadong, and let him take the handful of bananas."


"Uncle, aunt, no need, my mother has already prepared something."

"You can take it if I give it to you, and give Xiaojuan her parents a treat for me and your aunt." Li Chu sat there and waved without looking back.

Cao Xiaojuan, who was anxiously waiting in the yard, saw her husband walking over with a bag, and hurriedly asked, "Jiadong, what are you talking about?"

"The things brought by uncle and aunt, you take the packed things, and we will talk as we walk."

After getting into the car, Xiaojuan opened the bag and took a look.

"There are so many things, you can take whatever your aunt gives you."

"Oh, my aunt has already installed it, but I can't insist on it. Take it."

Looking at this bag of things, Cao Xiaojuan felt warm in her heart.

In the years of marriage, except for the first year, she seldom went back to her natal home, and she didn't want to go back. Every time she went back to the family that favored boys over girls and valued money but not people, she always felt very depressed.

Occasionally, when she went back, her husband's family would always ask her to bring a lot of things back, which gave her enough face.


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