Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 331 Weird

He walked out of the family area with the two children in his arms and came to the back door of the hospital, where he saw Ding Qiunan standing there with a smile on his face, waiting for them.

Wenhui and Wenxuan also saw their mother, struggling to get their father to let them go down, and ran to their mother.

When Ding Qiunan saw the children running over, he knelt down and opened his hands, hugged the children in his arms, and kissed each of them on the cheek.

Only then did she realize that there were still tears on her son's face.

"What's wrong with Xuanxuan?" Ding Qiunan took out a handkerchief and wiped his son's face.

"Mom, it hurts when I fell down." He said and stretched out his little hand for my mother to see.

Ding Qiunan's heart ached so much for his son's red palm, he grabbed his little hand and blew on his son a few times.

This is terrible, Xiao Wenxuan burst into tears of grievance.

Wen Hui saw her father approaching, ran over to let her be picked up, leaned into her father's ear and whispered, "Dad, my brother is crying again."

Li Chu really had a headache looking at his son who was wiping tears in Ding Qiunan's arms.

The son is a bit squeamish, but this daughter is really solid.Why can't they switch it up?

Ding Qiunan coaxed him for a long time before he comforted his son. Looking at her husband who was standing beside her with his daughter in his arms, Ding Qiunan shook his head helplessly.

After returning home, Wenxuan had already recovered, and happily played in the yard with his sister again.

Ding Qiunan and Li Chu got into the kitchen and started cooking, and they had to go back to the courtyard after dinner. This morning, the uncle asked someone to bring a message and asked them to go there in the afternoon, but they didn't know what happened.

After eating, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan led the children to the courtyard.

Xiao Hei also followed. Li Chu usually does not take Xiao Bai and Xiao Hua with him when he goes out. They are too lively and mess around. Li Chu is not worried about them biting people, but he is afraid of scaring others by running around like this. After all, these three dogs None of them are puppies, and their front hooves are almost as tall as an adult.

The food at home was good, and the three dogs were all strong, so it was scary to take them out.Xiao Hei is very obedient, he just follows his master and doesn't run around, and he doesn't worry about taking it out.

Turning into the alley on the side of the courtyard, Li Chu felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Now that the weather is hot, many people in the alley sit at the gate of the courtyard and talk about the mountains after eating.

But what do these people mean when they gather together and whisper and point at the courtyard?

Ding Qiunan also felt that something was wrong, turned to look at her husband, his eyes seemed to ask him what's going on?

Li Chu shrugged, he was at a loss now.

Saying hello to these old neighbors in the alley, the two of them walked into the yard.

After entering the yard, the weird feeling became more obvious.

Not only was it weird, but the courtyard was surprisingly quiet. The two of them did not stay in the front yard, but went directly to the middle courtyard. Ding Qiunan led the two children to the backyard to visit Lou Xiaoe, while Li Chu asked loudly, "Master, are you at home?" ?”

"Xiao Chu is here, come in quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the uncle opened the door curtain and came out.

Li Chu followed into the house and found that there were a bunch of people sitting in the first uncle's house, the second uncle and third uncle Xu Damao, and the old lady in the backyard were all there.

After saying hello to the people in the room and sitting down, Li Chu asked, "What's wrong with this? Why did you ask me to come here?"

The third master took the lead and said: "It's this little Chu, isn't Zhuzi interested in Qin Huairu, but I don't know how to let her mother-in-law know, her mother-in-law made a lot of trouble last night, looking for death and life, no matter how much I can't persuade her Stay, toss half the night last night."

He came, he came, he came with the wind.

It's abnormal if you don't make trouble, Li Chu murmured in his heart.

"Why did those three uncles call me over?"

Xu Damao was quietly winking at him all the time, Li Chu saw it, and asked calmly.

No one said anything for a long time, and the old lady in the backyard couldn't hold back and said, "Xiao Chu, I came here to see if you can do something to make Qin Huairu's mother-in-law agree."

"What?" Li Chu stared at the old lady with wide eyes.

He thought he heard it wrong, but the old lady said it again, and then he was sure that he heard it right.

Li Chu turned his head to look at the three silent elders, and at Xu Damao who was struggling to hold back his laughter, and couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Whoever came up with such a bad idea, let's see what he can do. He can have a fart way.

Persuading widows to remarry is going to be struck by lightning, okay?Not to mention that there is a mother-in-law and three children in the family.

"You three leaders in the courtyard can't do anything, what can I do as a young man."

At this time, Li Chu accidentally noticed that the old lady gave the uncle a wink.

The uncle hesitated for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly and said: "Xiao Chu, didn't your family Qiu Nan find a job for Qin Huai Ru's family at that time? We just want to see if you can persuade Aunt Jia."

Now Li Chu really didn't know what to say. Looking at the calm look of the third master, he knew that he would definitely not get involved in this matter.That's right, the third master generally seldom participates in things that don't take advantage.

As for the second uncle, Aunt Jia will definitely not give face to this kind of thing, and the second uncle will definitely not push forward with matters that affect his leadership authority.

Therefore, the people who came to him must be the old lady and the uncle in the backyard. This is digging a hole for him to jump in.

"Master, I can't take care of this matter, let alone I don't live in this courtyard now, even if I still live here, I can't take care of it.

Why should I, a young man, tell Aunt Jia to ask her daughter-in-law to remarry?I don't think my face is that big yet. "

Li Chu didn't hesitate, and refused directly.

Xu Damao sat beside him and secretly gave a thumbs up.

Li Chu flatly refused, and the uncle was embarrassed to speak again, so he lit a cigarette and smoked.

Seeing that the old man stopped talking, the old lady couldn't help but said: "Xiao Chu, you see Zhuzi is about the same age as you. Your child is almost two years old and he is still single. You can help him."

"No, old lady, what does it matter to me whether He Yuzhu gets married or not? If he has a crush on someone else's wife, I have to help him? It doesn't make sense.

If you ask me to introduce someone to him, maybe there is still a slight possibility. You ask me to persuade the widow to remarry. Sorry, I really can't do this. "

The old lady still didn't give up, and continued to say: "Xiao Chu, your sister is not the director of our street office now, can you invite her to come and persuade Qin Huairu her mother-in-law, as a leader, your sister should also care about the lives of residents in the jurisdiction Well."

"Oh." The old lady's words made Li Chu laugh angrily: "Old lady, why did my sister come here to persuade other people's daughter-in-law to remarry? Just because she is the director of the street office? There is no law in this country that widows must remarry.

Old lady, you are the oldest person in this courtyard, you should come forward to do ideological work for Aunt Jia, Aunt Jia will definitely not stab you in front of your old lady. "

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