Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 285 Introduction

Lou Xiao'e hugged the son in her arms, and thought for a while: "Sister Qiunan went to play at home that day, and it happened that the second uncle was beating the child at home, so she told me that brother Chu told her about this second uncle, this person In order to become an official, you will do everything you can.”

At that time, Ding Qiunan said it casually, but Lou Xiaoe didn't really understand the meaning of this sentence.

But these words were deafening to Lou's father and Xu Damao's ears like spring thunder.

They both understood why Li Chu asked to pay attention to this man.

Earlier, Xu Damao introduced that this person is an official fan. There are many people who are quite official, and almost everyone wants to be an official.

So it didn't attract Dad Lou's attention.

But Lou Xiaoe said that this person may use all means in order to become an official, which has a completely different meaning.

Lou's father glanced at his son-in-law: "Da Mao, you should listen to Dr. Li and pay more attention to that person. You understand our family's situation, so don't dare to make trouble anymore."

"Don't worry Dad, I understand." Xu Damao's alcoholism has completely dissipated.

He is now one with Lou's family, not to mention anything else, for the sake of his wife and two children, he can't let anyone hurt them.

When Li Chu and his family of four returned home, Ding Qiunan was busy changing his clothes.

On the next Friday, the two came to the hospital and handed over all the work here.

Since then, the two of them have officially left the hospital.

After get off work in the afternoon, he brought the child to Uncle Wang's house and accepted Uncle Wang's instructions.

I didn't go anywhere on Saturday, and my family of four stayed at home. Ding Qiunan was still busy changing his clothes, and he had to wear them for work on Monday.

Tomorrow they plan to go back to the child's grandma's house, and she has to get her clothes done today.

After breakfast, I was thinking about taking the children out for a walk, when Professor Ran and his wife Professor Zhang next door came together.

"Please take a seat, Professor Ran and Professor Zhang, you two are here..."

Li Chu is a little strange, we are neighbors, and we usually get along well, but Professor Ran and his wife have never visited together.

"This is Dr. Li. There is a teacher in Qiuye's school who introduced her to someone. We are not familiar with the man, but Dr. Li, you should know the man, so we want to ask you to find out who this man is. How about it."

"I know you?" Li Chu was a little confused, he really wanted to ask how did you know that I knew you?

"Oh, Dad, Mom, why are you looking for Dr. Li? I've already said that I don't want to."

At this moment, Ran Qiuye came over and kept talking.

"You child, how old are you, and you still don't want to. Let's ask Dr. Li, if possible, you can meet, whether you are willing or not, we have to wait until we meet." Ran's mother said something to her daughter. dissatisfied.

Ding Qiunan couldn't sit still in the house anymore, other people's family of three had come to her house, as the hostess, she couldn't even show her face.

After she came out, she looked at her husband and asked what was going on with her eyes?

Li Chu shrugged his shoulders, but he didn't understand.

Since you are here, don't leave, Ran Qiuye was pulled by her mother and sat down.

She was also full of helplessness and a little embarrassment.

Ding Qiunan poured a glass of water for the three of them, and sat down next to her husband.

Seeing that they stopped talking, Li Chu asked, "Professor Ran, you just said that I know the man, who is it?"

"Qiu Ye, quickly tell Dr. Li about the situation."

"Mom~" Ran Qiuye was a little reluctant.

"This child, be obedient. Let's inquire about the situation. If possible, it's okay to meet."


It can be seen that Professor Ran and his wife are extremely troubled by their eldest daughter's marriage.

That's right, Ran Qiuye is 24 and five, and there are many people who introduced her to her, but she didn't like any of them, and now she looks like an old girl, can the old couple not be in a hurry?

Li Chu was a little annoyed by their family's ink marks.

It's a waste of time with me early in the morning.

"Teacher Ran, who is it?"

"This..." Ran Qiuye still found it hard to say.

"Doctor Li, Teacher Yan from Qiuye's school said to introduce her to someone who seems to be in their courtyard. I heard from Qiuye that you lived in the same courtyard as Teacher Yan before, so you want to come Ask about it."

Professor Ran couldn't stand it anymore, so he said it directly.

"Teacher Yan?" Li Chu was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at his wife.

"Is it the third master?" Ding Qiunan reminded softly.

"Oh, Mr. Ran, is this Mr. Yan called Yan Bugui?" Li Chu looked at Ran Qiuye and asked.

Ran Qiuye nodded embarrassingly.

Only then did Li Chu understand who he was introducing to her.

"Teacher Ran, is the person Yan Bugui wants to introduce to you called He Yuzhu?"

"Doctor Li, do you know?" Ran Qiuye looked at Li Chu in surprise, and felt that it was not good to stare at others like this, so he lowered his eyes again.

"Doctor Li, do you know this person?" Ran's mother was a little impatient.

"I know, of course I know." Li Chu said, and then looked at his wife, he didn't know what to say.

Ding Qiunan looked at her husband in surprise, she couldn't understand why the third master wanted to introduce He Yuzhu to Ran Qiuye.

The three members of Professor Ran's family looked at Li Chu, and Ran Qiuye couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

"I do know He Yuzhu, but..."

Li Chu was really in a dilemma, whether to tell the truth or something.

There is an old saying that it is better to tear down ten temples than ruin a marriage.

But Ran Qiuye and He Yuzhu were obviously not compatible.

Not to mention there is Qin Huairu there.

Even if you can succeed, I guess she will mess with you.

Ding Qiunan saw her husband's troubled appearance, of course she knew what was going on, so she took up the conversation directly.

"Professor Ran, Professor Zhang, and Teacher Ran, what should I say? This He Yuzhu is a cook in a steel factory, and his cooking skills are not bad. I heard that he has become the monitor of the chef team."

Hearing this, the eyes of Professor Ran and the old couple brightened a little. They were workers and monitors.

Although it is a cook, but the cook is good, it is impossible to starve the cook in any age.

But Ran Qiuye was different. As soon as she heard that the man was a cook, she immediately lost interest.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law took the matter over, Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief. He really had a headache as to how to introduce him.

Let's not tell the truth, sooner or later people will know about He Yuzhu and the widow, and they will definitely blame him for not explaining clearly.

Let's be honest, if He Yuzhu finds out about it in the future, he will definitely blame him, and maybe he will become an enemy. That person's head is like that.

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