Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 568 Pressure

"Huihui, if I really want to say a song suitable for singing on the wedding day, then the only song I sang just now is the only one I can think of."

As soon as he said this, Li Chu saw that his daughter was anxious, so he quickly raised his hand and pressed down.

"Don't worry, I have a song for you here, do you want to listen to it?"


"Really?" Li Wenhui looked at her father with bright eyes.

"Ahem..." Li Chu didn't talk nonsense, cleared his throat and began to sing a cappella.

"Baby, do you hear me, I'm talking to you softly,

Seeing your smiling face is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen,

Baby, did you hear me, I'm gently waiting for your answer,

The joy in your eyes is the greatest satisfaction in my life,


baby! "

The cappella, which lasted for more than a minute, stopped quickly.

"The name of the song is, baby, do you hear that?"

Li Wenhui looked at her father stupidly, and suddenly began to cry without warning.

"What's the matter, why are you still crying? Qiu Nan, wipe her tears."

Li Chu, who had already stood up and walked to Wenhui's side, thought about it and asked his daughter-in-law next to him to wipe her daughter's tears.

Unexpectedly, Wen Hui turned her head away from the handkerchief in her mother's hand, then turned around and put her arms around her father's waist.

Li Chu was taken aback by Wen Hui's actions.

He couldn't remember the last time he held his daughter.

In short, since Wen Hui was 12 years old, he seldom made intimate movements, at most he rubbed her head.

The hand raised in the air hesitated for a moment, then glanced at his wife again, then slowly placed one hand on the top of her head and stroked it a few times, and gently patted her back with the other hand.

"They're all girls in their 20s, why are they still crying?"

At this time Ding Qiunan also came over and rested her head on her husband's shoulder.

"She was your daughter when she was old, so what if the daughter is crying in her father's arms?"


An hour later, Ding Qiunan pushed open the bedroom door and walked in with wet hair.

Li Chu, who was leaning on the bedside and reading, put down the book in his hand, took the towel, and asked her to sit by the bed to help her dry her hair.

"Hui Hui already fell asleep?"

"Asleep, why is this girl so heavy now, I'm sweating all over."

Li Wenhui just fell asleep while hugging her father and crying.

After all, she was a big girl, so Li Chu asked Ding Qiunan to pick up her daughter and take her back to her room to sleep.

"Honey, the song you wrote is really good!"

Li Chu, who was wiping his hair, smiled wryly. He knows how to write songs, and he is just a porter.

The more I sing now, the greater the chance of problems in the future.

However, should I wait for the copyright law to be promulgated and register the copyright first, regardless of whether it will be published in the future, it is better than letting others see the clues.

Seeing that her husband has not responded to her, Ding Qiunan turned his head and took a look.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

"Oh, I think I should stop singing to Wenxuan on his wedding day. There will definitely be outsiders there. Let's sing to them when we are alone."

As he spoke, he turned her head away and continued to brush her hair.

"Why do you want to understand?"

"It's not that I want to understand it. The main thing is that I'm worried about embarrassment. I sing like that, so I won't be ashamed in front of so many outsiders."

Listening to her husband's words, Ding Qiunan pursed her lips and let out a chuckle.

"Actually, you sing very well."

"Come on, don't comfort me. I can sing at most. Qiaoyun is singing."

"You still compare with Qiaoyun, he is a professional, okay?"

"Yeah, that's why I said I'm not ashamed."

"But I really think you sing well." Ding Qiunan turned his head and stared at his man seriously.

"Okay, okay, you, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

"Hmph~ I just think my man is the best."

"Stay still and let me dry your hair."

"Oh." Ding Qiunan turned her head obediently.

"You are the most beautiful in my eyes, and only those who love each other can understand it the most."

Ding Qiunan, who had just turned her head, heard her husband humming softly, and turned her head again.

"Oh, why did you turn around again, obedient dear."

"No, what were those two lines you hummed just now? Another song?"

This time Ding Qiunan didn't turn around obediently, but asked with surprise on his face.

"It's not a song, just those two lines, nothing else."

"OK then."

Wipe your hair for about ten minutes.

"It's getting harder and harder to brush your hair, moving around like a child."

Li Chu put the towel on the cabinet next to the bed and couldn't help complaining.

"Hey." Ding Qiunan was not annoyed, but just smiled innocently.


The next morning, not long after arriving at the hospital, Li Wenxuan came to the office in neat military uniform.

"Chief, Li Wenxuan will report to you."

Sitting behind the desk, Li Chu looked at his handsome son in military uniform with joy on his face.

"Why did you come here, where is Yueyue?"

"Yueyue is at home with grandma and my sister. I have nothing to do, so I just want to come and report."

"Sit here with me, first write an application for joining the organization, then write a marriage application, and hand them in together later."

"Ah? still want to write about joining...the organization?"

"Is there a problem? Or are you unwilling?"

"No, no, how could you not want to? I submitted two applications when I was in school, and I passed both exams."

"That's just not the case! Let's write it. I don't know how to write a marriage application. I'll teach you later."

"Hey, I got it, Dad." Li Wenxuan rubbed his hands excitedly.

Seeing his son sitting there still full of excitement, Li Chu sat on the chair opposite him and spoke.

"Wenxuan, you have to know that whether joining the army or joining an organization in the future, this is not only an honor, but also a responsibility, and there are corresponding obligations that you need to fulfill.

With your current medical skills, you are far from being a qualified doctor. You need to work harder and harder, and be more serious. You must understand the responsibilities on your shoulders.

You have to know that what everyone expects of you is not just to be a qualified doctor, you must do better.

You are my son, so in the future, you must bear more than others.

Moreover, it is very likely that no matter how hard you work, in the eyes of others, that is what you deserve, and it is even more likely that in the next few decades, when others mention you, they will say, ah, this is Li Chu’s son, and I wouldn't say this is Li Wenxuan.Can you bear all these? "

These are actually the reasons why Li Chu didn't want his two children to study medicine with him.

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