Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 548 Responsibilities

Li Chu knew his son quite well.

Like his own father, he has a little bit of machismo.

At home, you can let your own woman, pamper her, wash and cook for her.

But if it is said that it is raised by a woman, it is impossible to accept it even if it is killed.

Sure enough, Li Wenxuan shook his head decisively.

"I'm sure I'm going to make my own money."

"Hmm, it's a good idea, but please tell me, what do you use to make money?"


Li Wenxuan was left speechless by his father's question.

Wang Yueyue, who was a little anxious in the back row, wanted to say something, but was stopped by Ding Qiunan again, and this time he winked directly at her.

Yueyue looked at the mother-in-law in a daze.

"You'll know when you get back!" Ding Qiunan leaned into the ear of his future daughter-in-law and whispered softly.

Her words made Wang Yueyue finally let go of her uneasy heart.

And Li Wenxuan, the co-pilot, was looking out of the car window in a daze at the moment, completely oblivious to the small movements between the two women behind.

Li Chu turned his head to look at his son, and then said: "Wenxuan, you want to marry Yueyue and be responsible for her, that's very good, it shows that you still have responsibility and are a man.

But I hope that when you do anything in the future, you will think clearly about what the consequences will be after I do this, whether I can bear this consequence, and what I will use to bear it.

It's not that you don't care about everything when your head gets hot.People, especially men, must learn to be responsible for their own lives before they can bear the burden of family in the future. "

"I see, Dad!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you two, your grandma is living with us now."

"Huh? Papa Chu, has my grandma moved in to live with us?"

"Well, I think her old man is a bit lonely living there, and your grandfather will often be away, so I made an application to take her over. If your grandfather is not on business, he will come back to live, but these two days Your grandpa isn't here."

"Great, this is much more convenient, otherwise it would be too troublesome to go home to see grandma every time!" Wang Yueyue clapped her hands happily behind.

Li Wenxuan was a little sad. It's not that he didn't welcome grandma to live here. He couldn't be too happy if grandma could move here. After all, grandma brought him up.

He is full of love for this grandma who has no blood relationship.

The problem is that he just wiped out his granddaughter, and now he is about to face his parents, so he always feels a little nervous.

Looking at his father who was driving for help, he no longer had the high spirits of that night, nor did he have the courage to move forward just now.

A series of questions from his father made him realize how ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

Sensing Wenxuan's gaze, Li Chu smiled slightly and thought in his heart: It's good to know fear and have a sense of awe.

"Let's talk slowly when we get back."

"Dad, I know that my previous thoughts were very naive. I hope you and my mother can help me."

Li Wenxuan's words made Li Chu stare sideways, and even Ding Qiunan, who was sitting behind, had brighter eyes.

When I am the most powerless, knowing to actively seek help from my parents, instead of blindly evading responsibility, or not hitting the south wall without looking back, this is also a kind of progress.

"I see. You are my child. Your mother and I will definitely find a way to help you. Let's talk slowly when we get home, okay?"

"Thank you Dad!"

At home, Aunt Wang was overjoyed to see her granddaughter and son-in-law-to-be for more than two days.

Since moving here a few days ago, Aunt Wang's mood has gotten better and better, and even her appetite has improved a bit.

Every day after Li Chu and Ding Qiunan went to work, Li Qin and Ding Ma who lived next door would come over to chat with Aunt Wang.

The three of them were fine, so they got together to play the cards Li Chu taught them, often forgetting to eat while playing.

After chatting with grandma, grandma, and aunt for a while, Li Wenxuan didn't even bother to enter his own house, so he followed his father to the study.

Aunt Wang, who was sitting in the gazebo, looked at the direction leading to the middle courtyard with some doubts, turned her head to Ding Qiunan and asked, "Qiu Nan, what's the matter? Why do I feel that Wen Xuan is preoccupied?"

"Aunt, your grandson-in-law-to-be went out and did something wrong this time, and I don't know how to deal with the aftermath."

"Did something wrong? What did he do wrong? Did he beat someone at Dongshan?"

Aunt Wang's words made Ding Ma and Li Qin stop talking and looked over.

But Wang Yueyue, who realized what she was going to say next, was already flushed with shame, couldn't sit still, and hurried back to her house in the front yard.

"Auntie, if you beat someone up, it's a crime, not a mistake."

"What's the matter? Oh, you damn girl, hurry up and say, don't play tricks on my old lady."

Ding Qiunan saw the anxious look on Aunt Wang's face, and he didn't dare to stretch anymore.

"Auntie, your wish to be a grandma is not far away!"


Although these words were not earth-shattering, they were like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing ripples.

"What did you say?" Aunt Wang, Ding Ma and Li Qin asked in unison.

"You heard right!"

Sitting next to Ding Qiunan, Li Qin grabbed her arm: "Qiunan, you mean Yueyue already has it?"

It's no wonder Li Qin is so excited, this is a big issue related to the succession of their old Li family.

"Sister, how can you be so exaggerated, it's only been a few days, even if you have it now, it's impossible to know, but it's true that the two of them have already lived together when they go out this time."

"This brat, how dare he act recklessly!"

Looking at the pretending Li Qin, Aunt Wang curled her lips: "Okay, Xiaoqin, don't perform in front of the old lady, just have fun if you want to."

Li Qin smiled awkwardly: "Auntie, how can I have fun, I'm really angry that this brat doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"Come on." Aunt Wang waved her hand: "Okay, my old lady is in charge, let the two children get married as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, Wenxuan's current files have been transferred to the army? You should be able to get married." Ding Ma, who had been silent all this time, also said.

"Mom, Auntie, don't worry about this matter, marrying the two children, that's for sure.

But you can't just let this brat go so easily, you have to let him realize his mistake and let him know the seriousness of the problem, otherwise you don't know what kind of trouble he will make in the future. "

Li Qin nodded thoughtfully: "You're right to think so, the road this child will take in the future is not an ordinary road, and he can't be so frizzy anymore."

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