Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 592 Rejection

, Siheyuan is living well

"It's the one after the Chinese New Year this year. Didn't you go there to take pictures?" Li Wenxuan gestured to his fiancée.

"Oh, oh, I see, it's the card that made me look so ugly."

Wang Yueyue couldn't help complaining.

"That's right, how can that photo make people so ugly, they don't look like me at all." Ding Qiunan also echoed.

Indeed, on the first-generation ID card, the photo is indeed somewhat abstract, and I don't know if it is a technical reason or what.

It will be better when it comes to the second generation ID card.

Now it is convenient to go out with this, but if you are a couple going out together, you still have to bring your marriage certificate, otherwise you cannot live in the same house if you live in a guest house.

After breakfast, Wang Yueyue rode a bicycle back to her home to accompany her mother who was on vacation, and Li Wenxuan followed her to the hospital and continued to sit in the outpatient clinic.

Li Chu is fine today, and he is also accompanying his son in the outpatient hall.

Although Li Wenxuan has now passed the assessment of the General Hospital and is eligible to sit in the clinic, Li Chu has never given him the right to prescribe alone.

He will be here when he is free. If he is not here, Wenxuan will prescribe the medicine and ask Director Zhao from the Chinese Medicine Department next door to review it first. Only after Director Zhao agrees will he give it to the patient.

This is not only a kind of responsibility to patients, but also a kind of protection for Wenxuan.

And after taking Wenxuan personally for the past two years, Li Chu finally saw the power of the inherited skill back then.

In fact, that skill does not just speed up the recipient's learning speed, but rather it seals the inherited skill directly in the recipient's mind.

As long as you learn a little later, the relevant things will appear in the recipient's mind, just like you have learned.

Li Chu sometimes thought that if he had this inheritance skill back then, he might not have been whipped by the master with a cane frequently.

Sitting next to Li Wenxuan, watching him calmly communicate with patients, feel his pulse, and prescribe medicines, without any sense of escape as he was just 22 years old, Li Chu couldn't help but smiled in relief.

Not to mention anything else, just his demeanor, he was born to eat Chinese medicine.

The door curtain was lifted, breaking the silence in the consulting room. Li Wenxuan, who was immersed in feeling the patient's pulse, frowned and glanced in the direction of the door.

Standing at the door was an officer of the medical affairs office. Seeing this, Li Chu stood up and walked over.

"President Li, the duty room at the headquarters asks you to call the leader back."


"It only said as soon as possible."

"Okay, I see."

After the officers of the medical office left, Li Chu didn't rush back to the office to answer the phone, but waited for Li Wenxuan to read the patient and prescribe the medicine before he left.

"Leader, I'm Li Chu. I was delayed at the outpatient clinic for a while just now. You're looking for me?" Back in the office, Li Chu immediately dialed the phone.


"What did you say? Let me take the health guards to the military parade?"


"No, no, leader, what can I do."


"It's not that I refuse. You know, I went there as a logistics observer. I can't steal the limelight from those field doctors and health workers. I think they should really enjoy this glorious moment."...

"Leader, don't you know me? I may have a lot of bad things, but I never lie."


"Yes, when the time comes, you can give me a few tickets so that I can sit on the viewing platform with my family and watch."


"Okay, thank you leader, I'll get it from your place another day."


Putting down the phone, Li Chu couldn't help letting out a soft breath.

The leader asked him to participate in the military parade, which was really beyond his expectations.

This year's National Day military parade is the largest since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The troops participating in the military parade have assembled around the Forty-Nine City last month and started training.

And that strategic force will make its debut.

If he remembered correctly, after this military parade, the next one will be in [-].

As a soldier, he definitely wants to participate in this kind of sacred moment, but he really doesn't want to steal the limelight from those field doctors and health workers who were born and died on the front line.

On that day, as long as he can sit on the viewing platform and watch, he will be very satisfied.

He didn't stay in the office much, and he returned to the outpatient clinic.


"Conrad, why didn't you invite Li yesterday? I remember you said you wanted to give it a try."

This side of the base, in the small conference room next to the laboratory of the West German pharmaceutical company.

"Didn't you notice that although Li usually speaks well and treats people well, he seems to be very friendly, but in fact he has a kind of arrogance in his bones, the arrogance of being an inheritor of ancient medical skills in an ancient cultural country.

In the past two years, our five companies have not less sought Chinese medicine doctors, whether they are Chinese in Europe and the United States, or those who are working in Huaxia, do you think Li has stopped them? "

Bell sighed and shook his head slowly. This was something he couldn't figure out. If he didn't really see the effect, he would really suspect that the formula was fake.

You said that Western medicine can’t be studied, so he has to believe it even if he doesn’t believe it now, but a doctor who is also a Chinese medicine doctor can’t figure it out, which makes him a little confused.

How did they pass on this traditional Chinese medicine?

Do we all learn different things?

But even if it's different, it can't be so far apart, right?

"This is his self-confidence." Conrad continued: "This is equivalent to his unique skill, which will be passed on to his children in the future, but it will definitely not be passed on.

We have nothing to do now. I talked with the heads of four other companies, and we all agreed that it is better not to offend people like Li.

Maybe one day we will ask to come to him, and they have already withdrawn the small tricks behind it. "

Bell curled his lips disdainfully after hearing his words: "Hmph~ It's not just because I don't want to offend Li, we can find out, and they probably know that Li has been on the battlefield.

Participated in a real battle, not those doctors who stayed in the rear hospital, just those people who want to trouble someone who came back alive from the battlefield?What a joke. "

Conrad smiled wryly, yes, this is also a very crucial factor. It is not easy to find two people who are willing to help them in this country, and they can no longer be wasted casually.

"Okay, Bell, let's not talk about this, go and inform the gentlemen and ladies in the laboratory, we will help them reinstall the equipment, and then we can go home."

"Shh~~" Bell whistled, "I believe this news will definitely make them cheer."

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