Hearing what Li Chu asked the child, Jiang Li and Wu Xiaoliu looked at Nannan nervously.

Nannan frowned and shook her head: "Uncle, I don't miss Dad, he always bullies Mom."

"Then tell uncle, do you want a new father?"

Nanni looked at Li Chu with big eyes blinking: "Uncle, what does new dad mean? Is Uncle Six going to marry Mom?"

"Ninny, do you know what marriage means?"

"I know, just live with us."

Hey, who handed this in?

Li Chu raised his head and glanced at Jiang Li who was sitting opposite, but she shook her head slightly, indicating that she did not hand it over.

"Uncle, will the sixth uncle bully us like the old father did?"

Hearing the child's words, Li Chu's nose felt a little sour. How old is this? The child already has a shadow in his heart.

And Jiang Li's tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Ding Qiunan got up and sat next to her, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her in a low voice.

Wu Xiaoliu lowered his head and remained silent.

Even Wen Hui and Wen Xuan didn't go to play anymore, they ran up to their father and looked up at the little sister sitting on his father's lap.

"Ninny, can you ask Uncle Six yourself?"

After hearing Li Chu's words, Nannan looked at her mother, then at Wu Xiaoliu, and summoned up her courage to ask, "Six... Uncle Liu, will you treat Mom and Nannan well in the future?"

"Yes, I will." Wu Xiaoliu looked directly into the child's pure and innocent eyes, and nodded heavily.

A happy smile appeared on Nannan's face, she raised her small head and looked at Li Chu: "Uncle, can I be called Uncle Six's father in the future?"

"Yes, after she and your mother get married, you will call him father."

"Oh, I have a father!" Nannan clapped her little hands happily: "I will have a father in the future."

Jiang Li couldn't bear it anymore, leaned on Ding Qiunan's shoulder and cried.

Nannan hurriedly jumped from Li Chu's lap to the ground, ran to her mother, and snuggled up to her.

After a while, Jiang Li stopped crying.

Li Chu asked her daughter to lead Wenhui and Wenxuan to play on the swing.

"Sixth brother, since you and Xiaoli have already made a decision, you should tell my brother-in-law as soon as possible. As for your family, I don't know your situation. You can discuss it yourself."

"Don't worry, Xiao Chu, I'll go find brother Ziwen tomorrow." Wu Xiaoliu rubbed his hands excitedly.

Jiang Li had already walked out of the sadness just now, and lowered her head with a reddish face.

Ding Qiunan whispered teasing in her ear, making Jiang Li even more embarrassed.

After thinking about it, Li Chu still decided that Dad had some things to say beforehand, so as to avoid any conflicts in the future.

"Brother Six, I have to explain something clearly to you."

The three people across the table looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to say.

"Qiu Nan and I are both Jiang Li's natal family, you must never bully her in the future."

As soon as the words fell, Ding Qiunan continued: "That's right, brother six, if you dare to bully Xiaoli in the future, we will not agree."

Wu Xiaoliu shook his hands anxiously, "How could it be, it's impossible, it's impossible for me to bully their mother and daughter."

"That's best, you remember what you said." Li Chu stretched out his finger and pointed at Wu Xiaoliu.

"What's more, Xiao Li's body has not been well-conditioned before, so she is still taking medicine, and it is very likely that she will not be able to have children in the future. Have you considered this clearly?" Gu Yu

"I know this, Xiaoli told me that I don't care, and..." Wu Xiaoliu turned to look at the girl who was playing there, "That's my daughter."

This is actually what Li Chu is most worried about. He knows how obsessed people of this age are with having their own children.

Looking at the silent eye contact between Jiang Li and Wu Xiaoliu on the opposite side, Li Chu didn't say anything else, since others are willing, so he shouldn't be that villain, and hope they can be happy in the future.

The sky gradually darkened, Wu Xiaoliu and the three of them were sent away, standing at the gate, watching the three leaving figures, Ding Qiunan turned to look at her husband.

"Li Chu, are you not too optimistic about them?"

"Why do you say that?" Li Chu wondered why his daughter-in-law would ask such a question.

Ding Qiunan shook his head, turned around and walked towards the gate: "I can't tell, it's just a feeling that you don't like them very much."

Li Chu also walked into the yard, closed the gate and put the bolt on it.

"I only know that after Jiang Li, it is very likely that she will never be able to have children again. Now they are in the period of passionate love, and these things are not a problem, but after they really get married, what they live together is tea, rice, oil, salt, ginger and vinegar. Tea, these trivial things in life, it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps at that time, I hope they will still remember the feeling of being in love at that time."

Ding Qiunan sighed after hearing her husband's words.

Yeah, who knows what will happen when that happens.

"Maybe the family will be very happy in the future."

Li Chu nodded: "Yes, I also hope they can be happy."

After finishing speaking, he slipped the two sweaty little guys into the living room.

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble, sit on the blanket for a while obediently, and give you a bath later."

"Dad, my sister is going to school. She said it's fun in school. When can my brother and I go to school?"

At this time, Xiao Wenxuan was sitting on the blanket on the floor, and looked at his father.

"You two are still too young. You have to wait two or three years before you can go to school when you grow up."

"Dad, can you grow up quickly?"

"This can't be, everyone grows up slowly."

"But the aunt in the nursery said that if you eat well, you can grow up quickly."

"Auntie said..."

The two little guys sat on the blanket, snuggled up to their father, talking to each other, asking some weird questions.

Li Chu answered them patiently.

Ding Qiunan was sitting on the sofa doing needlework, mending the frayed places on the children's trousers, looking up at the three father and son on the ground from time to time, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be shaken off.

that's nice!

After bathing the two children, throw them on the bed and let them sleep by themselves.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Li Chu let out a long breath.

"Oh, where did they hear it? I don't know how to answer those strange questions in two years."

"I don't know how to answer now."

"It's the time for them to be curious, so it's important to answer their questions seriously."

"I've left all of this to you. I really can't handle it."

Li Chu looked at his daughter-in-law dumbfounded: "How can you be such a mother?"

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