Within a few minutes, he rang the bell and left work.

Ding Qiunan and a female colleague who looked about the same age came out talking and laughing.

Seeing her husband waiting at the door, Ding Qiunan greeted her colleagues and walked over.

Her colleague glanced curiously at the ordinary-looking Li Chu.

It seems that some people don't understand why Ding Qiunan, who is so beautiful and has such good skin, married such a guy.

But this also let her know that the lover of this new colleague is also working in the general hospital.

Ding Qiunan just arrived at the pharmacy this morning, and the eyes of the former gay men started to glow green.

Later, when people introduced themselves and said that the child was almost four years old, it was like pouring a pot of cold water on the head.

"Let's go, let's eat in the cafeteria." Li Chu looked at his wife in military uniform and said with a smile.

"Has your office been packed?"

"Uncle Lin has asked someone to clean it up. I'll give you the key later. You can still go to take a lunch break after eating. I will go to class at [-]:[-] noon."

"Do you not rest at noon?" Ding Qiunan asked in surprise.

"No rest, those students who come to study have a very tight schedule."

After coming to the cafeteria to finish the meal, seeing that the dining tables in the cafeteria were almost empty, Li Chu led his wife directly to the private room at the back and sat down.

On the side of the main hospital, there were originally three canteens, large, medium and small.

The small canteen is for the leaders of the hospital, and the middle canteen is for the middle-level cadres in the hospital.

But now is a special period, and the small and medium canteens have been closed, leaving only the big canteen.

But after the meal is finished, these leaders, big and small, can eat in the private room behind instead of crowding the big table outside.

Originally, Ding Qiunan's female colleague was planning to squeeze in with them, but she just watched helplessly as she went to eat in the private room at the back, and the guard at the door didn't stop her. How could she not know that the lover of this new colleague is a leader.

After dinner, Li Chu led his wife to his office, and gave her a key to rest here.

He himself carried the tea mug full of water and the book on the basics of Chinese medicine to the large conference room at the back of the hospital, which was specially used for teaching.

Many students have already come in the classroom, Li Chu did not sit on the podium, but sat in the middle aisle seat in the first row.

There are more than 130 students who have come to study this year, and half of them have come here at this moment. They are all sitting in their seats and reading books seriously.

There are seven NO.80 people sitting in the huge classroom, and indeed only the sound of flipping books can be heard.

One after another, people walked into the classroom quickly, and they were very conscious that no one spoke. Occasionally, there were one or two who spoke softly, and the exchange was also the content of learning.

"Comrade, where is your seat, we are all arranged according to it?"

Li Chu, who was reading a book, didn't notice that there were two people standing beside him.

Hearing the sound, he closed the book and stood up, and nodded apologetically to the two lesbians standing beside the desk.

"I'm really sorry, you can sit down." After speaking, Li Chu walked out of the seat and looked back, and it was basically full.

Due to the movement in front, the people who were reading at the back raised their heads and looked over.

Picking up his own books and tea mug on the desk, Li Chu went directly to the podium and sat on his chair.

Gu Yu

The students below seemed to be stunned for a moment, and the whole classroom was silent.

Raising his hand to look at the time, it was already one o'clock. Li Chu cleared his throat and said, "Okay, the time is up, class starts."

"You don't know me. I'm your substitute teacher for the basics of Chinese medicine this year. My name is Li Chu, and I'm the deputy director of the Chinese medicine department of our general hospital."

With that said, he stood up and took the chalk, and wrote his name on the blackboard behind him.

The students below were extremely broken inside.

Come to teach them at such a young age, and you are still a deputy director, so it's fake.

Li Chu's face is really deceptive, it looks like he is in his early twenties.

According to his face, none of the students below is younger than him.

After all, it is an army, the discipline is still very strong, shock is shocking, but no one whispers to each other, they all sit there straight.

"Let me ask first, comrades, is there anyone who has studied Chinese medicine before? If so, raise your hand and let me see."

In a classroom of more than 100 people, only three people raised their hands.

Li Chu nodded and motioned for them to put their hands down.

Fortunately, within his expectations.

Sitting in his chair, he put the distributed book aside.

"You don't need to open the book that was handed out, I said, remember."

The students below hurriedly closed their books, took out their pens, and opened their notebooks, ready to record what Li Chu said at any time.

"Traditional Chinese medicine sees a doctor. In fact, we say three little fingers, a small pillow, and a small tongue. This disease basically comes out."

As he spoke, Li Chu took out the pulse pillow he had brought and lifted it up.

"This is the little pillow I was talking about, also called pulse pillow."

He raised his hand again: "The three little fingers refer to the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger. As for the little tongue, you have your own."

"What do these three little fingers do? They take the pulse. Our traditional Chinese medicine says that the three fingers of the left hand are the heart, liver and kidney, and the lungs and spleen of the right hand.

A pulse, basically the problem of the internal organs came out.Because Chinese medicine sees a doctor by looking, smelling, and asking, and I think everyone has heard of these things. This cutting is to feel the pulse, also called pulse.Chinese medicine sees a doctor based on the eight principles of syndrome differentiation, whether it is yin or yang, whether it is deficiency or excess, whether you are cold or hot, if you are hot, you will be treated with cold, if you are cold, you will be treated with heat, if you are deficient, you will be treated with tonic, and if you are excess, you will be treated with venting. "

Speaking here, Li Chu paused for a while, took a sip of water, and then continued.

"What do you mean, if your pulse is fast, it means there is heat, you should clear away the heat, if your pulse is slow, it is cold, you should go to warm the yang, to expel the cold.

If you are empty, then the pulse condition is weak, and you need to make up for the empty. If the pulse is stringy and slippery, it is solid, and you need to vent it.

Therefore, in Chinese medicine, in the simplest terms, taking the pulse can reveal the deficiency and excess of your internal organs. Cold and heat are on the outside, and floating pulse means the disease is on the outside.

Of course, it is not as simple as it is said. I will talk about how to distinguish the pulse condition in detail later. "

After taking another sip of water, Li Chu looked at the students below and asked, "How about it, comrades, can you write it down?"

The students below all nodded. He didn't speak fast. As long as he was serious, he could keep up and write it down.

"Let's talk about the tongue, this tongue. It is very important in Chinese medicine. It is equivalent to an inspection instrument."

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