"Wang Tehu, give me the prescription, and I'll adjust it a little."

Walking into the office, Li Chu spoke directly.

"Secretary Zhang, you usually get more fresh fruit for the chief, and then tell the small cafeteria to make as much celery, leeks, wax gourd, kelp, etc. as possible during the time given to the chief, oh, and cabbage, cauliflower, etc. radish.

Remember to use less oil, less salt and less spicy. Those pickled pickles must not be eaten, and it is best not to eat overnight meals. "

As Li Chu said, Secretary Zhang sat aside and wrote quickly with a notebook.

Seeing that Li Chu stopped talking, Secretary Zhang handed over the notebook.

"Director Li, see if I remember right."

Li Chu took the notebook and read it carefully, took out a pen and signed his name on it.

He took the prescription from Wang Tehu and prescribed a new one. As usual, after the prescription was finished, he signed his name on the bottom.

After finishing all this, Li Chu thought carefully again to see if there was anything missing.

After confirming that all instructions had arrived, Secretary Zhang sent a car to take him back.

When he arrived at the hospital, his class time had passed long ago, and he went straight back to his office.

There are many manuscript papers spread out on the desk, and a large stack of thick books is also piled up on the desk.

He has already begun writing the book on the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine that he plans to rewrite.

Before Lin Sanshou took away his detailed outline, he invited many famous experts in traditional Chinese medicine to discuss it. Everyone also modified his detailed outline to a certain extent, but overall it is quite acceptable.

Many people even dragged Lin Sanshou to bring Li Chu some photocopied versions of the only books on traditional Chinese medicine.

He hadn't read many of the materials he brought.

As Li Chu's status is getting higher and higher, one of the most obvious benefits is that those famous Chinese medicine experts who didn't like him before have now begun to recognize some of his ideas.

Sit on the chair behind the desk, and organize the scattered manuscript papers on the desk according to the numbers.

I flipped through the content I wrote before, took out the pen, and continued to write.

Just as it was being written, the door of the office was opened with a key from the outside, awakening Li Chu who was immersed in it.

Only then did he notice that it was time to get off work.

"Didn't you hear the bell for getting off work?" Ding Qiunan asked after seeing her husband lying on the table seriously writing something.

"It's already six o'clock, I really didn't pay attention to the time." Li Chu raised his hand to look at the time, and hurriedly tidied up the things on the table and put them into the drawer.

"Let's buy some food in the cafeteria and go home. I heard from them that they seem to have burned ribs this afternoon."

Seeing his daughter-in-law's greedy appearance, Li Chu smiled: "Okay, buy two more, those two little guys must be greedy too."

After hearing her husband's words, Ding Qiunan laughed like a fox who stole a chicken.

Li Chu shook his head amusedly, the food at home is usually pretty good, how come the canteen only cooks dishes with meat, and the daughter-in-law can't move her legs.

"If there is nothing to do tomorrow, I will go to the hospital over there to find Squad Leader Li and ask him to buy some pork ribs for us, and then buy some pig's trotters, pig's head, etc., to marinate."

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Ding Qiunan frantically lit his little head.

It is just his excuse to ask Squad Leader Li for help. Tomorrow, if he finds time to go back, he can just take out some meat from the warehouse.

There may be more meat piled up in his warehouse than in the average slaughterhouse.

After tidying up the things on the table, he took off the satchel from the hook on the wall and put it on his back, walked to her side and rubbed his hair.

"Let's go, daughter-in-law, go to the cafeteria to buy food."

"Oh, it messed up my hair again." Ding Qiunan waved his big hand away.

After buying the vegetables, pick up the children and return home.

When the door was opened, the four dogs of the family stood behind the door to welcome them.

Three of Xiaobai's four puppies have been given away.

In the first two days after sending it out, Xiao Tiantian lay in the nest holding the only one left, and never came out of the nest except to eat.

Wenhui and Wenxuan cried hard for half the night, seeing the child's sad appearance, Ding Qiunan was in a hurry with Li Chu for the first time since they got married.

But Li Chu felt more of a novelty.

It was the first time he saw his daughter-in-law angry with him.

The two children are already four years old, and it was the first time that they fell asleep after being coaxed for a long time this night.

Sending out three puppies, let him experience so many firsts, is also a good experience.

But Ding Qiunan's temperament was only at that moment, after the child fell asleep, she took the initiative to apologize.

The result of the apology was that when Li Chu got up the next morning, he rubbed his waist again.

The one born by Xiaobai has been five months old, and it is exactly the same as Xiaohua in terms of coat color. The two children decided to name it this time, Xiaohuang.

Well, very Li Chu's demeanor.

The four dogs in the family have already annoyed Li Chu to the core. He even wants to find someone to castrate them all, and it feels a bit inhumane.

It is a big problem for the four of them to eat every day. They eat more than Li Chu and his family of four.

That is to say, if you meet a good master and put it in someone else's house, you will probably starve to death long ago.

The two children went to play with the dog when they entered the door.

The two adults came to the kitchen and started cooking.

Ding Qiunan was in charge of cooking for their family of four, and Li Chu started making buns for the dog.

That's right, they are specially made buns for them, and they are still stuffed with meat.

Although the meat is not good meat, his dog is already better than many other people's.

By the time the buns were finished, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

After cooling the buns on the chopping board, I found a big cloth bag and put them in a big cloth bag. Now that it's cold, I'm not afraid it will go bad.

"Oh my God, I'm exhausted." Back in the living room and sitting on the sofa, Li Chu sighed.

After steaming more than 200 steamed buns, it’s no wonder I’m not tired.

Ding Qiunan glanced at her husband with a smile: "Then shall I give you a massage?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Wenxuan, who was sitting on the blanket and building blocks with her sister, stood up.

"I'll come, Mom, and I'll massage Dad."

After speaking, Sarah ran to Li Chu's side with her slippers on, and beat his legs with her small fists.

"Oh, my son is awesome, he will give daddy a massage, come on, give him a kiss, mua."

Seeing that my younger brother was praised by his father, how can this work, Xiao Wenhui also ran over.

She climbed straight onto the couch and started hammering Dad's shoulders.

"Dad, Dad, I will too."

"Well, my daughter is awesome too, she's really Daddy's little padded jacket. Come and kiss me too, mua!"

Watching the loving interaction between father and son, Ding Qiunan sat aside and laughed.

The two children were well educated by their husbands, obedient and sensible.

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