, Siheyuan is living well

"By the way, Xiao Chu, one of my comrades-in-arms said that he wanted to go to your place to see the dog."

Li Chu looked at Zhang Meng strangely: "My dogs are all gone, and only the big dog is left. What does he want to see?"

"Cough" Zhang Meng smiled embarrassedly at Ding Qiunan, pulled Li Chu aside and said in a low voice, "He heard from me that you have many dogs, and wanted to see if you could give up one of the big ones."

"Brother Meng, are you kidding me?"


"Brother Meng, you know, the last time you took away the puppy, our family almost rioted, and you still want to take away the big dog that grew up with my two children. What are you thinking?"

"They are from the Security Bureau. They have been looking for some good dogs. They went to my house a few days ago and saw how smart my dog ​​is, so they called the attention of the dog mother and dog father."

Zhang Meng is really a little embarrassed, after all, he provoked this matter.

Li Chu waved his hand: "It's impossible, it's not possible at all, let them give up their hearts, at most wait for Xiaobai to regenerate in the future, and see if we can give them one or two. As for the four dogs in our family now, everyone It doesn't work."

"I didn't hear you complain last time that there were too many dogs at home."

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"I'm complaining. Those four dogs are like my family now. Brother Meng, who have you seen give away their family members?"

"This..." Zhang Meng was stunned speechless.

"Brother Meng, I'm sorry, but you don't have to bring them over. Forgive me for not accepting them. There is no need to discuss this matter."

After speaking, he turned his head and entered the house.

Well, Zhang Meng could tell that Li Chu was a little unhappy, and he was also stingy.

I'd better find a way to make amends later, and it can't affect the relationship between them because of this matter.

Uncle Wang was sitting on the sofa in the living room talking to Wang Ziwen, when he saw Li Chuchu walking in with a face, he asked.

"What's the matter, don't you want to come here?"

"Uncle, don't be joking, how could you not want to come over, it's something else."

Uncle Wang's question made everyone in the room see that Li Chu's expression was not good.

"Brother, what's the matter, wasn't it fine just now?"

"It's nothing, just outside just now, Brother Meng told me that someone wanted to hit my dog."

"Dog?" Wang Bing was a little confused. He didn't know that Li Chu's family had several dogs.

"Ah, at that time, your sister-in-law and I just got married. We picked up a dog outside and kept it. Now we have four dogs at home."

"Well, Xiao Bing, Xiao Chu's dogs are really good, obedient, and human." Aunt Wang also said at the same time.

"Why didn't I know you could train dogs?"

"I will train a fart. That dog may be a better breed. It is smart in itself. I have never trained it at all."

"Well, you have self-knowledge." Uncle Wang said suddenly.

"I know what you said. Lao Song mentioned it to me before, but I refused. I didn't expect them to find Xiaomeng. You don't need to worry about him. I don't believe they dare to be tough."

After Uncle Wang finished speaking, he raised his voice and called Zhang Meng who was still in the courtyard to come in.

"Xiao Meng, tell your comrade-in-arms clearly. Just say that I said it. If anyone dares to attack Xiao Chu's dog, I will take his skin off. If you have the ability to raise it yourself, no one outside will want it." It’s not that there are no dogs, pick them up and train them, and just want someone else to keep them for a few years, it’s really playing the piano.”

Standing there, Zhang Meng didn't dare to say a single unnecessary word, he could only nod his head in agreement.

Wang Qi sat on the sofa at one side, quietly watching several people in the room.

Her mind is a mess now, why is it completely different from what she understands.

Who is this Li Chu? Wang Bing called him brother, and Wang Bing's father was uncle, but they didn't have the same surname. What's the situation?

Besides, Wang Bing is almost thirty, so why call a man in his early twenties Brother.

At this time, she saw Wang Bing's mother, and the woman she wanted to call sister-in-law walked into the kitchen, and the older sister also went in.He hurriedly stood up, spoke to Wang Bing, and walked towards the kitchen.

Going to the kitchen must be cooking, she is too embarrassed to sit there, and there are only a few men left in the living room.

Several men were sitting in the living room chatting all over the world.

Don't worry about the three children, Wenhui and Wenxuan took good care of the little sister.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, Wang Jun and Li Qiaoyun also arrived home.

The house was very lively for a while, except that Wang Zhan couldn't come back in the Northwest, it was nothing.

After the lively meal, except for Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang, the rest of the people turned to Li Chu's side again.

"Good guy, brother, you have such a beautiful dog, I'm envious just looking at it."

Li Chu went up and slapped Wang Bing on the back of the head.

"I think your kid is not greedy, but greedy. Don't think about my dog."


His words made everyone laugh.

Without the presence of their elders, they appear freer.

Li Chu found that his niece seemed to be a little gloomy all the time today.

"Jiayuan, come, come to me."

Wang Jiayuan, who was lowering her head not knowing what she was thinking, heard a voice calling her, raised her head and found that it was her uncle calling her, and came over carrying a ponytail.

"Tell me, what happened?" Li Chu asked softly.

Jiayuan is now a 15-year-old girl, and it is not suitable for her to be hugged on her lap like before.

"Uncle, our school is closed now."

"Well, I know, but now that high schools are closed, what's the problem?"

Jiayuan raised her head and looked at Li Chu: "Uncle, many students have signed up two days ago, and they are going to the countryside to show their talents and respond to the leader's call to support rural construction, but my mother and father do not agree with me to go."

"It's coming, it's still coming."

Li Chu muttered to himself.

"Do you really want to go to Jiayuan? Tell me what you think."

Jiayuan turned her head and glanced at her mother, with a timid expression on her face.

Seeing this, Li Chu held his niece's arm, and the two of them sat a little further away from the parting people.

"Well, tell me now. Let's talk quietly so they can't hear you."

Ding Qiunan looked at her husband curiously, then turned around and continued chatting.

"Uncle, my classmates all said that since we have learned knowledge, we should go to the countryside to show our skills. But my mother told me that life in the countryside is very hard and she won't let me go. Our classmates saw that I didn't sign up, and they didn't want to go. Willing to play with me. I don't know what to do now."

Li Chu smiled slightly, and raised his hand to rub his niece's hair.

"Jiayuan, put aside the persuasion of your classmates, and don't care whether your mother said it was hard or not, what do you think in your heart?"

"I..." Jiayuan blushed a little embarrassedly: "I actually don't really want to go."

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