Li Chu is already sitting in his daughter-in-law's office at the moment, and she will leave work after finishing her get off work.

Looking at her husband who was sitting across from her, with her legs crossed and humming a little tune, Ding Qiunan said helplessly, "Why don't you go out for a walk, how can I work with peace of mind while you sit there."

"Ah? I didn't bother you? Besides, it's so hot outside, do you have the heart to drive me out?"

His innocent appearance made Ding Qiunan want to pounce on him and bite him.

"Then can you not make a sound?" She had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

"Oh, I thought you liked hearing me sing."

Hey, you are still wronged.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was about to get angry, Li Chu quickly raised his hand and made a zipper movement around his mouth, signaling himself to shut up.

Ding Qiunan shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and continued writing.

They will be moving in two or three months, and they will be extremely busy with logistics during this time.

Now that she has to prepare things for her son to get married, she can't wait to split herself in half.

Just a few minutes after the office became quiet, the husband's humming came again.

She pursed her lips and was about to say something, huh?I don't seem to have heard of it this time.

"It must be a special fate,

Only then can we walk all the way and become a family,

The more he loves you, the more you pay him back, the possibility of finding happiness..."

Humming here, Li Chu stopped, frowning, thinking about something.

It's not that he stopped singing, but that he really can't remember the lyrics of this song, so he can only think slowly to see if he can think of this song.

He wanted to give this song to Wenxuan and Yueyue as his wedding gift to them.

"Why don't you sing?"


Ding Qiunan's voice woke up Li Chu who was in memory.

"Sorry, daughter-in-law, I didn't mean to."

"I asked why you stopped singing. What song is this? It's so nice."

"Oh, this is the wedding gift I want to give to Wenxuan and Yueyue. It can also be regarded as my father's blessing to them."


"What do you mean?"

"It's literally."

"You don't mean to sing to them on the wedding day, do you?" Ding Qiunan stared at her man in disbelief.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Li Chu also felt a little baffled, what kind of reaction was this.

"What's the matter? You are an elder, you sing to them on their wedding day?"

"Is there a problem? It's true that I am their elder, but what does it have to do with whether I sing or not? Can I bless my son and daughter-in-law?"

"Do you act like an elder? Do you look like a father?"

"No, daughter-in-law, I didn't think about it, I sang a song for my son and daughter-in-law, why didn't I look like a father?

According to what you said, what about Qiaoyun and the others? "

"Uh... That's different, okay, those people are singers. Besides, what kind of song are they singing, what kind of song are you, love, love, you are not afraid of being scolded by you."

"Hey, daughter-in-law, why didn't I see that you still have feudal thoughts."

"Stop talking about that with me!" Ding Qiunan waved his hands in a style.

"I just want to sing, and I'm at home. The people who can hear it are our relatives and friends. Whoever has nothing to do will spread the word. Don't worry."

Ding Qiunan felt a big headache when her husband wanted to do such a deviant thing. She didn't know what to say to dispel her husband's idea.

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

"What's the shame? What you're asking is so strange."

Ding Qiunan raised her arms and stroked her forehead gently, she didn't want to talk anymore, she went back and told her elder sister to persuade him, she couldn't help it.

"Okay, I don't care, you can do whatever you want."

"Hurry up and write your stuff."

Having been interrupted from thinking, Li Chu looked helplessly at his daughter-in-law who had started writing again.

When I got home from get off work, Wen Hui had already returned.

"Mom and Dad, you are back."

"Huihui, what time did you get home? Why are you losing weight, can't you eat over there?" Ding Qiunan saw her daughter, happily took her hand, and looked up and down carefully.

The daughter has been away for about twenty days. If she didn't make frequent phone calls, she would have gone to look for her.

"I came back at noon, Mom, how can I lose weight? I feel fat."

There is a kind of thinness, which makes parents feel that you are thinner.

"Dad, did you get Wenxuan into the army?"

Wen Hui turned to look at her father who had been silent and asked.

"Well, you heard?"

"Grandma told me when I came back, and said that he and Yueyue's wedding date was fixed until next month."

Li Chu found that when his daughter said this, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

"Huihui, do you want to get married too?" He asked directly.

"No way, dad, don't talk nonsense. Mom, don't worry about it, see what my dad is talking about?"

Li Wenhui was asked by her father's straightforward words, a blush appeared on her cheeks.

"It's normal to want to get married, so why not ask?" Ding Qiunan teased her daughter.

"Mom, why don't you say that, I won't tell you, I'll go find grandma."

She really couldn't stand her parents anymore, so she let go of her mother's arm, stood up and ran out of the living room.

After she went out, Ding Qiunan asked nervously: "Honey, has Hui Hui..."

She didn't finish the rest, but Li Chu already knew what she wanted to ask.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, Huihui is still very obedient."

Hearing what her husband said, Ding Qiunan breathed a sigh of relief, she was really worried that her daughter would go out this time and live with Shen Yi.

"I don't think she looks like she is in a hurry to get married, but she seems a little envious of Wenxuan being able to join the army."

"Huh? You mean Huihui also wants to join the army?" Ding Qiunan, who had already stood up and walked into the bedroom, was about to go in and change clothes, but stopped again upon hearing this.

"I'm not sure, just ask her later."

During the meal, Li Chu took the initiative to ask his daughter what she thought.

And his question made several people on the table stop their chopsticks.

Even the guards who were sitting at another table and followed Aunt Wang looked over carefully.

"Huihui, do you want to be a soldier too?" Li Qin asked in surprise.

"I like military uniforms."

Well, her answer like this is a kind of affirmation.

Several people on the table peeped at each other.

Li Chu was a little annoyed, he felt that he was a bit unqualified as a father.

In his heart, he always felt that he liked his daughter more, but he didn't expect that he didn't know that his daughter also liked military uniforms and wanted to join the army.

"Hui Hui, Dad apologizes to you!"

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