Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 552 Meeting

"Junzi, I'm very serious. This time it was indeed my family's fault. To be honest, when I picked them up in the morning, I didn't know how to face my aunt.

I don't know how to face you, Qiaoyun, and Uncle Wang who is away on a business trip.It's because I didn't educate my children well! "

"Come on this!"

Wang Jun just replied, still keeping his head down and continuing to eat.

If he didn't know that he couldn't beat him, he would have rushed over to beat Li Chu up.

Is there such a father?

The two began to eat without talking, only to find that the horn for lunch had already sounded.

On the other side of the screen, the staff of the agency were already queuing up to get food.

By the time the other brigade chiefs packed their meals and came to the screen, they had already finished eating.

After introducing these partners to Li Chu, they chatted for a while, and then they left the dining hall.

They didn't go back to the office either. After coming out of the dining hall, the two walked along the shade of the trees to the place where Shen Jun and the others were temporarily stationed.

"Li Chu, the relationship between our two families has been going on for so many years, and we even grew up wearing a pair of pants. These three brothers have been away for many years because of work.

It's you, helping the three of us brothers to be filial to our parents like our own sons. "

Seeing what Li Chu wanted to say, Wang Jun waved his hand to signal him not to speak.

"I know that based on the old man's current status, anyone else may do the same, and may even do better.

But I, Wang Jun, can still tell the difference between fawning and caring. On behalf of my two younger brothers, thank you in advance!

Let’s talk about the two children. They have engaged in baby kissing since they were young, and their relationship is very good. It will be a matter of time before they get married. Although Wenxuan has done some stupid things this time, as a man, I can also understand.

And now that I found out early, there is nothing to be ashamed of, just arrange the marriage of the children as soon as possible, and don't say anything about whether to clean up or not. "

"Huh..." Li Chu really let go of the heart that had been on his mind all along.

As a person who has the thinking of future generations, this kind of thing of living together before marriage is actually nothing to him.

But, in this day and age, that's a big deal.
Neither of them can afford to lose this person.

Now it's all right, let's hurry up and organize the wedding when we go back.

"Thank you, Junzi."

"Stop it"

Following Wang Jun's words, the two of them resumed a relaxed chatting atmosphere.

Talking and laughing casually, he walked to the place where Shen Jun and his troops were temporarily stationed in a short while.

There are also many people who have finished their meal here, and several people gather together under the shade of the tree to chat.

Although these people sat on the ground very casually, they couldn't hide the murderous aura on their bodies.

If you are really timid passing by here, you will definitely avoid it unconsciously, and you won't even take a second look.

Those troops who were going to participate in the military parade had tight time and heavy tasks, and they only had half an hour to rest after lunch, so no one went back to the barracks.

After a glance, he didn't see Shen Jun, Wang Jun beckoned to a soldier.

"Hi sir!" The soldier ran over and saluted first.

Brigadier Wang has seen them before. The day they first arrived here, this was the one who came forward to receive them.

"Where is your Captain Shen?"

"Our head is resting over there."

"Go and call him over, just say that an old friend is coming to see him."


old friend?That must be someone else.

Before leaving, the soldier sneaked a glance at the person next to Brigadier Wang. When he came over just now, his attention was all on Wang Jun.

Only after seeing this did he feel that this person looked so familiar?

Looked carefully again.

The soldier called out with some hesitation: "Doctor Li?"

"Huh? You know me?" Li Chu looked at the soldier with great interest. He didn't expect someone here to recognize him.

"It's really you, Doctor Li."

"Crack" a standard standing at attention salute, before Li Chu could react, the soldier turned his head and shouted loudly: "Brothers, come and see who this is."

Following his shout, those soldiers who were sitting or standing under the shade of the tree looked over one after another.

How many people Li Chu saved on the battlefield back then, he couldn't even tell, let alone remember everyone.

But many people remember his face.

All of a sudden, Li Chu was surrounded by the rushing crowd.

All the people who ran over stood at attention and saluted and said hello at the same time.

It's like the chief came to inspect the troops, except for the chaos.

Wang Jun had already been pushed aside, the brigade commander had no one to talk to him at this moment.

He didn't care either, and looked at Li Chu surrounded by him with a smile on his lips.

"How did he come here?"

A voice next to his ear brought Wang Jun back to his senses.

"Come here and talk to me about something, I told you to come and see you when I knew you were here."

The two people who were not in the same circle originally had a pretty good relationship because of Li Chu's relationship.

"Oh, by the way, I haven't congratulated you yet, Deputy Master Shen."

"What's there to congratulate, we two can't catch up with that guy even if we flatter ourselves." Shen Jun raised his chin and gestured towards Li Chu who was surrounded by the crowd.

"Hey, what do you compare to that guy, besides, I don't believe you don't know, he's already reaching the ceiling and can't go up, but you and I are different."

"Ha, you know how to comfort yourself." Shen Jun turned his head and looked at the guy with the same name as himself in a funny way.

"Then what can I do? If you don't learn to comfort yourself with this guy, you will be mad at him sooner or later." Wang Jun spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Hahaha..." Shen Jun, who felt the same way, smiled heartily.

The two soldiers stood aside and chatted for a while, and then Shen Jun drove away the people surrounding Li Chu and asked them to gather and start training.

As the crowd dispersed, Li Chu was liberated.

"Squad leader, is this Dr. Li the one who went to the battlefield with the commando and rescued the group leader and the others?"

"Yeah, if he hadn't gone up with him, our regiment leader and the highland we occupied would definitely be gone, so let's come and participate in the military parade."

"He looks so young!"

"Young? He is two years older than our regiment leader, okay? And this is a ruthless man. According to the rescued Staff Officer Zhao, during the two days when he stood on the high ground, at least all the enemies killed by Dr. Li Hundreds of people.

I was shot, and I operated on myself, tsk tsk, it's hard to imagine that this is a doctor. "The unbelievable look on the face of the speaking monitor could not dissipate for a long time.

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