Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 323 Touching Porcelain

Li Chu turned on all the lights in the room, looked around carefully, but found nothing.

Now he was more and more sure that the reason for Xiao Hei's cry should be next door.

Let the daughter-in-law stay with the child in the living room, and cook after he comes back later.

Holding a flashlight and leading Xiao Hei, Li Chu walked out of the gate of his house.

The flashlight shone through, and he saw some papers scattered on the ground at the gate of Ran's house.

No way, recruiting thieves?

As soon as he walked to the gate of Ran's house, he saw the gate was open.

Li Chu took a flashlight to take photos on both sides of the alley, but he didn't see anyone.

He also felt something was wrong right now, even in winter, their alley couldn't be so quiet.

After hesitating for a while, he still stood at the door and shouted loudly: "Is there anyone at home, Xiao Yezi, are you not at home, I am Li Chu next door."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard rustling voices from inside, and just as he clenched the gun in his hand, a familiar voice came from inside.

"Is that Brother Li?" The voice was crying, and trembling.

"It's me, Little Leaf, what's wrong with you?"

With a "creak", the door of the main room was pulled open from the inside.

Li Chu walked a few steps into the yard, flashed his flashlight, and saw two sisters, Ran Qiuye and Ran Ziye, walking out of the house with each other's support.

"Mr. Ran, you are here too. I thought only Ye Zi was at home. Why didn't you turn on the lights? What happened at home? Where are Professor Ran and Professor Zhang?"

Li Chu asked several questions in one breath, why is the Ran family so strange today.

With a "wow", Ran Ziye burst into tears, and Ran Qiuye also began to wipe away tears.

The crying of the two sisters made him feel numb.

He didn't do anything, he just asked a few questions, why did he start crying, did he touch porcelain?

If others see this, they might not know what to think.

"Uh..." He really didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, although Ding Qiunan next door was at home, she had actually been paying attention to the movement here. She had heard her husband speak so loudly just now.

I couldn't stay at home, I didn't know what happened here, so I ran over with my two children, Xiaobai and Xiaohuang, leaving Xiaohua to watch the door.

"What's the matter, why are you still crying?"

Hearing his wife's voice behind him, Li Chu heaved a sigh of relief. Facing two crying girls alone, he really didn't know what to do.

"I didn't know why they were crying, so I asked them what happened at home, and they ended up like this."

Ding Qiunan asked the two children to stay with their father. She walked up to the sisters with a flashlight, reached out and patted Ran Ziye: "Ye Zi, don't be so busy crying, tell me what's wrong?"

As a result, Ran Ziye let go of her sister's arm, turned around and threw herself into her arms, crying louder.

Fortunately, Ran Qiuye wiped away the tears from her face at this moment, sobbing and telling what happened in her house.

After listening to her words, Li Chu let out a breath slowly, it started, finally started.

This matter must be done slowly, and he has no good solution, he can only let Ding Qiunan coax the two sisters to go to his house first.

There is no electricity here, and the people who came here in the morning, for some reason, broke the switch for their house, no wonder they stayed in the house without turning on the lights.

Ding Qiunan helped the two sisters walk to his home one by one.

Li Chu picked up the two children and followed behind.

"Father, why are Aunt Ye Zi and Aunt Qiu Ye crying? The aunt in the nursery told us that children who cry are not good children." Xiao Wenhui put her arms around her father's neck and said softly.

"Hui Hui, Aunt Ye Zi and Aunt Qiu Ye are crying because something happened at home. They are crying sadly, not crying."

Xiao Wenhui didn't understand what she heard, but she didn't ask again, but rested her head on her father's shoulder.

Walking out of the gate of Ran's house, Li Chu put the children on the ground, turned around and closed the gate, and locked it with the lock on the doorknob, regardless of whether the two sisters had the key.

When he brought the children into his living room, Ding Qiunan had already pulled the Ran sisters to sit on the sofa.

When they reached a bright place, Li Chu could see clearly that the eyes of the two sisters were as swollen as walnuts, and they probably cried all day at home.

He didn't say anything, and let the two children play by themselves. He got two glasses of water and put them on the coffee table, and then went to the kitchen to prepare for cooking.

Forget about ordering some dried noodles, there are still fried meat sausages in the refrigerator, meat sausages mixed with noodles, simple and fast.

The two sisters probably didn't eat for a day.

Thanks to Li Chu's early preparations, there were already a lot of noodles. The two sisters devoured so much that one bowl was not enough, and each of them ordered another bowl.

After eating, the two finally calmed down.

"Teacher Ran, tell me what happened this morning from beginning to end."

Li Chu didn't want to care about this at first, but after all, he was a neighbor, and he usually had a good relationship. Now that his family is in trouble, if he doesn't ask a word, it's somewhat unreasonable, so let's listen first.

Following Ran Qiuye's narration, her sister added that Li Chu finally figured out the whole context of the matter.

It seems that Professor Ran's students should have reported him.

In fact, he is also to blame. You go to class as soon as you go to class, and it’s fine if you don’t follow the textbook. What kind of experience studying abroad is it?

If one fails, Professor Ran and his wife will have to go with the cow this time.

According to what Ran Qiuye said just now, those people also confiscated several letters written in English from her home, but she didn't know the specific content of the letters.

Li Chu was already shocked by Professor Ran's flamboyant operation.

He couldn't figure out why those things were kept, so that's it, those people don't need to know what they wrote, just relying on this letter can ruin you.

"Oh..." Li Chu sighed, looking at the expectant eyes of the two sisters, he was quite speechless.

"Li Chu, can you find out where Professor Ran and the others were arrested?"

"I'll give it a try, but I may not be able to find it. I don't know anyone in that unit."

"Thank you, Brother Li."

Hey, for his parents, Ran Qiuye was able to call him that, but he was always called Dr. Li before.

"Don't rush to thank me, I may not be able to find it, I can only try, and it will be tomorrow." Li Chu waved his hands hastily, he didn't want to be kidnapped, so let's talk about the ugly first.

"It's good to be able to help. There is nothing we sisters can do."

"Okay, Qiu Nan, let's talk, I'll wash the two children."

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